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- function angMeas = calcMagAng(decl,gPhi,gPsi,gTheta,magX,magY,magZ,q0,q1,q2,q3)
- % This function was generated by the Symbolic Math Toolbox version 5.8.
- % 14-Jan-2015 16:51:18
- % Define rotation from magnetometer to sensor using a 312 rotation sequence
- Tms = calcTms(gPhi,gPsi,gTheta);
- % Define rotation from sensor to NED
- Tsn = Quat2Tbn([q0;q1;q2;q3]);
- % Define rotation from magnetometer to NED axes
- Tmn = Tsn*Tms;
- % rotate magentic field measured at top plate into nav axes
- magMeasNED = Tmn*[magX;magY;magZ];
- % the predicted measurement is the angle wrt magnetic north of the horizontal
- % component of the measured field
- angMeas = atan2(magMeasNED(2),magMeasNED(1)) - decl;