123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500 |
- '''
- parse a MAVLink protocol XML file and generate a Wireshark LUA dissector
- Copyright Holger Steinhaus 2012
- Released under GNU GPL version 3 or later
- Instructions for use:
- 1. python -m pymavlink.tools.mavgen --lang=WLua mymavlink.xml -o ~/.wireshark/plugins/mymavlink.lua
- 2. convert binary stream int .pcap file format (see ../examples/mav2pcap.py)
- 3. open the pcap file in Wireshark
- '''
- from __future__ import print_function
- from builtins import range
- import os
- import re
- from . import mavparse, mavtemplate
- t = mavtemplate.MAVTemplate()
- def lua_type(mavlink_type):
- if (mavlink_type=='char'):
- lua_t = 'uint8'
- else:
- lua_t = mavlink_type.replace('_t', '')
- return lua_t
- def type_size(mavlink_type):
- re_int = re.compile('^(u?)int(8|16|32|64)_t$')
- int_parts = re_int.findall(mavlink_type)
- if len(int_parts):
- return (int(int_parts[0][1]) // 8)
- elif mavlink_type == 'float':
- return 4
- elif mavlink_type == 'double':
- return 8
- elif mavlink_type == 'char':
- return 1
- else:
- raise Exception('unsupported MAVLink type - please fix me')
- def mavfmt(field):
- '''work out the struct format for a type'''
- map = {
- 'float' : 'f',
- 'double' : 'd',
- 'char' : 'c',
- 'int8_t' : 'b',
- 'uint8_t' : 'B',
- 'uint8_t_mavlink_version' : 'B',
- 'int16_t' : 'h',
- 'uint16_t' : 'H',
- 'int32_t' : 'i',
- 'uint32_t' : 'I',
- 'int64_t' : 'q',
- 'uint64_t' : 'Q',
- }
- if field.array_length:
- if field.type in ['char', 'int8_t', 'uint8_t']:
- return str(field.array_length)+'s'
- return str(field.array_length)+map[field.type]
- return map[field.type]
- def generate_preamble(outf):
- print("Generating preamble")
- t.write(outf,
- """
- -- Wireshark dissector for the MAVLink protocol (please see http://qgroundcontrol.org/mavlink/start for details)
- unknownFrameBeginOffset = 0
- local bit = require "bit32"
- mavlink_proto = Proto("mavlink_proto", "MAVLink protocol")
- f = mavlink_proto.fields
- -- from http://lua-users.org/wiki/TimeZone
- local function get_timezone()
- local now = os.time()
- return os.difftime(now, os.time(os.date("!*t", now)))
- end
- local signature_time_ref = get_timezone() + os.time{year=2015, month=1, day=1, hour=0}
- payload_fns = {}
- """ )
- def generate_body_fields(outf):
- t.write(outf,
- """
- f.magic = ProtoField.uint8("mavlink_proto.magic", "Magic value / version", base.HEX)
- f.length = ProtoField.uint8("mavlink_proto.length", "Payload length")
- f.incompatibility_flag = ProtoField.uint8("mavlink_proto.incompatibility_flag", "Incompatibility flag")
- f.compatibility_flag = ProtoField.uint8("mavlink_proto.compatibility_flag", "Compatibility flag")
- f.sequence = ProtoField.uint8("mavlink_proto.sequence", "Packet sequence")
- f.sysid = ProtoField.uint8("mavlink_proto.sysid", "System id", base.HEX)
- f.compid = ProtoField.uint8("mavlink_proto.compid", "Component id", base.HEX)
- f.msgid = ProtoField.uint24("mavlink_proto.msgid", "Message id", base.HEX)
- f.payload = ProtoField.uint8("mavlink_proto.payload", "Payload", base.DEC, messageName)
- f.crc = ProtoField.uint16("mavlink_proto.crc", "Message CRC", base.HEX)
- f.signature_link = ProtoField.uint8("mavlink_proto.signature_link", "Link id", base.DEC)
- f.signature_time = ProtoField.absolute_time("mavlink_proto.signature_time", "Time")
- f.signature_signature = ProtoField.bytes("mavlink_proto.signature_signature", "Signature")
- f.rawheader = ProtoField.bytes("mavlink_proto.rawheader", "Unparsable header fragment")
- f.rawpayload = ProtoField.bytes("mavlink_proto.rawpayload", "Unparsable payload")
- """)
- def generate_msg_table(outf, msgs):
- t.write(outf, """
- messageName = {
- """)
- for msg in msgs:
- assert isinstance(msg, mavparse.MAVType)
- t.write(outf, """
- [${msgid}] = '${msgname}',
- """, {'msgid':msg.id, 'msgname':msg.name})
- t.write(outf, """
- }
- """)
- def generate_msg_fields(outf, msg):
- assert isinstance(msg, mavparse.MAVType)
- for f in msg.fields:
- assert isinstance(f, mavparse.MAVField)
- mtype = f.type
- ltype = lua_type(mtype)
- count = f.array_length if f.array_length>0 else 1
- if mtype == 'char' and count > 1:
- count = 1
- ltype = 'string'
- for i in range(0,count):
- if count>1:
- array_text = '[' + str(i) + ']'
- index_text = '_' + str(i)
- else:
- array_text = ''
- index_text = ''
- t.write(outf,
- """
- f.${fmsg}_${fname}${findex} = ProtoField.${ftype}("mavlink_proto.${fmsg}_${fname}${findex}", "${fname}${farray} (${ftype})")
- """, {'fmsg':msg.name, 'ftype':ltype, 'fname':f.name, 'findex':index_text, 'farray':array_text})
- t.write(outf, '\n\n')
- def generate_field_dissector(outf, msg, field):
- assert isinstance(field, mavparse.MAVField)
- mtype = field.type
- size = type_size(mtype)
- ltype = lua_type(mtype)
- count = field.array_length if field.array_length>0 else 1
- if mtype == 'char':
- size = count
- count = 1
- for i in range(0,count):
- if count>1:
- index_text = '_' + str(i)
- else:
- index_text = ''
- t.write(outf,
- """
- if (truncated) then
- tree:add_le(f.${fmsg}_${fname}${findex}, 0)
- elseif (offset + ${fbytes} <= limit) then
- tree:add_le(f.${fmsg}_${fname}${findex}, buffer(offset, ${fbytes}))
- offset = offset + ${fbytes}
- elseif (offset < limit) then
- tree:add_le(f.${fmsg}_${fname}${findex}, buffer(offset, limit - offset))
- offset = limit
- truncated = true
- else
- tree:add_le(f.${fmsg}_${fname}${findex}, 0)
- truncated = true
- end
- """, {'fname':field.name, 'ftype':mtype, 'fmsg': msg.name, 'fbytes':size, 'findex':index_text})
- def generate_payload_dissector(outf, msg):
- assert isinstance(msg, mavparse.MAVType)
- t.write(outf,
- """
- -- dissect payload of message type ${msgname}
- function payload_fns.payload_${msgid}(buffer, tree, msgid, offset, limit)
- local truncated = false
- """, {'msgid':msg.id, 'msgname':msg.name})
- for f in msg.ordered_fields:
- generate_field_dissector(outf, msg, f)
- t.write(outf,
- """
- return offset
- end
- """)
- def generate_packet_dis(outf):
- t.write(outf,
- """
- -- dissector function
- function mavlink_proto.dissector(buffer,pinfo,tree)
- local offset = 0
- local msgCount = 0
- -- loop through the buffer to extract all the messages in the buffer
- while (offset < buffer:len())
- do
- msgCount = msgCount + 1
- local subtree = tree:add (mavlink_proto, buffer(), "MAVLink Protocol ("..buffer:len()..")")
- -- decode protocol version first
- local version = buffer(offset,1):uint()
- local protocolString = ""
- while (true)
- do
- if (version == 0xfe) then
- protocolString = "MAVLink 1.0"
- break
- elseif (version == 0xfd) then
- protocolString = "MAVLink 2.0"
- break
- elseif (version == 0x55) then
- protocolString = "MAVLink 0.9"
- break
- else
- protocolString = "unknown"
- -- some unknown data found, record the begin offset
- if (unknownFrameBeginOffset == 0) then
- unknownFrameBeginOffset = offset
- end
- offset = offset + 1
- if (offset < buffer:len()) then
- version = buffer(offset,1):uint()
- else
- -- no magic value found in the whole buffer. print the raw data and exit
- if (unknownFrameBeginOffset ~= 0) then
- if (msgCount == 1) then
- pinfo.cols.info:set("Unknown message")
- else
- pinfo.cols.info:append(" Unknown message")
- end
- size = offset - unknownFrameBeginOffset
- subtree:add(f.rawpayload, buffer(unknownFrameBeginOffset,size))
- unknownFrameBeginOffset = 0
- end
- return
- end
- end
- end
- if (unknownFrameBeginOffset ~= 0) then
- pinfo.cols.info:append("Unknown message")
- size = offset - unknownFrameBeginOffset
- subtree:add(f.rawpayload, buffer(unknownFrameBeginOffset,size))
- unknownFrameBeginOffset = 0
- -- jump to next loop
- break
- end
- -- some Wireshark decoration
- pinfo.cols.protocol = protocolString
- -- HEADER ----------------------------------------
- local msgid
- local length
- local incompatibility_flag
- if (version == 0xfe) then
- if (buffer:len() - 2 - offset > 6) then
- -- normal header
- local header = subtree:add("Header")
- header:add(f.magic, buffer(offset,1), version)
- offset = offset + 1
- length = buffer(offset,1)
- header:add(f.length, length)
- offset = offset + 1
- local sequence = buffer(offset,1)
- header:add(f.sequence, sequence)
- offset = offset + 1
- local sysid = buffer(offset,1)
- header:add(f.sysid, sysid)
- offset = offset + 1
- local compid = buffer(offset,1)
- header:add(f.compid, compid)
- offset = offset + 1
- pinfo.cols.src = "System: "..tostring(sysid:uint())..', Component: '..tostring(compid:uint())
- msgid = buffer(offset,1):uint()
- header:add(f.msgid, buffer(offset,1), msgid)
- offset = offset + 1
- else
- -- handle truncated header
- local hsize = buffer:len() - 2 - offset
- subtree:add(f.rawheader, buffer(offset, hsize))
- offset = offset + hsize
- end
- elseif (version == 0xfd) then
- if (buffer:len() - 2 - offset > 10) then
- -- normal header
- local header = subtree:add("Header")
- header:add(f.magic, buffer(offset,1), version)
- offset = offset + 1
- length = buffer(offset,1)
- header:add(f.length, length)
- offset = offset + 1
- incompatibility_flag = buffer(offset,1):uint()
- header:add(f.incompatibility_flag, buffer(offset,1), incompatibility_flag)
- offset = offset + 1
- local compatibility_flag = buffer(offset,1)
- header:add(f.compatibility_flag, compatibility_flag)
- offset = offset + 1
- local sequence = buffer(offset,1)
- header:add(f.sequence, sequence)
- offset = offset + 1
- local sysid = buffer(offset,1)
- header:add(f.sysid, sysid)
- offset = offset + 1
- local compid = buffer(offset,1)
- header:add(f.compid, compid)
- offset = offset + 1
- pinfo.cols.src = "System: "..tostring(sysid:uint())..', Component: '..tostring(compid:uint())
- msgid = buffer(offset,3):le_uint()
- header:add(f.msgid, buffer(offset,3), msgid)
- offset = offset + 3
- else
- -- handle truncated header
- local hsize = buffer:len() - 2 - offset
- subtree:add(f.rawheader, buffer(offset, hsize))
- offset = offset + hsize
- end
- end
- -- BODY ----------------------------------------
- -- dynamically call the type-specific payload dissector
- local msgnr = msgid
- local dissect_payload_fn = "payload_"..tostring(msgnr)
- local fn = payload_fns[dissect_payload_fn]
- local limit = buffer:len() - 2
- if (length) then
- length = length:uint()
- else
- length = 0
- end
- if (offset + length < limit) then
- limit = offset + length
- end
- if (fn == nil) then
- pinfo.cols.info:append ("Unknown message type ")
- subtree:add_expert_info(PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR, "Unknown message type")
- size = buffer:len() - 2 - offset
- subtree:add(f.rawpayload, buffer(offset,size))
- offset = offset + size
- else
- local payload = subtree:add(f.payload, msgid)
- pinfo.cols.dst:set(messageName[msgid])
- if (msgCount == 1) then
- -- first message should over write the TCP/UDP info
- pinfo.cols.info = messageName[msgid]
- else
- pinfo.cols.info:append(" "..messageName[msgid])
- end
- fn(buffer, payload, msgid, offset, limit)
- offset = limit
- end
- -- CRC ----------------------------------------
- local crc = buffer(offset,2)
- subtree:add_le(f.crc, crc)
- offset = offset + 2
- -- SIGNATURE ----------------------------------
- if (version == 0xfd and incompatibility_flag == 0x01) then
- local signature = subtree:add("Signature")
- local link = buffer(offset,1)
- signature:add(f.signature_link, link)
- offset = offset + 1
- local signature_time = buffer(offset,6):le_uint64()
- local time_secs = signature_time / 100000
- local time_nsecs = (signature_time - (time_secs * 100000)) * 10000
- signature:add(f.signature_time, buffer(offset,6), NSTime.new(signature_time_ref + time_secs:tonumber(), time_nsecs:tonumber()))
- offset = offset + 6
- local signature_signature = buffer(offset,6)
- signature:add(f.signature_signature, signature_signature)
- offset = offset + 6
- end
- end
- end
- """)
- def generate_epilog(outf):
- print("Generating epilog")
- t.write(outf,
- """
- -- bind protocol dissector to USER0 linktype
- wtap_encap = DissectorTable.get("wtap_encap")
- wtap_encap:add(wtap.USER0, mavlink_proto)
- -- bind protocol dissector to port 14550
- local udp_dissector_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
- udp_dissector_table:add(14550, mavlink_proto)
- """)
- def generate(basename, xml):
- '''generate complete python implemenation'''
- if basename.endswith('.lua'):
- filename = basename
- else:
- filename = basename + '.lua'
- msgs = []
- enums = []
- filelist = []
- for x in xml:
- msgs.extend(x.message)
- enums.extend(x.enum)
- filelist.append(os.path.basename(x.filename))
- for m in msgs:
- if xml[0].little_endian:
- m.fmtstr = '<'
- else:
- m.fmtstr = '>'
- for f in m.ordered_fields:
- m.fmtstr += mavfmt(f)
- m.order_map = [ 0 ] * len(m.fieldnames)
- for i in range(0, len(m.fieldnames)):
- m.order_map[i] = m.ordered_fieldnames.index(m.fieldnames[i])
- print("Generating %s" % filename)
- outf = open(filename, "w")
- generate_preamble(outf)
- generate_msg_table(outf, msgs)
- generate_body_fields(outf)
- for m in msgs:
- generate_msg_fields(outf, m)
- for m in msgs:
- generate_payload_dissector(outf, m)
- generate_packet_dis(outf)
- generate_epilog(outf)
- outf.close()
- print("Generated %s OK" % filename)