123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931 |
- '''
- parse a MAVLink protocol XML file and generate a python implementation
- Copyright Andrew Tridgell 2011
- Released under GNU GPL version 3 or later
- '''
- from __future__ import print_function
- from builtins import range
- import os
- import textwrap
- from . import mavtemplate
- t = mavtemplate.MAVTemplate()
- def generate_preamble(outf, msgs, basename, args, xml):
- print("Generating preamble")
- t.write(outf, """
- '''
- MAVLink protocol implementation (auto-generated by mavgen.py)
- Generated from: ${FILELIST}
- Note: this file has been auto-generated. DO NOT EDIT
- '''
- from __future__ import print_function
- from builtins import range
- from builtins import object
- import struct, array, time, json, os, sys, platform
- from ...generator.mavcrc import x25crc
- import hashlib
- HEADER_LEN_V2 = 10
- native_supported = platform.system() != 'Windows' # Not yet supported on other dialects
- native_force = 'MAVNATIVE_FORCE' in os.environ # Will force use of native code regardless of what client app wants
- native_testing = 'MAVNATIVE_TESTING' in os.environ # Will force both native and legacy code to be used and their results compared
- if native_supported and float(WIRE_PROTOCOL_VERSION) <= 1:
- try:
- import mavnative
- except ImportError:
- print('ERROR LOADING MAVNATIVE - falling back to python implementation')
- native_supported = False
- else:
- # mavnative isn't supported for MAVLink2 yet
- native_supported = False
- # some base types from mavlink_types.h
- class MAVLink_header(object):
- '''MAVLink message header'''
- def __init__(self, msgId, incompat_flags=0, compat_flags=0, mlen=0, seq=0, srcSystem=0, srcComponent=0):
- self.mlen = mlen
- self.seq = seq
- self.srcSystem = srcSystem
- self.srcComponent = srcComponent
- self.msgId = msgId
- self.incompat_flags = incompat_flags
- self.compat_flags = compat_flags
- def pack(self, force_mavlink1=False):
- if WIRE_PROTOCOL_VERSION == '2.0' and not force_mavlink1:
- return struct.pack('<BBBBBBBHB', ${PROTOCOL_MARKER}, self.mlen,
- self.incompat_flags, self.compat_flags,
- self.seq, self.srcSystem, self.srcComponent,
- self.msgId&0xFFFF, self.msgId>>16)
- return struct.pack('<BBBBBB', PROTOCOL_MARKER_V1, self.mlen, self.seq,
- self.srcSystem, self.srcComponent, self.msgId)
- class MAVLink_message(object):
- '''base MAVLink message class'''
- def __init__(self, msgId, name):
- self._header = MAVLink_header(msgId)
- self._payload = None
- self._msgbuf = None
- self._crc = None
- self._fieldnames = []
- self._type = name
- self._signed = False
- self._link_id = None
- def format_attr(self, field):
- '''override field getter'''
- raw_attr = getattr(self,field)
- if isinstance(raw_attr, bytes):
- raw_attr = raw_attr.decode("utf-8").rstrip("\\00")
- return raw_attr
- def get_msgbuf(self):
- if isinstance(self._msgbuf, bytearray):
- return self._msgbuf
- return bytearray(self._msgbuf)
- def get_header(self):
- return self._header
- def get_payload(self):
- return self._payload
- def get_crc(self):
- return self._crc
- def get_fieldnames(self):
- return self._fieldnames
- def get_type(self):
- return self._type
- def get_msgId(self):
- return self._header.msgId
- def get_srcSystem(self):
- return self._header.srcSystem
- def get_srcComponent(self):
- return self._header.srcComponent
- def get_seq(self):
- return self._header.seq
- def get_signed(self):
- return self._signed
- def get_link_id(self):
- return self._link_id
- def __str__(self):
- ret = '%s {' % self._type
- for a in self._fieldnames:
- v = self.format_attr(a)
- ret += '%s : %s, ' % (a, v)
- ret = ret[0:-2] + '}'
- return ret
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self.__eq__(other)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if other is None:
- return False
- if self.get_type() != other.get_type():
- return False
- # We do not compare CRC because native code doesn't provide it
- #if self.get_crc() != other.get_crc():
- # return False
- if self.get_seq() != other.get_seq():
- return False
- if self.get_srcSystem() != other.get_srcSystem():
- return False
- if self.get_srcComponent() != other.get_srcComponent():
- return False
- for a in self._fieldnames:
- if self.format_attr(a) != other.format_attr(a):
- return False
- return True
- def to_dict(self):
- d = dict({})
- d['mavpackettype'] = self._type
- for a in self._fieldnames:
- d[a] = self.format_attr(a)
- return d
- def to_json(self):
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- def sign_packet(self, mav):
- h = hashlib.new('sha256')
- self._msgbuf += struct.pack('<BQ', mav.signing.link_id, mav.signing.timestamp)[:7]
- h.update(mav.signing.secret_key)
- h.update(self._msgbuf)
- sig = h.digest()[:6]
- self._msgbuf += sig
- mav.signing.timestamp += 1
- def pack(self, mav, crc_extra, payload, force_mavlink1=False):
- plen = len(payload)
- if WIRE_PROTOCOL_VERSION != '1.0' and not force_mavlink1:
- # in MAVLink2 we can strip trailing zeros off payloads. This allows for simple
- # variable length arrays and smaller packets
- while plen > 1 and payload[plen-1] == chr(0):
- plen -= 1
- self._payload = payload[:plen]
- incompat_flags = 0
- if mav.signing.sign_outgoing:
- incompat_flags |= MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED
- self._header = MAVLink_header(self._header.msgId,
- incompat_flags=incompat_flags, compat_flags=0,
- mlen=len(self._payload), seq=mav.seq,
- srcSystem=mav.srcSystem, srcComponent=mav.srcComponent)
- self._msgbuf = self._header.pack(force_mavlink1=force_mavlink1) + self._payload
- crc = x25crc(self._msgbuf[1:])
- if ${crc_extra}: # using CRC extra
- crc.accumulate_str(struct.pack('B', crc_extra))
- self._crc = crc.crc
- self._msgbuf += struct.pack('<H', self._crc)
- if mav.signing.sign_outgoing and not force_mavlink1:
- self.sign_packet(mav)
- return self._msgbuf
- """, {'FILELIST': ",".join(args),
- 'PROTOCOL_MARKER': xml.protocol_marker,
- 'DIALECT': os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(basename))[0],
- 'crc_extra': xml.crc_extra,
- 'WIRE_PROTOCOL_VERSION': xml.wire_protocol_version})
- def generate_enums(outf, enums):
- print("Generating enums")
- outf.write('''
- # enums
- class EnumEntry(object):
- def __init__(self, name, description):
- self.name = name
- self.description = description
- self.param = {}
- enums = {}
- ''')
- wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent="", subsequent_indent=" # ")
- for e in enums:
- outf.write("\n# %s\n" % e.name)
- outf.write("enums['%s'] = {}\n" % e.name)
- for entry in e.entry:
- outf.write("%s = %u # %s\n" % (entry.name, entry.value, wrapper.fill(entry.description)))
- outf.write("enums['%s'][%d] = EnumEntry('%s', '''%s''')\n" % (e.name,
- int(entry.value), entry.name,
- entry.description))
- for param in entry.param:
- outf.write("enums['%s'][%d].param[%d] = '''%s'''\n" % (e.name,
- int(entry.value),
- int(param.index),
- param.description))
- def generate_message_ids(outf, msgs):
- print("Generating message IDs")
- outf.write("\n# message IDs\n")
- outf.write("MAVLINK_MSG_ID_BAD_DATA = -1\n")
- for m in msgs:
- outf.write("MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%s = %u\n" % (m.name.upper(), m.id))
- def byname_hash_from_field_attribute(m, attribute):
- strings = []
- for field in m.fields:
- value = getattr(field, attribute, None)
- if value is None or value == "":
- continue
- if attribute == 'units':
- if value[0] == "[":
- value = value[1:-1]
- strings.append('"%s": "%s"' % (field.name, value))
- return ", ".join(strings)
- def generate_classes(outf, msgs):
- print("Generating class definitions")
- wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ")
- for m in msgs:
- classname = "MAVLink_%s_message" % m.name.lower()
- fieldname_str = ", ".join(["'%s'" % s for s in m.fieldnames])
- ordered_fieldname_str = ", ".join(["'%s'" % s for s in m.ordered_fieldnames])
- fielddisplays_str = byname_hash_from_field_attribute(m, "display")
- fieldenums_str = byname_hash_from_field_attribute(m, "enum")
- fieldunits_str = byname_hash_from_field_attribute(m, "units")
- fieldtypes_str = ", ".join(["'%s'" % s for s in m.fieldtypes])
- outf.write("""
- class %s(MAVLink_message):
- '''
- %s
- '''
- id = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%s
- name = '%s'
- fieldnames = [%s]
- ordered_fieldnames = [%s]
- fieldtypes = [%s]
- fielddisplays_by_name = {%s}
- fieldenums_by_name = {%s}
- fieldunits_by_name = {%s}
- format = '%s'
- native_format = bytearray('%s', 'ascii')
- orders = %s
- lengths = %s
- array_lengths = %s
- crc_extra = %s
- unpacker = struct.Struct('%s')
- def __init__(self""" % (classname, wrapper.fill(m.description.strip()),
- m.name.upper(),
- m.name.upper(),
- fieldname_str,
- ordered_fieldname_str,
- fieldtypes_str,
- fielddisplays_str,
- fieldenums_str,
- fieldunits_str,
- m.fmtstr,
- m.native_fmtstr,
- m.order_map,
- m.len_map,
- m.array_len_map,
- m.crc_extra,
- m.fmtstr))
- for i in range(len(m.fields)):
- fname = m.fieldnames[i]
- if m.extensions_start is not None and i >= m.extensions_start:
- fdefault = m.fielddefaults[i]
- outf.write(", %s=%s" % (fname, fdefault))
- else:
- outf.write(", %s" % fname)
- outf.write("):\n")
- outf.write(" MAVLink_message.__init__(self, %s.id, %s.name)\n" % (classname, classname))
- outf.write(" self._fieldnames = %s.fieldnames\n" % (classname))
- for f in m.fields:
- outf.write(" self.%s = %s\n" % (f.name, f.name))
- outf.write("""
- def pack(self, mav, force_mavlink1=False):
- return MAVLink_message.pack(self, mav, %u, struct.pack('%s'""" % (m.crc_extra, m.fmtstr))
- for field in m.ordered_fields:
- if (field.type != "char" and field.array_length > 1):
- for i in range(field.array_length):
- outf.write(", self.{0:s}[{1:d}]".format(field.name, i))
- else:
- outf.write(", self.{0:s}".format(field.name))
- outf.write("), force_mavlink1=force_mavlink1)\n")
- def native_mavfmt(field):
- '''work out the struct format for a type (in a form expected by mavnative)'''
- map = {
- 'float': 'f',
- 'double': 'd',
- 'char': 'c',
- 'int8_t': 'b',
- 'uint8_t': 'B',
- 'uint8_t_mavlink_version': 'v',
- 'int16_t': 'h',
- 'uint16_t': 'H',
- 'int32_t': 'i',
- 'uint32_t': 'I',
- 'int64_t': 'q',
- 'uint64_t': 'Q',
- }
- return map[field.type]
- def mavfmt(field):
- '''work out the struct format for a type'''
- map = {
- 'float': 'f',
- 'double': 'd',
- 'char': 'c',
- 'int8_t': 'b',
- 'uint8_t': 'B',
- 'uint8_t_mavlink_version': 'B',
- 'int16_t': 'h',
- 'uint16_t': 'H',
- 'int32_t': 'i',
- 'uint32_t': 'I',
- 'int64_t': 'q',
- 'uint64_t': 'Q',
- }
- if field.array_length:
- if field.type == 'char':
- return str(field.array_length)+'s'
- return str(field.array_length)+map[field.type]
- return map[field.type]
- def mavdefault(field):
- '''returns default value for field (as string) for mavlink2 extensions'''
- if field.type == 'char':
- default_value = "''"
- else:
- default_value = "0"
- if field.array_length == 0:
- return default_value
- return "[" + ",".join([default_value] * field.array_length) + "]"
- def generate_mavlink_class(outf, msgs, xml):
- print("Generating MAVLink class")
- outf.write("\n\nmavlink_map = {\n")
- for m in msgs:
- outf.write(" MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%s : MAVLink_%s_message,\n" % (
- m.name.upper(), m.name.lower()))
- outf.write("}\n\n")
- t.write(outf, """
- class MAVError(Exception):
- '''MAVLink error class'''
- def __init__(self, msg):
- Exception.__init__(self, msg)
- self.message = msg
- class MAVString(str):
- '''NUL terminated string'''
- def __init__(self, s):
- str.__init__(self)
- def __str__(self):
- i = self.find(chr(0))
- if i == -1:
- return self[:]
- return self[0:i]
- class MAVLink_bad_data(MAVLink_message):
- '''
- a piece of bad data in a mavlink stream
- '''
- def __init__(self, data, reason):
- MAVLink_message.__init__(self, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_BAD_DATA, 'BAD_DATA')
- self._fieldnames = ['data', 'reason']
- self.data = data
- self.reason = reason
- self._msgbuf = data
- def __str__(self):
- '''Override the __str__ function from MAVLink_messages because non-printable characters are common in to be the reason for this message to exist.'''
- return '%s {%s, data:%s}' % (self._type, self.reason, [('%x' % ord(i) if isinstance(i, str) else '%x' % i) for i in self.data])
- class MAVLinkSigning(object):
- '''MAVLink signing state class'''
- def __init__(self):
- self.secret_key = None
- self.timestamp = 0
- self.link_id = 0
- self.sign_outgoing = False
- self.allow_unsigned_callback = None
- self.stream_timestamps = {}
- self.sig_count = 0
- self.badsig_count = 0
- self.goodsig_count = 0
- self.unsigned_count = 0
- self.reject_count = 0
- class MAVLink(object):
- '''MAVLink protocol handling class'''
- def __init__(self, file, srcSystem=0, srcComponent=0, use_native=False):
- self.seq = 0
- self.file = file
- self.srcSystem = srcSystem
- self.srcComponent = srcComponent
- self.callback = None
- self.callback_args = None
- self.callback_kwargs = None
- self.send_callback = None
- self.send_callback_args = None
- self.send_callback_kwargs = None
- self.buf = bytearray()
- self.buf_index = 0
- self.expected_length = HEADER_LEN_V1+2
- self.have_prefix_error = False
- self.robust_parsing = False
- self.protocol_marker = ${protocol_marker}
- self.little_endian = ${little_endian}
- self.crc_extra = ${crc_extra}
- self.sort_fields = ${sort_fields}
- self.total_packets_sent = 0
- self.total_bytes_sent = 0
- self.total_packets_received = 0
- self.total_bytes_received = 0
- self.total_receive_errors = 0
- self.startup_time = time.time()
- self.signing = MAVLinkSigning()
- if native_supported and (use_native or native_testing or native_force):
- print("NOTE: mavnative is currently beta-test code")
- self.native = mavnative.NativeConnection(MAVLink_message, mavlink_map)
- else:
- self.native = None
- if native_testing:
- self.test_buf = bytearray()
- self.mav20_unpacker = struct.Struct('<cBBBBBBHB')
- self.mav10_unpacker = struct.Struct('<cBBBBB')
- self.mav20_h3_unpacker = struct.Struct('BBB')
- self.mav_csum_unpacker = struct.Struct('<H')
- self.mav_sign_unpacker = struct.Struct('<IH')
- def set_callback(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
- self.callback = callback
- self.callback_args = args
- self.callback_kwargs = kwargs
- def set_send_callback(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
- self.send_callback = callback
- self.send_callback_args = args
- self.send_callback_kwargs = kwargs
- def send(self, mavmsg, force_mavlink1=False):
- '''send a MAVLink message'''
- buf = mavmsg.pack(self, force_mavlink1=force_mavlink1)
- self.file.write(buf)
- self.seq = (self.seq + 1) % 256
- self.total_packets_sent += 1
- self.total_bytes_sent += len(buf)
- if self.send_callback:
- self.send_callback(mavmsg, *self.send_callback_args, **self.send_callback_kwargs)
- def buf_len(self):
- return len(self.buf) - self.buf_index
- def bytes_needed(self):
- '''return number of bytes needed for next parsing stage'''
- if self.native:
- ret = self.native.expected_length - self.buf_len()
- else:
- ret = self.expected_length - self.buf_len()
- if ret <= 0:
- return 1
- return ret
- def __parse_char_native(self, c):
- '''this method exists only to see in profiling results'''
- m = self.native.parse_chars(c)
- return m
- def __callbacks(self, msg):
- '''this method exists only to make profiling results easier to read'''
- if self.callback:
- self.callback(msg, *self.callback_args, **self.callback_kwargs)
- def parse_char(self, c):
- '''input some data bytes, possibly returning a new message'''
- self.buf.extend(c)
- self.total_bytes_received += len(c)
- if self.native:
- if native_testing:
- self.test_buf.extend(c)
- m = self.__parse_char_native(self.test_buf)
- m2 = self.__parse_char_legacy()
- if m2 != m:
- print("Native: %s\\nLegacy: %s\\n" % (m, m2))
- raise Exception('Native vs. Legacy mismatch')
- else:
- m = self.__parse_char_native(self.buf)
- else:
- m = self.__parse_char_legacy()
- if m is not None:
- self.total_packets_received += 1
- self.__callbacks(m)
- else:
- # XXX The idea here is if we've read something and there's nothing left in
- # the buffer, reset it to 0 which frees the memory
- if self.buf_len() == 0 and self.buf_index != 0:
- self.buf = bytearray()
- self.buf_index = 0
- return m
- def __parse_char_legacy(self):
- '''input some data bytes, possibly returning a new message (uses no native code)'''
- header_len = HEADER_LEN_V1
- if self.buf_len() >= 1 and self.buf[self.buf_index] == PROTOCOL_MARKER_V2:
- header_len = HEADER_LEN_V2
- if self.buf_len() >= 1 and self.buf[self.buf_index] != PROTOCOL_MARKER_V1 and self.buf[self.buf_index] != PROTOCOL_MARKER_V2:
- magic = self.buf[self.buf_index]
- self.buf_index += 1
- if self.robust_parsing:
- m = MAVLink_bad_data(bytearray([magic]), 'Bad prefix')
- self.expected_length = header_len+2
- self.total_receive_errors += 1
- return m
- if self.have_prefix_error:
- return None
- self.have_prefix_error = True
- self.total_receive_errors += 1
- raise MAVError("invalid MAVLink prefix '%s'" % magic)
- self.have_prefix_error = False
- if self.buf_len() >= 3:
- sbuf = self.buf[self.buf_index:3+self.buf_index]
- if sys.version_info.major < 3:
- sbuf = str(sbuf)
- (magic, self.expected_length, incompat_flags) = self.mav20_h3_unpacker.unpack(sbuf)
- if magic == PROTOCOL_MARKER_V2 and (incompat_flags & MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED):
- self.expected_length += MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN
- self.expected_length += header_len + 2
- if self.expected_length >= (header_len+2) and self.buf_len() >= self.expected_length:
- mbuf = array.array('B', self.buf[self.buf_index:self.buf_index+self.expected_length])
- self.buf_index += self.expected_length
- self.expected_length = header_len+2
- if self.robust_parsing:
- try:
- if magic == PROTOCOL_MARKER_V2 and (incompat_flags & ~MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED) != 0:
- raise MAVError('invalid incompat_flags 0x%x 0x%x %u' % (incompat_flags, magic, self.expected_length))
- m = self.decode(mbuf)
- except MAVError as reason:
- m = MAVLink_bad_data(mbuf, reason.message)
- self.total_receive_errors += 1
- else:
- if magic == PROTOCOL_MARKER_V2 and (incompat_flags & ~MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED) != 0:
- raise MAVError('invalid incompat_flags 0x%x 0x%x %u' % (incompat_flags, magic, self.expected_length))
- m = self.decode(mbuf)
- return m
- return None
- def parse_buffer(self, s):
- '''input some data bytes, possibly returning a list of new messages'''
- m = self.parse_char(s)
- if m is None:
- return None
- ret = [m]
- while True:
- m = self.parse_char("")
- if m is None:
- return ret
- ret.append(m)
- return ret
- def check_signature(self, msgbuf, srcSystem, srcComponent):
- '''check signature on incoming message'''
- if isinstance(msgbuf, array.array):
- msgbuf = msgbuf.tostring()
- timestamp_buf = msgbuf[-12:-6]
- link_id = msgbuf[-13]
- (tlow, thigh) = self.mav_sign_unpacker.unpack(timestamp_buf)
- timestamp = tlow + (thigh<<32)
- # see if the timestamp is acceptable
- stream_key = (link_id,srcSystem,srcComponent)
- if stream_key in self.signing.stream_timestamps:
- if timestamp <= self.signing.stream_timestamps[stream_key]:
- # reject old timestamp
- # print('old timestamp')
- return False
- else:
- # a new stream has appeared. Accept the timestamp if it is at most
- # one minute behind our current timestamp
- if timestamp + 6000*1000 < self.signing.timestamp:
- # print('bad new stream ', timestamp/(100.0*1000*60*60*24*365), self.signing.timestamp/(100.0*1000*60*60*24*365))
- return False
- self.signing.stream_timestamps[stream_key] = timestamp
- # print('new stream')
- h = hashlib.new('sha256')
- h.update(self.signing.secret_key)
- h.update(msgbuf[:-6])
- sig1 = str(h.digest())[:6]
- sig2 = str(msgbuf)[-6:]
- if sig1 != sig2:
- # print('sig mismatch')
- return False
- # the timestamp we next send with is the max of the received timestamp and
- # our current timestamp
- self.signing.timestamp = max(self.signing.timestamp, timestamp)
- return True
- def decode(self, msgbuf):
- '''decode a buffer as a MAVLink message'''
- # decode the header
- if msgbuf[0] != PROTOCOL_MARKER_V1:
- headerlen = 10
- try:
- magic, mlen, incompat_flags, compat_flags, seq, srcSystem, srcComponent, msgIdlow, msgIdhigh = self.mav20_unpacker.unpack(msgbuf[:headerlen])
- except struct.error as emsg:
- raise MAVError('Unable to unpack MAVLink header: %s' % emsg)
- msgId = msgIdlow | (msgIdhigh<<16)
- mapkey = msgId
- else:
- headerlen = 6
- try:
- magic, mlen, seq, srcSystem, srcComponent, msgId = self.mav10_unpacker.unpack(msgbuf[:headerlen])
- incompat_flags = 0
- compat_flags = 0
- except struct.error as emsg:
- raise MAVError('Unable to unpack MAVLink header: %s' % emsg)
- mapkey = msgId
- if (incompat_flags & MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED) != 0:
- else:
- signature_len = 0
- if ord(magic) != PROTOCOL_MARKER_V1 and ord(magic) != PROTOCOL_MARKER_V2:
- raise MAVError("invalid MAVLink prefix '%s'" % magic)
- if mlen != len(msgbuf)-(headerlen+2+signature_len):
- raise MAVError('invalid MAVLink message length. Got %u expected %u, msgId=%u headerlen=%u' % (len(msgbuf)-(headerlen+2+signature_len), mlen, msgId, headerlen))
- if not mapkey in mavlink_map:
- raise MAVError('unknown MAVLink message ID %s' % str(mapkey))
- # decode the payload
- type = mavlink_map[mapkey]
- fmt = type.format
- order_map = type.orders
- len_map = type.lengths
- crc_extra = type.crc_extra
- # decode the checksum
- try:
- crc, = self.mav_csum_unpacker.unpack(msgbuf[-(2+signature_len):][:2])
- except struct.error as emsg:
- raise MAVError('Unable to unpack MAVLink CRC: %s' % emsg)
- crcbuf = msgbuf[1:-(2+signature_len)]
- if ${crc_extra}: # using CRC extra
- crcbuf.append(crc_extra)
- crc2 = x25crc(crcbuf)
- if crc != crc2.crc:
- raise MAVError('invalid MAVLink CRC in msgID %u 0x%04x should be 0x%04x' % (msgId, crc, crc2.crc))
- sig_ok = False
- if signature_len == MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN:
- self.signing.sig_count += 1
- if self.signing.secret_key is not None:
- accept_signature = False
- if signature_len == MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN:
- sig_ok = self.check_signature(msgbuf, srcSystem, srcComponent)
- accept_signature = sig_ok
- if sig_ok:
- self.signing.goodsig_count += 1
- else:
- self.signing.badsig_count += 1
- if not accept_signature and self.signing.allow_unsigned_callback is not None:
- accept_signature = self.signing.allow_unsigned_callback(self, msgId)
- if accept_signature:
- self.signing.unsigned_count += 1
- else:
- self.signing.reject_count += 1
- elif self.signing.allow_unsigned_callback is not None:
- accept_signature = self.signing.allow_unsigned_callback(self, msgId)
- if accept_signature:
- self.signing.unsigned_count += 1
- else:
- self.signing.reject_count += 1
- if not accept_signature:
- raise MAVError('Invalid signature')
- csize = type.unpacker.size
- mbuf = msgbuf[headerlen:-(2+signature_len)]
- if len(mbuf) < csize:
- # zero pad to give right size
- mbuf.extend([0]*(csize - len(mbuf)))
- if len(mbuf) < csize:
- raise MAVError('Bad message of type %s length %u needs %s' % (
- type, len(mbuf), csize))
- mbuf = mbuf[:csize]
- try:
- t = type.unpacker.unpack(mbuf)
- except struct.error as emsg:
- raise MAVError('Unable to unpack MAVLink payload type=%s fmt=%s payloadLength=%u: %s' % (
- type, fmt, len(mbuf), emsg))
- tlist = list(t)
- # handle sorted fields
- if ${sort_fields}:
- t = tlist[:]
- if sum(len_map) == len(len_map):
- # message has no arrays in it
- for i in range(0, len(tlist)):
- tlist[i] = t[order_map[i]]
- else:
- # message has some arrays
- tlist = []
- for i in range(0, len(order_map)):
- order = order_map[i]
- L = len_map[order]
- tip = sum(len_map[:order])
- field = t[tip]
- if L == 1 or isinstance(field, str):
- tlist.append(field)
- else:
- tlist.append(t[tip:(tip + L)])
- # terminate any strings
- for i in range(0, len(tlist)):
- if type.fieldtypes[i] == 'char':
- if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
- tlist[i] = tlist[i].decode('utf-8')
- tlist[i] = str(MAVString(tlist[i]))
- t = tuple(tlist)
- # construct the message object
- try:
- m = type(*t)
- except Exception as emsg:
- raise MAVError('Unable to instantiate MAVLink message of type %s : %s' % (type, emsg))
- m._signed = sig_ok
- if m._signed:
- m._link_id = msgbuf[-13]
- m._msgbuf = msgbuf
- m._payload = msgbuf[6:-(2+signature_len)]
- m._crc = crc
- m._header = MAVLink_header(msgId, incompat_flags, compat_flags, mlen, seq, srcSystem, srcComponent)
- return m
- """, xml)
- def generate_methods(outf, msgs):
- print("Generating methods")
- def field_descriptions(fields):
- ret = ""
- for f in fields:
- field_info = ""
- if f.units:
- field_info += "%s " % f.units
- field_info += "(type:%s" % f.type
- if f.enum:
- field_info += ", values:%s" % f.enum
- field_info += ")"
- ret += " %-18s : %s %s\n" % (f.name, f.description.strip(), field_info)
- return ret
- wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent="", subsequent_indent=" ")
- for m in msgs:
- comment = "%s\n\n%s" % (wrapper.fill(m.description.strip()), field_descriptions(m.fields))
- selffieldnames = 'self, '
- for i in range(len(m.fields)):
- f = m.fields[i]
- if f.omit_arg:
- selffieldnames += '%s=%s, ' % (f.name, f.const_value)
- elif m.extensions_start is not None and i >= m.extensions_start:
- fdefault = m.fielddefaults[i]
- selffieldnames += "%s=%s, " % (f.name, fdefault)
- else:
- selffieldnames += '%s, ' % f.name
- selffieldnames = selffieldnames[:-2]
- sub = {'NAMELOWER': m.name.lower(),
- 'SELFFIELDNAMES': selffieldnames,
- 'COMMENT': comment,
- 'FIELDNAMES': ", ".join(m.fieldnames)}
- t.write(outf, """
- '''
- '''
- return MAVLink_${NAMELOWER}_message(${FIELDNAMES})
- """, sub)
- t.write(outf, """
- def ${NAMELOWER}_send(${SELFFIELDNAMES}, force_mavlink1=False):
- '''
- '''
- return self.send(self.${NAMELOWER}_encode(${FIELDNAMES}), force_mavlink1=force_mavlink1)
- """, sub)
- def generate(basename, xml):
- '''generate complete python implementation'''
- if basename.endswith('.py'):
- filename = basename
- else:
- filename = basename + '.py'
- msgs = []
- enums = []
- filelist = []
- for x in xml:
- msgs.extend(x.message)
- enums.extend(x.enum)
- filelist.append(os.path.basename(x.filename))
- for m in msgs:
- m.fielddefaults = []
- if xml[0].little_endian:
- m.fmtstr = '<'
- else:
- m.fmtstr = '>'
- m.native_fmtstr = m.fmtstr
- for f in m.ordered_fields:
- m.fmtstr += mavfmt(f)
- m.fielddefaults.append(mavdefault(f))
- m.native_fmtstr += native_mavfmt(f)
- m.order_map = [0] * len(m.fieldnames)
- m.len_map = [0] * len(m.fieldnames)
- m.array_len_map = [0] * len(m.fieldnames)
- for i in range(0, len(m.fieldnames)):
- m.order_map[i] = m.ordered_fieldnames.index(m.fieldnames[i])
- m.array_len_map[i] = m.ordered_fields[i].array_length
- for i in range(0, len(m.fieldnames)):
- n = m.order_map[i]
- m.len_map[n] = m.fieldlengths[i]
- print("Generating %s" % filename)
- outf = open(filename, "w")
- generate_preamble(outf, msgs, basename, filelist, xml[0])
- generate_enums(outf, enums)
- generate_message_ids(outf, msgs)
- generate_classes(outf, msgs)
- generate_mavlink_class(outf, msgs, xml[0])
- generate_methods(outf, msgs)
- outf.close()
- print("Generated %s OK" % filename)