123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577 |
- '''
- parse a MAVLink protocol XML file and generate a Node.js javascript module implementation
- Based on original work Copyright Andrew Tridgell 2011
- Released under GNU GPL version 3 or later
- '''
- from __future__ import print_function
- from builtins import range
- import os
- import textwrap
- from . import mavtemplate
- t = mavtemplate.MAVTemplate()
- def generate_preamble(outf, msgs, args, xml):
- print("Generating preamble")
- t.write(outf, """
- /*
- MAVLink protocol implementation for node.js (auto-generated by mavgen_javascript.py)
- Generated from: ${FILELIST}
- Note: this file has been auto-generated. DO NOT EDIT
- */
- jspack = require("jspack").jspack,
- _ = require("underscore"),
- events = require("events"),
- util = require("util");
- // Add a convenience method to Buffer
- Buffer.prototype.toByteArray = function () {
- return Array.prototype.slice.call(this, 0)
- }
- mavlink = function(){};
- // Implement the X25CRC function (present in the Python version through the mavutil.py package)
- mavlink.x25Crc = function(buffer, crc) {
- var bytes = buffer;
- var crc = crc || 0xffff;
- _.each(bytes, function(e) {
- var tmp = e ^ (crc & 0xff);
- tmp = (tmp ^ (tmp << 4)) & 0xff;
- crc = (crc >> 8) ^ (tmp << 8) ^ (tmp << 3) ^ (tmp >> 4);
- crc = crc & 0xffff;
- });
- return crc;
- }
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_CHAR = 0
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T = 1
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_INT8_T = 2
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT16_T = 3
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_INT16_T = 4
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT32_T = 5
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_INT32_T = 6
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT64_T = 7
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_INT64_T = 8
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_FLOAT = 9
- mavlink.MAVLINK_TYPE_DOUBLE = 10
- // Mavlink headers incorporate sequence, source system (platform) and source component.
- mavlink.header = function(msgId, mlen, seq, srcSystem, srcComponent) {
- this.mlen = ( typeof mlen === 'undefined' ) ? 0 : mlen;
- this.seq = ( typeof seq === 'undefined' ) ? 0 : seq;
- this.srcSystem = ( typeof srcSystem === 'undefined' ) ? 0 : srcSystem;
- this.srcComponent = ( typeof srcComponent === 'undefined' ) ? 0 : srcComponent;
- this.msgId = msgId
- }
- mavlink.header.prototype.pack = function() {
- return jspack.Pack('BBBBBB', [${PROTOCOL_MARKER}, this.mlen, this.seq, this.srcSystem, this.srcComponent, this.msgId]);
- }
- // Base class declaration: mavlink.message will be the parent class for each
- // concrete implementation in mavlink.messages.
- mavlink.message = function() {};
- // Convenience setter to facilitate turning the unpacked array of data into member properties
- mavlink.message.prototype.set = function(args) {
- _.each(this.fieldnames, function(e, i) {
- this[e] = args[i];
- }, this);
- };
- // This pack function builds the header and produces a complete MAVLink message,
- // including header and message CRC.
- mavlink.message.prototype.pack = function(mav, crc_extra, payload) {
- this.payload = payload;
- this.header = new mavlink.header(this.id, payload.length, mav.seq, mav.srcSystem, mav.srcComponent);
- this.msgbuf = this.header.pack().concat(payload);
- var crc = mavlink.x25Crc(this.msgbuf.slice(1));
- // For now, assume always using crc_extra = True. TODO: check/fix this.
- crc = mavlink.x25Crc([crc_extra], crc);
- this.msgbuf = this.msgbuf.concat(jspack.Pack('<H', [crc] ) );
- return this.msgbuf;
- }
- """, {'FILELIST' : ",".join(args),
- 'PROTOCOL_MARKER' : xml.protocol_marker,
- 'crc_extra' : xml.crc_extra,
- 'WIRE_PROTOCOL_VERSION' : xml.wire_protocol_version })
- def generate_enums(outf, enums):
- print("Generating enums")
- outf.write("\n// enums\n")
- wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent="", subsequent_indent=" // ")
- for e in enums:
- outf.write("\n// %s\n" % e.name)
- for entry in e.entry:
- outf.write("mavlink.%s = %u // %s\n" % (entry.name, entry.value, wrapper.fill(entry.description)))
- def generate_message_ids(outf, msgs):
- print("Generating message IDs")
- outf.write("\n// message IDs\n")
- outf.write("mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_BAD_DATA = -1\n")
- for m in msgs:
- outf.write("mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%s = %u\n" % (m.name.upper(), m.id))
- def generate_classes(outf, msgs):
- """
- Generate the implementations of the classes representing MAVLink messages.
- """
- print("Generating class definitions")
- wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent="", subsequent_indent="")
- outf.write("\nmavlink.messages = {};\n\n");
- def field_descriptions(fields):
- ret = ""
- for f in fields:
- ret += " %-18s : %s (%s)\n" % (f.name, f.description.strip(), f.type)
- return ret
- for m in msgs:
- comment = "%s\n\n%s" % (wrapper.fill(m.description.strip()), field_descriptions(m.fields))
- selffieldnames = 'self, '
- for f in m.fields:
- selffieldnames += '%s, ' % f.name
- selffieldnames = selffieldnames[:-2]
- sub = {'NAMELOWER' : m.name.lower(),
- 'SELFFIELDNAMES' : selffieldnames,
- 'COMMENT' : comment,
- 'FIELDNAMES' : ", ".join(m.fieldnames)}
- t.write(outf, """
- /*
- */
- """, sub)
- outf.write("mavlink.messages.%s = function(" % (m.name.lower()))
- if len(m.fields) != 0:
- outf.write(", ".join(m.fieldnames))
- outf.write(") {")
- outf.write("""
- this.format = '%s';
- this.id = mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%s;
- this.order_map = %s;
- this.crc_extra = %u;
- this.name = '%s';
- """ % (m.fmtstr, m.name.upper(), m.order_map, m.crc_extra, m.name.upper()))
- if len(m.fieldnames) != 0:
- outf.write(" this.fieldnames = ['%s'];\n" % "', '".join(m.fieldnames))
- outf.write("""
- this.set(arguments);
- }
- """)
- outf.write("""
- mavlink.messages.%s.prototype = new mavlink.message;
- """ % m.name.lower())
- outf.write("""
- mavlink.messages.%s.prototype.pack = function(mav) {
- return mavlink.message.prototype.pack.call(this, mav, this.crc_extra, jspack.Pack(this.format""" % m.name.lower())
- if len(m.fields) != 0:
- outf.write(", [ this." + ", this.".join(m.ordered_fieldnames) + ']')
- outf.write("));\n}\n\n")
- def mavfmt(field):
- '''work out the struct format for a type'''
- map = {
- 'float' : 'f',
- 'double' : 'd',
- 'char' : 'c',
- 'int8_t' : 'b',
- 'uint8_t' : 'B',
- 'uint8_t_mavlink_version' : 'B',
- 'int16_t' : 'h',
- 'uint16_t' : 'H',
- 'int32_t' : 'i',
- 'uint32_t' : 'I',
- 'int64_t' : 'q',
- 'uint64_t' : 'Q',
- }
- if field.array_length:
- if field.type in ['char', 'int8_t', 'uint8_t']:
- return str(field.array_length)+'s'
- return str(field.array_length)+map[field.type]
- return map[field.type]
- def generate_mavlink_class(outf, msgs, xml):
- print("Generating MAVLink class")
- outf.write("\n\nmavlink.map = {\n");
- for m in msgs:
- outf.write(" %s: { format: '%s', type: mavlink.messages.%s, order_map: %s, crc_extra: %u },\n" % (
- m.id, m.fmtstr, m.name.lower(), m.order_map, m.crc_extra))
- outf.write("}\n\n")
- t.write(outf, """
- // Special mavlink message to capture malformed data packets for debugging
- mavlink.messages.bad_data = function(data, reason) {
- this.id = mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_BAD_DATA;
- this.data = data;
- this.reason = reason;
- this.msgbuf = data;
- }
- /* MAVLink protocol handling class */
- MAVLink = function(logger, srcSystem, srcComponent) {
- this.logger = logger;
- this.seq = 0;
- this.buf = new Buffer(0);
- this.bufInError = new Buffer(0);
- this.srcSystem = (typeof srcSystem === 'undefined') ? 0 : srcSystem;
- this.srcComponent = (typeof srcComponent === 'undefined') ? 0 : srcComponent;
- // The first packet we expect is a valid header, 6 bytes.
- this.expected_length = 6;
- this.have_prefix_error = false;
- this.protocol_marker = 254;
- this.little_endian = true;
- this.crc_extra = true;
- this.sort_fields = true;
- this.total_packets_sent = 0;
- this.total_bytes_sent = 0;
- this.total_packets_received = 0;
- this.total_bytes_received = 0;
- this.total_receive_errors = 0;
- this.startup_time = Date.now();
- }
- // Implements EventEmitter
- util.inherits(MAVLink, events.EventEmitter);
- // If the logger exists, this function will add a message to it.
- // Assumes the logger is a winston object.
- MAVLink.prototype.log = function(message) {
- if(this.logger) {
- this.logger.info(message);
- }
- }
- MAVLink.prototype.log = function(level, message) {
- if(this.logger) {
- this.logger.log(level, message);
- }
- }
- MAVLink.prototype.send = function(mavmsg) {
- buf = mavmsg.pack(this);
- this.file.write(buf);
- this.seq = (this.seq + 1) % 256;
- this.total_packets_sent +=1;
- this.total_bytes_sent += buf.length;
- }
- // return number of bytes needed for next parsing stage
- MAVLink.prototype.bytes_needed = function() {
- ret = this.expected_length - this.buf.length;
- return ( ret <= 0 ) ? 1 : ret;
- }
- // add data to the local buffer
- MAVLink.prototype.pushBuffer = function(data) {
- if(data) {
- this.buf = Buffer.concat([this.buf, data]);
- this.total_bytes_received += data.length;
- }
- }
- // Decode prefix. Elides the prefix.
- MAVLink.prototype.parsePrefix = function() {
- // Test for a message prefix.
- if( this.buf.length >= 1 && this.buf[0] != 254 ) {
- // Strip the offending initial byte and throw an error.
- var badPrefix = this.buf[0];
- this.bufInError = this.buf.slice(0,1);
- this.buf = this.buf.slice(1);
- this.expected_length = 6;
- // TODO: enable subsequent prefix error suppression if robust_parsing is implemented
- //if(!this.have_prefix_error) {
- // this.have_prefix_error = true;
- throw new Error("Bad prefix ("+badPrefix+")");
- //}
- }
- //else if( this.buf.length >= 1 && this.buf[0] == 254 ) {
- // this.have_prefix_error = false;
- //}
- }
- // Determine the length. Leaves buffer untouched.
- MAVLink.prototype.parseLength = function() {
- if( this.buf.length >= 2 ) {
- var unpacked = jspack.Unpack('BB', this.buf.slice(0, 2));
- this.expected_length = unpacked[1] + 8; // length of message + header + CRC
- }
- }
- // input some data bytes, possibly returning a new message
- MAVLink.prototype.parseChar = function(c) {
- var m = null;
- try {
- this.pushBuffer(c);
- this.parsePrefix();
- this.parseLength();
- m = this.parsePayload();
- } catch(e) {
- this.log('error', e.message);
- this.total_receive_errors += 1;
- m = new mavlink.messages.bad_data(this.bufInError, e.message);
- this.bufInError = new Buffer(0);
- }
- if(null != m) {
- this.emit(m.name, m);
- this.emit('message', m);
- }
- return m;
- }
- MAVLink.prototype.parsePayload = function() {
- var m = null;
- // If we have enough bytes to try and read it, read it.
- if( this.expected_length >= 8 && this.buf.length >= this.expected_length ) {
- // Slice off the expected packet length, reset expectation to be to find a header.
- var mbuf = this.buf.slice(0, this.expected_length);
- // TODO: slicing off the buffer should depend on the error produced by the decode() function
- // - if a message we find a well formed message, cut-off the expected_length
- // - if the message is not well formed (correct prefix by accident), cut-off 1 char only
- this.buf = this.buf.slice(this.expected_length);
- this.expected_length = 6;
- // w.info("Attempting to parse packet, message candidate buffer is ["+mbuf.toByteArray()+"]");
- try {
- m = this.decode(mbuf);
- this.total_packets_received += 1;
- }
- catch(e) {
- // Set buffer in question and re-throw to generic error handling
- this.bufInError = mbuf;
- throw e;
- }
- }
- return m;
- }
- // input some data bytes, possibly returning an array of new messages
- MAVLink.prototype.parseBuffer = function(s) {
- // Get a message, if one is available in the stream.
- var m = this.parseChar(s);
- // No messages available, bail.
- if ( null === m ) {
- return null;
- }
- // While more valid messages can be read from the existing buffer, add
- // them to the array of new messages and return them.
- var ret = [m];
- while(true) {
- m = this.parseChar();
- if ( null === m ) {
- // No more messages left.
- return ret;
- }
- ret.push(m);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /* decode a buffer as a MAVLink message */
- MAVLink.prototype.decode = function(msgbuf) {
- var magic, mlen, seq, srcSystem, srcComponent, unpacked, msgId;
- // decode the header
- try {
- unpacked = jspack.Unpack('cBBBBB', msgbuf.slice(0, 6));
- magic = unpacked[0];
- mlen = unpacked[1];
- seq = unpacked[2];
- srcSystem = unpacked[3];
- srcComponent = unpacked[4];
- msgId = unpacked[5];
- }
- catch(e) {
- throw new Error('Unable to unpack MAVLink header: ' + e.message);
- }
- if (magic.charCodeAt(0) != 254) {
- throw new Error("Invalid MAVLink prefix ("+magic.charCodeAt(0)+")");
- }
- if( mlen != msgbuf.length - 8 ) {
- throw new Error("Invalid MAVLink message length. Got " + (msgbuf.length - 8) + " expected " + mlen + ", msgId=" + msgId);
- }
- if( false === _.has(mavlink.map, msgId) ) {
- throw new Error("Unknown MAVLink message ID (" + msgId + ")");
- }
- // decode the payload
- // refs: (fmt, type, order_map, crc_extra) = mavlink.map[msgId]
- var decoder = mavlink.map[msgId];
- // decode the checksum
- try {
- var receivedChecksum = jspack.Unpack('<H', msgbuf.slice(msgbuf.length - 2));
- } catch (e) {
- throw new Error("Unable to unpack MAVLink CRC: " + e.message);
- }
- var messageChecksum = mavlink.x25Crc(msgbuf.slice(1, msgbuf.length - 2));
- // Assuming using crc_extra = True. See the message.prototype.pack() function.
- messageChecksum = mavlink.x25Crc([decoder.crc_extra], messageChecksum);
- if ( receivedChecksum != messageChecksum ) {
- throw new Error('invalid MAVLink CRC in msgID ' +msgId+ ', got 0x' + receivedChecksum + ' checksum, calculated payload checkum as 0x'+messageChecksum );
- }
- // Decode the payload and reorder the fields to match the order map.
- try {
- var t = jspack.Unpack(decoder.format, msgbuf.slice(6, msgbuf.length));
- }
- catch (e) {
- throw new Error('Unable to unpack MAVLink payload type='+decoder.type+' format='+decoder.format+' payloadLength='+ msgbuf.slice(6, -2).length +': '+ e.message);
- }
- // Reorder the fields to match the order map
- var args = [];
- _.each(t, function(e, i, l) {
- args[i] = t[decoder.order_map[i]]
- });
- // construct the message object
- try {
- var m = new decoder.type(args);
- m.set.call(m, args);
- }
- catch (e) {
- throw new Error('Unable to instantiate MAVLink message of type '+decoder.type+' : ' + e.message);
- }
- m.msgbuf = msgbuf;
- m.payload = msgbuf.slice(6);
- m.crc = receivedChecksum;
- m.header = new mavlink.header(msgId, mlen, seq, srcSystem, srcComponent);
- this.log(m);
- return m;
- }
- """, xml)
- def generate_footer(outf):
- t.write(outf, """
- // Expose this code as a module
- module.exports = mavlink;
- """)
- def generate(basename, xml):
- '''generate complete javascript implementation'''
- if basename.endswith('.js'):
- filename = basename
- else:
- filename = basename + '.js'
- msgs = []
- enums = []
- filelist = []
- for x in xml:
- msgs.extend(x.message)
- enums.extend(x.enum)
- filelist.append(os.path.basename(x.filename))
- for m in msgs:
- if xml[0].little_endian:
- m.fmtstr = '<'
- else:
- m.fmtstr = '>'
- for f in m.ordered_fields:
- m.fmtstr += mavfmt(f)
- m.order_map = [ 0 ] * len(m.fieldnames)
- for i in range(0, len(m.fieldnames)):
- m.order_map[i] = m.ordered_fieldnames.index(m.fieldnames[i])
- print("Generating %s" % filename)
- outf = open(filename, "w")
- generate_preamble(outf, msgs, filelist, xml[0])
- generate_enums(outf, enums)
- generate_message_ids(outf, msgs)
- generate_classes(outf, msgs)
- generate_mavlink_class(outf, msgs, xml[0])
- generate_footer(outf)
- outf.close()
- print("Generated %s OK" % filename)