123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202 |
- """
- This script generates markdown files for all the MAVLink message definition XML at:
- https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/tree/master/message_definitions/v1.0
- The files can be imported into a gitbook to display the messages as HTML
- The script runs on both Python2 and Python 3. The following libraries must be imported: lxml, requests, bs4.
- The file is run in mavlink/doc/ with no arguments. It writes the files to /messages/
- """
- import lxml.etree as ET
- import requests
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
- import re
- import os
- xsl_file_name = "mavlink_to_html_table_gitbook.xsl"
- xml_message_definitions_dir_name = "../message_definitions/v1.0/"
- output_dir = "./messages/"
- output_dir_html=output_dir+"_html/"
- if not os.path.exists(output_dir_html):
- os.makedirs(output_dir_html)
- index_file_name = "README.md"
- index_file_name = output_dir + index_file_name
- with open(xsl_file_name, 'r') as content_file:
- xsl_file = content_file.read()
- xslt = ET.fromstring(xsl_file)
- index_text="""<!-- THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED (DO NOT UPDATE GITBOOK): https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/doc/mavlink_gitbook.py -->
- # Dialects {#dialects}
- MAVLink *dialects* are XML files that define *protocol-* and *vendor-specific* messages, enums and commands.
- Dialects may *include* other MAVLink XML files.
- A typical pattern is for a dialect to include [common.xml](../messages/common.md) (containing the *MAVLink standard definitions*), extending it with vendor or protocol specific messages.
- While a dialect can include any other message definition, only only a single level of nesting is supported ([at time of writing](https://github.com/ArduPilot/pymavlink/pull/248)).
- > **Note** Vendor forks of MAVLink may contain dialect messages that are not yet merged, and hence will not appear in this documentation.
- The dialect files are stored alongside in separate XML files in [mavlink/message definitions](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/).
- The human-readable forms of the XML dialect files are linked below:
- """
- def fix_content_in_tags(input_html):
- def remove_space_between_content_tags(matchobj):
- stripped_string=matchobj.group(1).strip()
- return '>%s<' % stripped_string
- input_html=re.sub(r'\>(\s+?\w+?.*?)\<', remove_space_between_content_tags, input_html,flags=re.DOTALL)
- return input_html
- def fix_include_file_extension(input_html):
- input_html=input_html.replace('.xml.md.unlikely','.md')
- return input_html
- def fix_replace_space_marker(input_html):
- input_html=input_html.replace('xxx_space_xxx',' ')
- return input_html
- def strip_text_before_string(original_text,strip_text):
- index=original_text.find(strip_text)
- stripped_string=original_text
- if index !=-1 :
- stripped_string = stripped_string[index:]
- return stripped_string
- def inject_top_level_docs(input_html,filename):
- print('FILENAME: %s' % filename)
- insert_text='<!-- THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED: https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/doc/mavlink_gitbook.py -->'
- if filename == 'common.xml':
- insert_text+="""
- # MAVLINK Common Message Set
- The MAVLink *common* message set is defined in [common.xml](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/common.xml).
- It contains the *standard* definitions that are managed by the MAVLink project.
- The definitions cover functionality that is considered useful to most ground control stations and autopilots.
- MAVLink-compatible systems are expected to use these definitions where possible (if an appropriate message exists) rather than rolling out variants in their own [dialects](../messages/README.md).
- This topic is a human-readable form of [common.xml](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/common.xml).
- """
- elif filename == 'ardupilotmega.xml':
- insert_text+="""
- # Dialect: ArduPilotMega
- These messages define the ArduPilot specific message set, which is custom to [http://ardupilot.org](http://ardupilot.org).
- This topic is a human-readable form of the XML definition file: [ardupilotmega.xml](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml).
- > **Warning** The ArduPilot MAVLink fork of [ardupilotmega.xml](https://github.com/ArduPilot/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml) may contain messages that have not yet been merged into this documentation.
- """
- else:
- insert_text+='\n# Dialect: %s' % filename.rsplit('.',1)[0]
- insert_text+='\n\n*This is a human-readable form of the XML definition file: [%s](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/%s).*' % (filename, filename)
- insert_text+="""
- <span></span>
- > **Note** MAVLink 2 messages have an ID > 255 and are marked up using **(MAVLink 2)** in their description.
- <span id="mav2_extension_field"></span>
- > **Note** MAVLink 2 extension fields that have been added to MAVLink 1 messages are displayed in blue.
- <style>
- td {
- vertical-align:top;
- }
- </style>
- """
- insert_text+='\n\n{%% include "_html/%s.html" %%}' % filename[:-4]
- input_html=insert_text+'\n\n'+input_html
- return input_html
- dialect_files = set()
- for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(xml_message_definitions_dir_name):
- for file in files:
- print(file)
- if not file.endswith('.xml'):
- continue
- xml_file_name = xml_message_definitions_dir_name+file
- with open(xml_file_name, 'r') as content_file:
- xml_file = content_file.read()
- dom = ET.fromstring(xml_file)
- transform = ET.XSLT(xslt)
- newdom = transform(dom)
- soup=bs(str(newdom), "lxml")
- prettyHTML=soup.prettify()
- prettyHTML=strip_text_before_string(prettyHTML,'<html>')
- prettyHTML = fix_content_in_tags(prettyHTML)
- prettyHTML = fix_include_file_extension(prettyHTML)
- prettyHTML = fix_replace_space_marker(prettyHTML)
- output_file_name_html = file.rsplit('.',1)[0]+".html"
- output_file_name_html_withdir = output_dir_html+output_file_name_html
- print("Output filename (html): %s" % output_file_name_html)
- with open(output_file_name_html_withdir, 'w') as out:
- out.write(prettyHTML)
- output_file_name_prefix = file.rsplit('.',1)[0]
- markdown_text=''
- markdown_text = inject_top_level_docs(markdown_text,file)
- output_file_name_md_withdir = output_dir+output_file_name_prefix+'.md'
- print("Output filename (md): %s" % output_file_name_md_withdir)
- with open(output_file_name_md_withdir, 'w') as out:
- out.write(markdown_text)
- if not file=='common.xml':
- dialect_files.add(output_file_name_prefix)
- for the_file in sorted(dialect_files):
- index_text+='\n* [%s.xml](%s.md)' % (the_file,the_file)
- with open(index_file_name, 'w') as content_file:
- content_file.write(index_text)
- print("COMPLETED")