123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441 |
- '''
- This module implements the core functionality of the UAVCAN DSDL compiler for libcanard.
- Supported Python versions: 3.2+, 2.7.
- It accepts a list of root namespaces and produces the set of C header files and souce files for libcanard.
- It is based on the DSDL parsing package from pyuavcan.
- '''
- from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
- import sys, os, logging, errno, re
- from .pyratemp import Template
- from uavcan import dsdl
- try:
- str = unicode
- except NameError:
- pass
- HEADER_TEMPLATE_FILENAME = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data_type_template.tmpl')
- CODE_TEMPLATE_FILENAME = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'code_type_template.tmpl')
- __all__ = ['run', 'logger', 'DsdlCompilerException']
- class DsdlCompilerException(Exception):
- pass
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- def run(source_dirs, include_dirs, output_dir, header_only):
- '''
- This function takes a list of root namespace directories (containing DSDL definition files to parse), a
- possibly empty list of search directories (containing DSDL definition files that can be referenced from the types
- that are going to be parsed), and the output directory path (possibly nonexistent) where the generated C++
- header files will be stored.
- Note that this module features lazy write, i.e. if an output file does already exist and its content is not going
- to change, it will not be overwritten. This feature allows to avoid unnecessary recompilation of dependent object
- files.
- Args:
- source_dirs List of root namespace directories to parse.
- include_dirs List of root namespace directories with referenced types (possibly empty). This list is
- automaitcally extended with source_dirs.
- output_dir Output directory path. Will be created if doesn't exist.
- header_only Weather to generated as header only library.
- '''
- assert isinstance(source_dirs, list)
- assert isinstance(include_dirs, list)
- output_dir = str(output_dir)
- types = run_parser(source_dirs, include_dirs + source_dirs)
- if not types:
- die('No type definitions were found')
- logger.info('%d types total', len(types))
- run_generator(types, output_dir, header_only)
- def pretty_filename(filename):
- try:
- a = os.path.abspath(filename)
- r = os.path.relpath(filename)
- return a if '..' in r else r
- except ValueError:
- return filename
- def get_name_space_prefix(t):
- return t.full_name.replace('.', '_')
- def type_output_filename(t, extension = OUTPUT_HEADER_FILE_EXTENSION):
- assert t.category == t.CATEGORY_COMPOUND
- folder_name = t.full_name.split('.')[-2]
- name_list = t.full_name.split('.')
- if len(folder_name):
- name_list[-1] = str(folder_name) + '_' + str(name_list[-1])
- return os.path.sep.join(name_list) + '.' + extension
- else:
- return t.full_name.replace('.', os.path.sep) + '.' + extension
- def makedirs(path):
- try:
- try:
- os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
- except TypeError:
- os.makedirs(path)
- except OSError as ex:
- if ex.errno != errno.EEXIST:
- raise
- def die(text):
- raise DsdlCompilerException(str(text))
- def run_parser(source_dirs, search_dirs):
- try:
- types = dsdl.parse_namespaces(source_dirs, search_dirs)
- except dsdl.DsdlException as ex:
- logger.info('Parser failure', exc_info=True)
- die(ex)
- return types
- def run_generator(types, dest_dir, header_only):
- try:
- header_template_expander = make_template_expander(HEADER_TEMPLATE_FILENAME)
- code_template_expander = make_template_expander(CODE_TEMPLATE_FILENAME)
- dest_dir = os.path.abspath(dest_dir)
- makedirs(dest_dir)
- for t in types:
- logger.info('Generating type %s', t.full_name)
- header_path_file_name = os.path.join(dest_dir, type_output_filename(t, OUTPUT_HEADER_FILE_EXTENSION))
- code_filename = os.path.join(dest_dir, type_output_filename(t, OUTPUT_CODE_FILE_EXTENSION))
- t.header_filename = type_output_filename(t, OUTPUT_HEADER_FILE_EXTENSION)
- t.name_space_prefix = get_name_space_prefix(t)
- t.header_only = header_only
- header_text = generate_one_type(header_template_expander, t)
- code_text = generate_one_type(code_template_expander, t)
- write_generated_data(header_path_file_name, header_text, header_only)
- if header_only:
- code_text = "\r\n" + code_text
- write_generated_data(header_path_file_name, code_text, header_only, True)
- else:
- write_generated_data(code_filename, code_text, header_only)
- except Exception as ex:
- logger.info('Generator failure', exc_info=True)
- die(ex)
- def write_generated_data(filename, data, header_only, append_file=False):
- dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
- makedirs(dirname)
- if append_file:
- with open(filename, 'a') as f:
- f.write(data)
- else:
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- os.remove(filename)
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- f.write(data)
- def expand_to_next_full(size):
- if size <= 8:
- return 8
- elif size <= 16:
- return 16
- elif size <= 32:
- return 32
- elif size <=64:
- return 64
- def get_max_size(bits, unsigned):
- if unsigned:
- return (2 ** bits) -1
- else:
- return (2 ** (bits-1)) -1
- def strip_name(name):
- return name.split('.')[-1]
- def type_to_c_type(t):
- if t.category == t.CATEGORY_PRIMITIVE:
- saturate = {
- }[t.cast_mode]
- cast_mode = {
- t.CAST_MODE_SATURATED: 'Saturate',
- t.CAST_MODE_TRUNCATED: 'Truncate',
- }[t.cast_mode]
- if t.kind == t.KIND_FLOAT:
- float_type = {
- 16: 'float',
- 32: 'float',
- 64: 'double',
- }[t.bitlen]
- return {'cpp_type':'%s' % (float_type),
- 'post_cpp_type':'',
- 'cpp_type_comment':'float%d %s' % (t.bitlen, cast_mode, ),
- 'bitlen':t.bitlen,
- 'max_size':get_max_size(t.bitlen, False),
- 'signedness':'false',
- 'saturate':False}
- else:
- c_type = {
- t.KIND_BOOLEAN: 'bool',
- t.KIND_UNSIGNED_INT: 'uint',
- t.KIND_SIGNED_INT: 'int',
- }[t.kind]
- signedness = {
- t.KIND_BOOLEAN: 'false',
- t.KIND_UNSIGNED_INT: 'false',
- t.KIND_SIGNED_INT: 'true',
- }[t.kind]
- if t.kind == t.KIND_BOOLEAN:
- return {'cpp_type':'%s' % (c_type),
- 'post_cpp_type':'',
- 'cpp_type_comment':'bit len %d' % (t.bitlen, ),
- 'bitlen':t.bitlen,
- 'max_size':get_max_size(t.bitlen, True),
- 'signedness':signedness,
- 'saturate':saturate}
- else:
- if saturate:
- if (expand_to_next_full(t.bitlen) == t.bitlen):
- saturate = False
- return {'cpp_type':'%s%d_t' % (c_type, expand_to_next_full(t.bitlen)),
- 'post_cpp_type':'',
- 'cpp_type_comment':'bit len %d' % (t.bitlen, ),
- 'bitlen':t.bitlen,
- 'max_size':get_max_size(t.bitlen, t.kind == t.KIND_UNSIGNED_INT),
- 'signedness':signedness,
- 'saturate':saturate}
- elif t.category == t.CATEGORY_ARRAY:
- values = type_to_c_type(t.value_type)
- mode = {
- t.MODE_STATIC: 'Static Array',
- t.MODE_DYNAMIC: 'Dynamic Array',
- }[t.mode]
- return {'cpp_type':'%s' % (values['cpp_type'], ),
- 'cpp_type_category': t.value_type.category,
- 'post_cpp_type':'[%d]' % (t.max_size,),
- 'cpp_type_comment':'%s %dbit[%d] max items' % (mode, values['bitlen'], t.max_size, ),
- 'bitlen':values['bitlen'],
- 'array_max_size_bit_len':t.max_size.bit_length(),
- 'max_size':values['max_size'],
- 'signedness':values['signedness'],
- 'saturate':values['saturate'],
- 'dynamic_array': t.mode == t.MODE_DYNAMIC,
- 'max_array_elements': t.max_size,
- }
- elif t.category == t.CATEGORY_COMPOUND:
- return {
- 'cpp_type':t.full_name.replace('.','_'),
- 'post_cpp_type':'',
- 'cpp_type_comment':'',
- 'bitlen':t.get_max_bitlen(),
- 'max_size':0,
- 'signedness':'false',
- 'saturate':False}
- elif t.category == t.CATEGORY_VOID:
- return {'cpp_type':'',
- 'post_cpp_type':'',
- 'cpp_type_comment':'void%d' % t.bitlen,
- 'bitlen':t.bitlen,
- 'max_size':0,
- 'signedness':'false',
- 'saturate':False}
- else:
- raise DsdlCompilerException('Unknown type category: %s' % t.category)
- def generate_one_type(template_expander, t):
- t.name_space_type_name = get_name_space_prefix(t)
- t.cpp_full_type_name = '::' + t.full_name.replace('.', '::')
- t.include_guard = '__' + t.full_name.replace('.', '_').upper()
- t.macro_name = t.full_name.replace('.', '_').upper()
- def fields_includes(fields):
- def detect_include(t):
- if t.category == t.CATEGORY_COMPOUND:
- return type_output_filename(t)
- if t.category == t.CATEGORY_ARRAY:
- return detect_include(t.value_type)
- return list(sorted(set(filter(None, [detect_include(x.type) for x in fields]))))
- if t.kind == t.KIND_MESSAGE:
- t.cpp_includes = fields_includes(t.fields)
- else:
- t.cpp_includes = fields_includes(t.request_fields + t.response_fields)
- t.cpp_namespace_components = t.full_name.split('.')[:-1]
- t.has_default_dtid = t.default_dtid is not None
- def inject_cpp_types(attributes):
- length = len(attributes)
- count = 0
- has_array = False
- for a in attributes:
- count = count + 1
- a.last_item = False
- if (count == length):
- a.last_item = True
- data = type_to_c_type(a.type)
- for key, value in data.items():
- setattr(a, key, value)
- if a.type.category == t.CATEGORY_ARRAY:
- a.array_size = a.type.max_size
- has_array = True
- a.type_category = a.type.category
- a.void = a.type.category == a.type.CATEGORY_VOID
- if a.void:
- assert not a.name
- a.name = ''
- return has_array
- def has_float16(attributes):
- has_float16 = False
- for a in attributes:
- if a.type.category == t.CATEGORY_PRIMITIVE and a.type.kind == a.type.KIND_FLOAT and a.bitlen == 16:
- has_float16 = True
- return has_float16
- if t.kind == t.KIND_MESSAGE:
- t.has_array = inject_cpp_types(t.fields)
- t.has_float16 = has_float16(t.fields)
- inject_cpp_types(t.constants)
- t.all_attributes = t.fields + t.constants
- t.union = t.union and len(t.fields)
- if t.union:
- t.union = len(t.fields).bit_length()
- else:
- t.request_has_array = inject_cpp_types(t.request_fields)
- t.request_has_float16 = has_float16(t.request_fields)
- inject_cpp_types(t.request_constants)
- t.response_has_array = inject_cpp_types(t.response_fields)
- t.response_has_float16 = has_float16(t.response_fields)
- inject_cpp_types(t.response_constants)
- t.all_attributes = t.request_fields + t.request_constants + t.response_fields + t.response_constants
- t.request_union = t.request_union and len(t.request_fields)
- t.response_union = t.response_union and len(t.response_fields)
- if t.request_union:
- t.request_union = len(t.request_fields).bit_length()
- if t.response_union:
- t.response_union = len(t.response_fields).bit_length()
- def inject_constant_info(constants):
- for c in constants:
- if c.type.kind == c.type.KIND_FLOAT:
- float(c.string_value)
- c.cpp_value = c.string_value
- else:
- int(c.string_value)
- c.cpp_value = c.string_value
- if c.type.kind == c.type.KIND_UNSIGNED_INT:
- c.cpp_value += 'U'
- if t.kind == t.KIND_MESSAGE:
- inject_constant_info(t.constants)
- else:
- inject_constant_info(t.request_constants)
- inject_constant_info(t.response_constants)
- t.cpp_kind = {
- t.KIND_MESSAGE: '::uavcan::DataTypeKindMessage',
- t.KIND_SERVICE: '::uavcan::DataTypeKindService',
- }[t.kind]
- text = template_expander(t=t)
- text = '\n'.join(x.rstrip() for x in text.splitlines())
- text = text.replace('\n\n\n\n\n', '\n\n').replace('\n\n\n\n', '\n\n').replace('\n\n\n', '\n\n')
- text = text.replace('{\n\n ', '{\n ')
- return text
- def make_template_expander(filename):
- '''
- Templating is based on pyratemp (http://www.simple-is-better.org/template/pyratemp.html).
- The pyratemp's syntax is rather verbose and not so human friendly, so we define some
- custom extensions to make it easier to read and write.
- The resulting syntax somewhat resembles Mako (which was used earlier instead of pyratemp):
- Substitution:
- ${expression}
- Line joining through backslash (replaced with a single space):
- ${foo(bar(very_long_arument=42, \
- second_line=72))}
- Blocks:
- % for a in range(10):
- % if a == 5:
- ${foo()}
- % endif
- % endfor
- The extended syntax is converted into pyratemp's through regexp substitution.
- '''
- with open(filename) as f:
- template_text = f.read()
- template_text = re.sub(r'\\\r{0,1}\n\ *', r' ', template_text)
- template_text = re.sub(r'([^\$]{0,1})\$\{([^\}]+)\}', r'\1$!\2!$', template_text)
- template_text = re.sub(r'(?m)^(\ *)\%\ *(.+?):{0,1}$', r'\1<!--(\2)-->', template_text)
- template_text = re.sub(r'\<\!--\(end[a-z]+\)--\>', r'<!--(end)-->', template_text)
- template_text = re.sub(r'\ *\#\!.*', '', template_text)
- template_text = re.sub(r'(\<\!--\(macro\ [a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)--\>.*?)', r'\1\n', template_text)
- template = Template(template_text)
- def expand(**args):
- args['indent'] = lambda text, idnt = ' ': idnt + text.replace('\n', '\n' + idnt)
- def enum_last_value(iterable, start=0):
- it = iter(iterable)
- count = start
- last = next(it)
- for val in it:
- yield count, False, last
- last = val
- count += 1
- yield count, True, last
- args['enum_last_value'] = enum_last_value
- return template(**args)
- return expand