123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194 |
- """Unit test utilities for gtest_xml_output"""
- __author__ = 'eefacm@gmail.com (Sean Mcafee)'
- import re
- from xml.dom import minidom, Node
- import gtest_test_utils
- GTEST_OUTPUT_FLAG = '--gtest_output'
- GTEST_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = 'test_detail.xml'
- class GTestXMLTestCase(gtest_test_utils.TestCase):
- """
- Base class for tests of Google Test's XML output functionality.
- """
- def AssertEquivalentNodes(self, expected_node, actual_node):
- """
- Asserts that actual_node (a DOM node object) is equivalent to
- expected_node (another DOM node object), in that either both of
- them are CDATA nodes and have the same value, or both are DOM
- elements and actual_node meets all of the following conditions:
- * It has the same tag name as expected_node.
- * It has the same set of attributes as expected_node, each with
- the same value as the corresponding attribute of expected_node.
- Exceptions are any attribute named "time", which needs only be
- convertible to a floating-point number and any attribute named
- "type_param" which only has to be non-empty.
- * It has an equivalent set of child nodes (including elements and
- CDATA sections) as expected_node. Note that we ignore the
- order of the children as they are not guaranteed to be in any
- particular order.
- """
- if expected_node.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
- self.assertEquals(Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, actual_node.nodeType)
- self.assertEquals(expected_node.nodeValue, actual_node.nodeValue)
- return
- self.assertEquals(Node.ELEMENT_NODE, actual_node.nodeType)
- self.assertEquals(Node.ELEMENT_NODE, expected_node.nodeType)
- self.assertEquals(expected_node.tagName, actual_node.tagName)
- expected_attributes = expected_node.attributes
- actual_attributes = actual_node .attributes
- self.assertEquals(
- expected_attributes.length, actual_attributes.length,
- 'attribute numbers differ in element %s:\nExpected: %r\nActual: %r' % (
- actual_node.tagName, expected_attributes.keys(),
- actual_attributes.keys()))
- for i in range(expected_attributes.length):
- expected_attr = expected_attributes.item(i)
- actual_attr = actual_attributes.get(expected_attr.name)
- self.assert_(
- actual_attr is not None,
- 'expected attribute %s not found in element %s' %
- (expected_attr.name, actual_node.tagName))
- self.assertEquals(
- expected_attr.value, actual_attr.value,
- ' values of attribute %s in element %s differ: %s vs %s' %
- (expected_attr.name, actual_node.tagName,
- expected_attr.value, actual_attr.value))
- expected_children = self._GetChildren(expected_node)
- actual_children = self._GetChildren(actual_node)
- self.assertEquals(
- len(expected_children), len(actual_children),
- 'number of child elements differ in element ' + actual_node.tagName)
- for child_id, child in expected_children.iteritems():
- self.assert_(child_id in actual_children,
- '<%s> is not in <%s> (in element %s)' %
- (child_id, actual_children, actual_node.tagName))
- self.AssertEquivalentNodes(child, actual_children[child_id])
- identifying_attribute = {
- 'testsuites': 'name',
- 'testsuite': 'name',
- 'testcase': 'name',
- 'failure': 'message',
- }
- def _GetChildren(self, element):
- """
- Fetches all of the child nodes of element, a DOM Element object.
- Returns them as the values of a dictionary keyed by the IDs of the
- children. For <testsuites>, <testsuite> and <testcase> elements, the ID
- is the value of their "name" attribute; for <failure> elements, it is
- the value of the "message" attribute; CDATA sections and non-whitespace
- text nodes are concatenated into a single CDATA section with ID
- "detail". An exception is raised if any element other than the above
- four is encountered, if two child elements with the same identifying
- attributes are encountered, or if any other type of node is encountered.
- """
- children = {}
- for child in element.childNodes:
- if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- self.assert_(child.tagName in self.identifying_attribute,
- 'Encountered unknown element <%s>' % child.tagName)
- childID = child.getAttribute(self.identifying_attribute[child.tagName])
- self.assert_(childID not in children)
- children[childID] = child
- elif child.nodeType in [Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE]:
- if 'detail' not in children:
- if (child.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE or
- not child.nodeValue.isspace()):
- children['detail'] = child.ownerDocument.createCDATASection(
- child.nodeValue)
- else:
- children['detail'].nodeValue += child.nodeValue
- else:
- self.fail('Encountered unexpected node type %d' % child.nodeType)
- return children
- def NormalizeXml(self, element):
- """
- Normalizes Google Test's XML output to eliminate references to transient
- information that may change from run to run.
- * The "time" attribute of <testsuites>, <testsuite> and <testcase>
- elements is replaced with a single asterisk, if it contains
- only digit characters.
- * The "timestamp" attribute of <testsuites> elements is replaced with a
- single asterisk, if it contains a valid ISO8601 datetime value.
- * The "type_param" attribute of <testcase> elements is replaced with a
- single asterisk (if it sn non-empty) as it is the type name returned
- by the compiler and is platform dependent.
- * The line info reported in the first line of the "message"
- attribute and CDATA section of <failure> elements is replaced with the
- file's basename and a single asterisk for the line number.
- * The directory names in file paths are removed.
- * The stack traces are removed.
- """
- if element.tagName == 'testsuites':
- timestamp = element.getAttributeNode('timestamp')
- timestamp.value = re.sub(r'^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$',
- '*', timestamp.value)
- if element.tagName in ('testsuites', 'testsuite', 'testcase'):
- time = element.getAttributeNode('time')
- time.value = re.sub(r'^\d+(\.\d+)?$', '*', time.value)
- type_param = element.getAttributeNode('type_param')
- if type_param and type_param.value:
- type_param.value = '*'
- elif element.tagName == 'failure':
- source_line_pat = r'^.*[/\\](.*:)\d+\n'
- message = element.getAttributeNode('message')
- message.value = re.sub(source_line_pat, '\\1*\n', message.value)
- for child in element.childNodes:
- if child.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
- cdata = re.sub(source_line_pat, '\\1*\n', child.nodeValue)
- child.nodeValue = re.sub(r'\nStack trace:\n(.|\n)*',
- '', cdata)
- for child in element.childNodes:
- if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- self.NormalizeXml(child)