readme.txt 916 B

  1. *****************************************************************************
  2. ** ChibiOS/HAL port for ARM-Cortex-M4 STM32F407. **
  3. *****************************************************************************
  4. ** TARGET **
  5. The demo runs on an ST STM32F4-Discovery board.
  6. ** The Demo **
  7. The demo is an example of HAL use without underlying operating system, it uses
  8. a bare-metal OSAL implementation for ARMCMx.
  9. ** Build Procedure **
  10. An arm-none-eabi-gcc compliant toolchain is required. Build by giving the "make"
  11. command in the project directory.
  12. ** Notes **
  13. Some files used by the demo are not part of ChibiOS but are copyright of
  14. ST Microelectronics and are licensed under a different license.
  15. Also note that not all the files present in the ST library are distributed
  16. with ChibiOS, you can find the whole library on the ST web site: