document-glossaries.ltx 824 B

  1. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}
  2. \usepackage[toc,nonumberlist,numberedsection=autolabel]{glossaries}
  3. \title{A Test Document Using Glossaries For Waf Construction}
  4. \author{Joe Steeve}
  5. \makeglossaries
  6. \begin{document}
  7. \maketitle
  8. \tableofcontents
  9. \glossarystyle{altlist}
  10. %% The glossary entries
  11. \newglossaryentry{african}
  12. {
  13. name={african},
  14. description={The West African Swallow, Hirundo domicella}
  15. }
  16. \newglossaryentry{european}
  17. {
  18. name={european},
  19. description={The Barn or European Swallow, Hirundo rustica}
  20. }
  21. \section{The story}
  22. \begin{description}
  23. \item[Bridgekeeper:] What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen
  24. swallow?
  25. \item[King Arthur:] What do you mean? An \gls{african} or \gls{european} swallow?
  26. \end{description}
  27. %% This is the Glossary section
  28. \glsaddall
  29. \printglossaries
  30. \end{document}