#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Calle Rosenquist, 2016 (xbreak) """ Execute Python tests during build To force all tests, run with "waf build --alltests" """ top = '.' out = 'build' def test_results(bld): """ Custom post- function that prints out test results. """ lst = getattr(bld, 'utest_results', []) if not lst: return for (f, code, out, err) in lst: print(out.decode('utf-8')) print(err.decode('utf-8')) def options(opt): opt.load('python compiler_c') opt.load('waf_unit_test pytest') def configure(cnf): cnf.load('python compiler_c waf_unit_test pytest buildcopy') # The foo_ext module is using Python 3: cnf.check_python_version(minver=(3, 0, 0)) cnf.check_python_headers() def build(bld): # foo_ext and baz_ext are Python C extensions that demonstrates unit test # environment population of PYTHONPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH/PATH/DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. # foo_ext is installed as part of the foo Python package and thus does not need # to specify a PYTHONPATH via pytest_path. bld(name = 'foo_ext', features = 'c cshlib pyext', source = 'src/foo_ext.c', target = 'src/foo/foo_ext', install_path = '${PYTHONDIR}/foo') # baz_ext is a stand-alone Python module so we need to specify pytest_path to where baz is built: bld(name = 'baz_ext', features = 'c cshlib pyext', source = 'src/baz/baz_ext.c', target = 'src/baz/baz_ext', install_path = '${PYTHONDIR}', pytest_path = [bld.path.find_dir('src/baz').get_bld()]) # Foo is a Python package that together with foo_ext is complete. # Since the package is incomplete in the source directory and cannot be tested there # we use the `buildcopy' feature to copy sources to build. # # If buildcopy_source is not specified, source will be used as input. bld(name = 'foo', features = 'py buildcopy', use = 'foo_ext', source = bld.path.ant_glob('src/foo/*.py'), install_from = 'src') # The bar module has a non-Python dependency to resource.txt which we want to copy, # but in this case we cannot add resource.txt to the sources because there's no feature # for it. Therefore, we use the attribute buildcopy_source instead. bld(name = 'bar', features = 'py buildcopy', source = bld.path.ant_glob('src/bar/*.py'), buildcopy_source = bld.path.ant_glob('src/bar/*.py') + ['src/bar/resource.txt'], install_from = 'src') # Unit test example using the built in module unittest and let that discover # any test cases. # By using ``foo bar baz_ext`` the relevant variables for those taskgens # will be added to sys.path via ``PYTHONPATH`` as well as any library paths from # dependent libraries to the system library path e.g. ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH``. # # The dependency chain looks like the following: # # foo_test -> foo -> foo_ext -> libpython (external) # -> bar -> (resource.txt) # -> baz_ext -> libpython (external) # bld(name = 'py_test', features = 'pytest', use = 'foo bar baz_ext', pytest_source = bld.path.ant_glob('test/*.py'), ut_str = '${PYTHON} -B -m unittest discover') bld.add_post_fun(test_results)