''' module for loading/saving waypoints ''' from __future__ import print_function from builtins import range from builtins import object import time, copy import logging from . import mavutil try: from google.protobuf import text_format import mission_pb2 HAVE_PROTOBUF = True except ImportError: HAVE_PROTOBUF = False class MAVWPError(Exception): '''MAVLink WP error class''' def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.message = msg class MAVWPLoader(object): '''MAVLink waypoint loader''' def __init__(self, target_system=0, target_component=0): self.wpoints = [] self.target_system = target_system self.target_component = target_component self.last_change = time.time() self.colour_for_polygon = { mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_EXCLUSION : (255,0,0), mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_INCLUSION : (0,255,0) } def count(self): '''return number of waypoints''' return len(self.wpoints) def wp(self, i): '''return a waypoint''' try: the_wp = self.wpoints[i] except: the_wp = None return the_wp def wp_is_loiter(self, i): '''return true if waypoint is a loiter waypoint''' loiter_cmds = [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TURNS, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TIME, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_TO_ALT] if (self.wpoints[i].command in loiter_cmds): return True return False def add(self, w, comment=''): '''add a waypoint''' w = copy.copy(w) if comment: w.comment = comment w.seq = self.count() self.wpoints.append(w) self.last_change = time.time() def insert(self, idx, w, comment=''): '''insert a waypoint''' if idx >= self.count(): self.add(w, comment) return if idx < 0: return w = copy.copy(w) if comment: w.comment = comment w.seq = idx self.wpoints.insert(idx, w) self.last_change = time.time() self.reindex() def reindex(self): '''reindex waypoints''' for i in range(self.count()): w = self.wpoints[i] w.seq = i self.last_change = time.time() def add_latlonalt(self, lat, lon, altitude, terrain_alt=False): '''add a point via latitude/longitude/altitude''' if terrain_alt: frame = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT else: frame = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT p = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_message(self.target_system, self.target_component, 0, frame, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, lat, lon, altitude) self.add(p) def set(self, w, idx): '''set a waypoint''' w.seq = idx if w.seq == self.count(): return self.add(w) if self.count() <= idx: raise MAVWPError('adding waypoint at idx=%u past end of list (count=%u)' % (idx, self.count())) self.wpoints[idx] = w self.last_change = time.time() def remove(self, w): '''remove a waypoint''' self.wpoints.remove(w) self.last_change = time.time() self.reindex() def clear(self): '''clear waypoint list''' self.wpoints = [] self.last_change = time.time() def _read_waypoints_v100(self, file): '''read a version 100 waypoint''' cmdmap = { 2 : mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 3 : mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH, 4 : mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND, 24: mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 26: mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND, 25: mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT , 27: mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_LOITER_UNLIM } comment = '' for line in file: if line.startswith('#'): comment = line[1:].lstrip() continue line = line.strip() if not line: continue a = line.split() if len(a) != 13: raise MAVWPError("invalid waypoint line with %u values" % len(a)) if mavutil.mavlink10(): fn = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_message else: fn = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_waypoint_message w = fn(self.target_system, self.target_component, int(a[0]), # seq int(a[1]), # frame int(a[2]), # action int(a[7]), # current int(a[12]), # autocontinue float(a[5]), # param1, float(a[6]), # param2, float(a[3]), # param3 float(a[4]), # param4 float(a[9]), # x, latitude float(a[8]), # y, longitude float(a[10]) # z ) if not w.command in cmdmap: raise MAVWPError("Unknown v100 waypoint action %u" % w.command) w.command = cmdmap[w.command] self.add(w, comment) comment = '' def _read_waypoints_v110(self, file): '''read a version 110 waypoint''' comment = '' for line in file: if line.startswith('#'): comment = line[1:].lstrip() continue line = line.strip() if not line: continue a = line.split() if len(a) != 12: raise MAVWPError("invalid waypoint line with %u values" % len(a)) if mavutil.mavlink10(): fn = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_message else: fn = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_waypoint_message w = fn(self.target_system, self.target_component, int(a[0]), # seq int(a[2]), # frame int(a[3]), # command int(a[1]), # current int(a[11]), # autocontinue float(a[4]), # param1, float(a[5]), # param2, float(a[6]), # param3 float(a[7]), # param4 float(a[8]), # x (latitude) float(a[9]), # y (longitude) float(a[10]) # z (altitude) ) if w.command == 0 and w.seq == 0 and self.count() == 0: # special handling for Mission Planner created home wp w.command = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT self.add(w, comment) comment = '' def _read_waypoints_pb_110(self, file): if not HAVE_PROTOBUF: raise MAVWPError( 'Cannot read mission file in protobuf format without protobuf ' 'library. Try "easy_install protobuf".') explicit_seq = False warned_seq = False mission = mission_pb2.Mission() text_format.Merge(file.read(), mission) defaults = mission_pb2.Waypoint() # Set defaults (may be overriden in file). defaults.current = False defaults.autocontinue = True defaults.param1 = 0.0 defaults.param2 = 0.0 defaults.param3 = 0.0 defaults.param4 = 0.0 defaults.x = 0.0 defaults.y = 0.0 defaults.z = 0.0 # Use defaults specified in mission file, if there are any. if mission.defaults: defaults.MergeFrom(mission.defaults) for seq, waypoint in enumerate(mission.waypoint): # Consecutive sequence numbers are automatically assigned # UNLESS the mission file specifies sequence numbers of # its own. if waypoint.seq: explicit_seq = True else: if explicit_seq and not warned_seq: logging.warn( 'Waypoint file %s: mixes explicit and implicit ' 'sequence numbers' % (file,)) warned_seq = True # The first command has current=True, the rest have current=False. if seq > 0: current = defaults.current else: current = True w = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_mission_item_message( self.target_system, self.target_component, waypoint.seq or seq, waypoint.frame, waypoint.command, waypoint.current or current, waypoint.autocontinue or defaults.autocontinue, waypoint.param1 or defaults.param1, waypoint.param2 or defaults.param2, waypoint.param3 or defaults.param3, waypoint.param4 or defaults.param4, waypoint.x or defaults.x, waypoint.y or defaults.y, waypoint.z or defaults.z) self.add(w) def load(self, filename): '''load waypoints from a file. returns number of waypoints loaded''' f = open(filename, mode='r') version_line = f.readline().strip() if version_line == "QGC WPL 100": readfn = self._read_waypoints_v100 elif version_line == "QGC WPL 110": readfn = self._read_waypoints_v110 elif version_line == "QGC WPL PB 110": readfn = self._read_waypoints_pb_110 else: f.close() raise MAVWPError("Unsupported waypoint format '%s'" % version_line) self.clear() readfn(f) f.close() return len(self.wpoints) def save_as_pb(self, filename): mission = mission_pb2.Mission() for w in self.wpoints: waypoint = mission.waypoint.add() waypoint.command = w.command waypoint.frame = w.frame waypoint.seq = w.seq waypoint.current = w.current waypoint.autocontinue = w.autocontinue waypoint.param1 = w.param1 waypoint.param2 = w.param2 waypoint.param3 = w.param3 waypoint.param4 = w.param4 waypoint.x = w.x waypoint.y = w.y waypoint.z = w.z with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('QGC WPL PB 110\n') f.write(text_format.MessageToString(mission)) def save(self, filename): '''save waypoints to a file''' f = open(filename, mode='w') f.write("QGC WPL 110\n") for w in self.wpoints: if getattr(w, 'comment', None): f.write("# %s\n" % w.comment) f.write("%u\t%u\t%u\t%u\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%u\n" % ( w.seq, w.current, w.frame, w.command, w.param1, w.param2, w.param3, w.param4, w.x, w.y, w.z, w.autocontinue)) f.close() def is_location_command(self, cmd): '''see if cmd is a MAV_CMD with a latitide/longitude. We check if it has Latitude and Longitude params in the right indexes''' mav_cmd = mavutil.mavlink.enums['MAV_CMD'] if not cmd in mav_cmd: return False if not mav_cmd[cmd].param.get(5,'').startswith('Latitude'): return False if not mav_cmd[cmd].param.get(6,'').startswith('Longitude'): return False return True def view_indexes(self, done=None): '''return a list waypoint indexes in view order''' ret = [] if done is None: done = set() idx = 0 # find first point not done yet while idx < self.count(): if not idx in done: break idx += 1 exclusion_start = -1 exclusion_count = -1 inclusion_start = -1 inclusion_count = -1 while idx < self.count(): w = self.wp(idx) if idx in done: if w.x != 0 or w.y != 0: ret.append(idx) break done.add(idx) if w.command == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP: idx = int(w.param1) w = self.wp(idx) if w.x != 0 or w.y != 0: ret.append(idx) continue # display loops for exclusion and inclusion zones if w.command == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_EXCLUSION: if exclusion_start == -1: exclusion_count = int(w.param1) exclusion_start = idx if idx == exclusion_start + exclusion_count - 1: ret.append(idx) ret.append(exclusion_start) return ret if w.command == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_INCLUSION: if inclusion_start == -1: inclusion_count = int(w.param1) inclusion_start = idx if idx == inclusion_start + inclusion_count - 1: ret.append(idx) ret.append(inclusion_start) return ret if (w.x != 0 or w.y != 0) and self.is_location_command(w.command): ret.append(idx) exc_zones = [mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_EXCLUSION, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_POLYGON_VERTEX_INCLUSION] w2 = self.wp(idx+1) if w2 is not None and w.command not in exc_zones and w2.command in exc_zones: # don't draw a line from last WP to first exc zone return ret idx += 1 return ret def polygon(self, done=None): '''return a polygon for the waypoints''' indexes = self.view_indexes(done) points = [] for idx in indexes: w = self.wp(idx) if w.command in self.colour_for_polygon: points.append((w.x, w.y, self.colour_for_polygon[w.command])) else: points.append((w.x, w.y)) return points def polygon_list(self): '''return a list of polygons for the waypoints''' done = set() ret = [] while len(done) != self.count(): p = self.polygon(done) if len(p) > 0: ret.append(p) return ret def view_list(self): '''return a list of polygon indexes lists for the waypoints''' done = set() ret = [] while len(done) != self.count(): p = self.view_indexes(done) if len(p) > 0: ret.append(p) return ret class MAVRallyError(Exception): '''MAVLink rally point error class''' def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.message = msg class MAVRallyLoader(object): '''MAVLink Rally points and Rally Land ponts loader''' def __init__(self, target_system=0, target_component=0): self.rally_points = [] self.target_system = target_system self.target_component = target_component self.last_change = time.time() def rally_count(self): '''return number of rally points''' return len(self.rally_points) def rally_point(self, i): '''return rally point i''' return self.rally_points[i] def reindex(self): '''reset counters and indexes''' for i in range(self.rally_count()): self.rally_points[i].count = self.rally_count() self.rally_points[i].idx = i self.last_change = time.time() def append_rally_point(self, p): '''add rallypoint to end of list''' if (self.rally_count() > 9): print("Can't have more than 10 rally points, not adding.") return self.rally_points.append(p) self.reindex() def create_and_append_rally_point(self, lat, lon, alt, break_alt, land_dir, flags): '''add a point via latitude/longitude''' p = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_rally_point_message(self.target_system, self.target_component, self.rally_count(), 0, int(lat), int(lon), int(alt), int(break_alt), int(land_dir), flags) self.append_rally_point(p) def clear(self): '''clear all point lists (rally and rally_land)''' self.rally_points = [] self.last_change = time.time() def remove(self, i): '''remove a rally point''' if i < 1 or i > self.rally_count(): print("Invalid rally point number %u" % i) self.rally_points.pop(i-1) self.reindex() def move(self, i, lat, lng, change_time=True): '''move a rally point''' if i < 1 or i > self.rally_count(): print("Invalid rally point number %u" % i) self.rally_points[i-1].lat = int(lat*1e7) self.rally_points[i-1].lng = int(lng*1e7) if change_time: self.last_change = time.time() def set_alt(self, i, alt, break_alt=None, change_time=True): '''set rally point altitude(s)''' if i < 1 or i > self.rally_count(): print("Inavlid rally point number %u" % i) return self.rally_points[i-1].alt = int(alt) if break_alt is not None: self.rally_points[i-1].break_alt = break_alt if change_time: self.last_change = time.time() def load(self, filename): '''load rally and rally_land points from a file. returns number of points loaded''' f = open(filename, mode='r') self.clear() for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue line = line.strip() if not line: continue a = line.split() if len(a) != 7: raise MAVRallyError("invalid rally file line: %s" % line) if (a[0].lower() == "rally"): self.create_and_append_rally_point(float(a[1]) * 1e7, float(a[2]) * 1e7, float(a[3]), float(a[4]), float(a[5]) * 100.0, int(a[6])) f.close() return len(self.rally_points) def save(self, filename): '''save fence points to a file''' f = open(filename, mode='w') for p in self.rally_points: f.write("RALLY %f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%d\n" % (p.lat * 1e-7, p.lng * 1e-7, p.alt, p.break_alt, p.land_dir, p.flags)) f.close() class MAVFenceError(Exception): '''MAVLink fence error class''' def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.message = msg class MAVFenceLoader(object): '''MAVLink geo-fence loader''' def __init__(self, target_system=0, target_component=0): self.points = [] self.target_system = target_system self.target_component = target_component self.last_change = time.time() def count(self): '''return number of points''' return len(self.points) def point(self, i): '''return a point''' return self.points[i] def add(self, p): '''add a point''' self.points.append(p) self.reindex() def reindex(self): '''reindex waypoints''' for i in range(self.count()): w = self.points[i] w.idx = i w.count = self.count() w.target_system = self.target_system w.target_component = self.target_component self.last_change = time.time() def add_latlon(self, lat, lon): '''add a point via latitude/longitude''' p = mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_fence_point_message(self.target_system, self.target_component, self.count(), 0, lat, lon) self.add(p) def clear(self): '''clear point list''' self.points = [] self.last_change = time.time() def load(self, filename): '''load points from a file. returns number of points loaded''' f = open(filename, mode='r') self.clear() for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue line = line.strip() if not line: continue a = line.split() if len(a) != 2: raise MAVFenceError("invalid fence point line: %s" % line) self.add_latlon(float(a[0]), float(a[1])) f.close() return len(self.points) def save(self, filename): '''save fence points to a file''' f = open(filename, mode='w') for p in self.points: f.write("%f\t%f\n" % (p.lat, p.lng)) f.close() def move(self, i, lat, lng, change_time=True): '''move a fence point''' if i < 0 or i >= self.count(): print("Invalid fence point number %u" % i) self.points[i].lat = lat self.points[i].lng = lng # ensure we close the polygon if i == 1: self.points[self.count()-1].lat = lat self.points[self.count()-1].lng = lng if i == self.count() - 1: self.points[1].lat = lat self.points[1].lng = lng if change_time: self.last_change = time.time() def remove(self, i, change_time=True): '''remove a fence point''' if i < 0 or i >= self.count(): print("Invalid fence point number %u" % i) self.points.pop(i) # ensure we close the polygon if i == 1: self.points[self.count()-1].lat = self.points[1].lat self.points[self.count()-1].lng = self.points[1].lng if i == self.count(): self.points[1].lat = self.points[self.count()-1].lat self.points[1].lng = self.points[self.count()-1].lng if change_time: self.last_change = time.time() def polygon(self): '''return a polygon for the fence''' points = [] for fp in self.points[1:]: points.append((fp.lat, fp.lng)) return points