#!/usr/bin/env python ''' search a set of log files for signs of inconsistent IMU data ''' from __future__ import print_function from builtins import input from builtins import range import sys, time, os import zipfile from pymavlink import mavutil from math import degrees # extra imports for pyinstaller import json from pymavlink.dialects.v10 import ardupilotmega search_dirs = ['c:\Program Files\APM Planner', 'c:\Program Files\Mission Planner', 'c:\Program Files (x86)\APM Planner', 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner'] results = 'SearchResults.zip' email = 'Craig Elder <craig@3drobotics.com>' def IMUCheckFail(filename): try: mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename) except Exception: return False accel1 = None accel2 = None gyro1 = None gyro2 = None t1 = 0 t2 = 0 ecount_accel = [0]*3 ecount_gyro = [0]*3 athreshold = 3.0 gthreshold = 30.0 count_threshold = 100 imu1_count = 0 imu2_count = 0 while True: try: m = mlog.recv_match(type=['RAW_IMU','SCALED_IMU2','IMU','IMU2','PARM','PARAM_VALUE']) except Exception as e: print('Error: %s' % e) break if m is None: break mtype = m.get_type() gotimu2 = False if mtype == 'RAW_IMU': accel1 = [m.xacc*9.81*0.001, m.yacc*9.81*0.001, m.zacc*9.81*0.001] gyro1 = [degrees(m.xgyro*0.001), degrees(m.ygyro*0.001), degrees(m.zgyro*0.001)] t1 = m.time_usec/1000 imu1_count += 1 elif mtype == 'SCALED_IMU2': accel2 = [m.xacc*9.81*0.001, m.yacc*9.81*0.001, m.zacc*9.81*0.001] gyro2 = [degrees(m.xgyro*0.001), degrees(m.ygyro*0.001), degrees(m.zgyro*0.001)] gotimu2 = True t2 = m.time_boot_ms imu2_count += 1 elif mtype == 'IMU': accel1 = [m.AccX, m.AccY, m.AccZ] gyro1 = [m.GyrX, m.GyrY, m.GyrZ] t1 = m.TimeMS imu1_count += 1 elif mtype == 'IMU2': accel2 = [m.AccX, m.AccY, m.AccZ] gyro2 = [m.GyrX, m.GyrY, m.GyrZ] gotimu2 = True t2 = m.TimeMS imu2_count += 1 elif mtype == 'PARM': if m.Name.startswith('INS_ACCOFFS_') or m.Name.startswith('INS_ACC2OFFS_'): if m.Value == 0.0: print('UNCALIBRATED: %s' % m) return False elif mtype == 'PARAM_VALUE': if m.param_id.startswith('INS_ACCOFFS_') or m.param_id.startswith('INS_ACC2OFFS_'): if m.param_value == 0.0: print('UNCALIBRATED: %s' % m) return False # skip out early if we don't have two IMUs if imu1_count > imu2_count + 100: return False if accel1 is not None and accel2 is not None and gotimu2 and t2 >= t1: for i in range(3): adiff = accel1[i] - accel2[i] if adiff > athreshold: if ecount_accel[i] < 0: ecount_accel[i] = 0 else: ecount_accel[i] += 1 elif adiff < -athreshold: if ecount_accel[i] > 0: ecount_accel[i] = 0 else: ecount_accel[i] -= 1 else: ecount_accel[i] = 0 gdiff = gyro1[i] - gyro2[i] if gdiff > gthreshold: if ecount_gyro[i] < 0: ecount_gyro[i] = 0 else: ecount_gyro[i] += 1 elif gdiff < -gthreshold: if ecount_gyro[i] > 0: ecount_gyro[i] = 0 else: ecount_gyro[i] -= 1 else: ecount_gyro[i] = 0 if abs(ecount_accel[i]) > count_threshold: print("acceldiff[%u] %.1f" % (i, adiff)) print(m) return True if abs(ecount_gyro[i]) > count_threshold: print("gyrodiff[i] %.1f" % (i, adiff)) print(m) return True return False found = [] directories = sys.argv[1:] if not directories: directories = search_dirs filelist = [] extensions = ['.tlog','.bin'] def match_extension(f): '''see if the path matches a extension''' (root,ext) = os.path.splitext(f) return ext.lower() in extensions for d in directories: if not os.path.exists(d): continue if os.path.isdir(d): print("Searching in %s" % d) for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(d): for f in files: if not match_extension(f): continue path = os.path.join(root, f) filelist.append(path) elif match_extension(d): filelist.append(d) for i in range(len(filelist)): f = filelist[i] print("Checking %s ... [found=%u i=%u/%u]" % (f, len(found), i, len(filelist))) try: if IMUCheckFail(f): found.append(f) except Exception as e: print("Failed - %s" % e) continue sys.stdout.flush() if len(found) == 0: print("No matching files found - all OK!") input('Press enter to close') sys.exit(0) print("Creating zip file %s" % results) try: zip = zipfile.ZipFile(results, 'w') except Exception: print("Unable to create zip file %s" % results) print("Please send matching files manually") for f in found: print('MATCHED: %s' % f) input('Press enter to close') sys.exit(1) for f in found: arcname=os.path.basename(f) if not arcname.startswith('201'): mtime = os.path.getmtime(f) arcname = "%s-%s" % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime(mtime)), arcname) zip.write(f, arcname=arcname) zip.close() print('==============================================') print("Created %s with %u of %u matching logs" % (results, len(found), len(filelist))) print("Please send this file to %s" % email) print('==============================================') input('Press enter to close') sys.exit(0)