# - Returns a version string from Git tags # # This function inspects the annotated git tags for the project and returns a string # into a CMake variable # # get_git_version(<var>) # # - Example # # include(GetGitVersion) # get_git_version(GIT_VERSION) # # Requires CMake 2.6+ if(__get_git_version) return() endif() set(__get_git_version INCLUDED) function(get_git_version var) execute_process(COMMAND git describe --match "v[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*" --abbrev=8 RESULT_VARIABLE status OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_VERSION ERROR_QUIET) if(${status}) set(GIT_VERSION "v0.0.0") else() string(STRIP ${GIT_VERSION} GIT_VERSION) string(REGEX REPLACE "-[0-9]+-g" "-" GIT_VERSION ${GIT_VERSION}) endif() # Work out if the repository is dirty execute_process(COMMAND git update-index -q --refresh OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_QUIET) execute_process(COMMAND git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_DIFF_INDEX ERROR_QUIET) string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "${GIT_DIFF_INDEX}" "" GIT_DIRTY) if (${GIT_DIRTY}) set(GIT_VERSION "${GIT_VERSION}-dirty") endif() message("-- git Version: ${GIT_VERSION}") set(${var} ${GIT_VERSION} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()