 * Copyright (C) 2014 Pavel Kirienko <pavel.kirienko@gmail.com>

#pragma once

#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace uavcan_linux
 * This is the root exception class for all exceptions that can be thrown from the libuavcan Linux driver.
class Exception : public std::runtime_error
    const int errno_;

    static std::string makeErrorString(const std::string& descr, int use_errno)
        return descr + " [errno " + std::to_string(use_errno) + " \"" + std::strerror(use_errno) + "\"]";

    explicit Exception(const std::string& descr, int use_errno = errno)
        : std::runtime_error(makeErrorString(descr, use_errno))
        , errno_(use_errno)
    { }

     * Returns standard UNIX errno value captured at the moment
     * when this exception object was constructed.
    int getErrno() const { return errno_; }

 * This type is thrown when a Libuavcan API method exits with error.
 * The error code is stored in the exception object and is avialable via @ref getLibuavcanErrorCode().
class LibuavcanErrorException : public Exception
    const std::int16_t error_;

    static std::string makeErrorString(std::int16_t e)
        return "Libuavcan error (" + std::to_string(e) + ")";

    explicit LibuavcanErrorException(std::int16_t uavcan_error_code) :
    { }

    std::int16_t getLibuavcanErrorCode() const { return error_; }

 * This exception is thrown when all available interfaces become down.
class AllIfacesDownException : public Exception
    AllIfacesDownException() : Exception("All ifaces are down", ENETDOWN) { }
