N4Drive.map 113 KB

  1. Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 6 (build 750) Tool: armlink [4d35ed]
  2. ==============================================================================
  3. Section Cross References
  4. main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd
  5. main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  6. main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  7. main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_CommonInit) for ADC_CommonInit
  8. main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_Init) for ADC_Init
  9. main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) refers to misc.o(i.NVIC_Init) for NVIC_Init
  10. main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_ITConfig) for ADC_ITConfig
  11. main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig) for ADC_RegularChannelConfig
  12. main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_Cmd) for ADC_Cmd
  13. main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartConv) for ADC_SoftwareStartConv
  14. main.o(i.CAN_Config) refers to can.o(i.CAN_GPIO_Config) for CAN_GPIO_Config
  15. main.o(i.CAN_Config) refers to can.o(i.CAN_NVIC_Config) for CAN_NVIC_Config
  16. main.o(i.CAN_Config) refers to can.o(i.CAN_Mod_Config) for CAN_Mod_Config
  17. main.o(i.LED_Config) refers to led.o(i.GPIO_Config) for GPIO_Config
  18. main.o(i.Overcurrent_Detection_Config) refers to led.o(i.GPIO_IN_Config) for GPIO_IN_Config
  19. main.o(i.Overcurrent_Detection_Config) refers to led.o(i.GPIO_Config) for GPIO_Config
  20. main.o(i.Overcurrent_Detection_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  21. main.o(i.Overcurrent_Detection_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  22. main.o(i.SysTick_100ms_Task) refers to ntc.o(i.Get_Temperature) for Get_Temperature
  23. main.o(i.SysTick_100ms_Task) refers to can.o(i.Send_CAN_DATA6) for Send_CAN_DATA6
  24. main.o(i.SysTick_100ms_Task) refers to delay.o(.data) for sysTickUptime
  25. main.o(i.SysTick_100ms_Task) refers to main.o(.data) for .data
  26. main.o(i.SysTick_500ms_Task) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ToggleBits) for GPIO_ToggleBits
  27. main.o(i.SysTick_500ms_Task) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  28. main.o(i.SysTick_500ms_Task) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  29. main.o(i.SysTick_500ms_Task) refers to usart.o(i.modbus) for modbus
  30. main.o(i.SysTick_500ms_Task) refers to delay.o(.data) for sysTickUptime
  31. main.o(i.SysTick_500ms_Task) refers to main.o(.data) for .data
  32. main.o(i.TIM_Config) refers to time.o(i.TIM_Mod_Config) for TIM_Mod_Config
  33. main.o(i.TIM_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
  34. main.o(i.USART_Config) refers to usart.o(i.USART_GPIO_Config) for USART_GPIO_Config
  35. main.o(i.USART_Config) refers to usart.o(i.USART_NVIC_Config) for USART_NVIC_Config
  36. main.o(i.USART_Config) refers to usart.o(i.USART_MOD_Config) for USART_MOD_Config
  37. main.o(i.USART_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  38. main.o(i.USART_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
  39. main.o(i.get_crc8) refers to main.o(i.update_crc8) for update_crc8
  40. main.o(i.main) refers to misc.o(i.NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig) for NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig
  41. main.o(i.main) refers to delay.o(i.cycleCounterInit) for cycleCounterInit
  42. main.o(i.main) refers to main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config) for ADC_GPIO_Config
  43. main.o(i.main) refers to main.o(i.CAN_Config) for CAN_Config
  44. main.o(i.main) refers to main.o(i.USART_Config) for USART_Config
  45. main.o(i.main) refers to main.o(i.LED_Config) for LED_Config
  46. main.o(i.main) refers to main.o(i.Overcurrent_Detection_Config) for Overcurrent_Detection_Config
  47. main.o(i.main) refers to delay.o(i.delay_ms) for delay_ms
  48. main.o(i.main) refers to iwag.o(i.IWDG_Config) for IWDG_Config
  49. main.o(i.main) refers to iwag.o(i.IWDG_Feed) for IWDG_Feed
  50. main.o(i.main) refers to main.o(i.SysTick_100ms_Task) for SysTick_100ms_Task
  51. main.o(i.main) refers to main.o(i.SysTick_500ms_Task) for SysTick_500ms_Task
  52. delay.o(i.Micros) refers to delay.o(.data) for .data
  53. delay.o(i.cycleCounterInit) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq) for RCC_GetClocksFreq
  54. delay.o(i.cycleCounterInit) refers to delay.o(.data) for .data
  55. delay.o(i.delay_ms) refers to delay.o(i.Micros) for Micros
  56. delay.o(i.delay_us) refers to delay.o(i.Micros) for Micros
  57. delay.o(i.millis) refers to delay.o(.data) for .data
  58. iwag.o(i.IWDG_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_WriteAccessCmd) for IWDG_WriteAccessCmd
  59. iwag.o(i.IWDG_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetPrescaler) for IWDG_SetPrescaler
  60. iwag.o(i.IWDG_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetReload) for IWDG_SetReload
  61. iwag.o(i.IWDG_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  62. iwag.o(i.IWDG_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_Enable) for IWDG_Enable
  63. iwag.o(i.IWDG_Feed) refers to stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  64. led.o(i.GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd
  65. led.o(i.GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  66. led.o(i.GPIO_IN_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd
  67. led.o(i.GPIO_IN_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  68. can.o(i.CAN1_Receive_Msg) refers to stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_MessagePending) for CAN_MessagePending
  69. can.o(i.CAN1_Receive_Msg) refers to stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_Receive) for CAN_Receive
  70. can.o(i.CAN1_Send_Msg) refers to stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_Transmit) for CAN_Transmit
  71. can.o(i.CAN1_Send_Msg) refers to stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_TransmitStatus) for CAN_TransmitStatus
  72. can.o(i.CAN_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd
  73. can.o(i.CAN_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_PinAFConfig) for GPIO_PinAFConfig
  74. can.o(i.CAN_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  75. can.o(i.CAN_Mod_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
  76. can.o(i.CAN_Mod_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_Init) for CAN_Init
  77. can.o(i.CAN_Mod_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_FilterInit) for CAN_FilterInit
  78. can.o(i.CAN_Mod_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_ITConfig) for CAN_ITConfig
  79. can.o(i.CAN_NVIC_Config) refers to misc.o(i.NVIC_Init) for NVIC_Init
  80. can.o(i.Send_CAN_DATA6) refers to can.o(i.CAN1_Send_Msg) for CAN1_Send_Msg
  81. can.o(i.Send_CAN_DATA6) refers to main.o(.data) for light_pwm
  82. can.o(i.Send_CAN_DATA6) refers to can.o(.data) for .data
  83. can.o(i.Send_CAN_DATA6) refers to main.o(.data) for usbl_opendown
  84. it.o(i.ADC_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetFlagStatus) for ADC_GetFlagStatus
  85. it.o(i.ADC_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetConversionValue) for ADC_GetConversionValue
  86. it.o(i.ADC_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_ClearITPendingBit) for ADC_ClearITPendingBit
  87. it.o(i.ADC_IRQHandler) refers to main.o(.data) for Rntc
  88. it.o(i.CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler) refers to iwag.o(i.IWDG_Feed) for IWDG_Feed
  89. it.o(i.CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler) refers to can.o(i.CAN1_Receive_Msg) for CAN1_Receive_Msg
  90. it.o(i.CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler) refers to main.o(.data) for light_pwm
  91. it.o(i.CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler) refers to main.o(.data) for light_step
  92. it.o(i.CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler) refers to main.o(.data) for usbl_opendown
  93. it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadInputDataBit) for GPIO_ReadInputDataBit
  94. it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  95. it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  96. it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to delay.o(.data) for sysTickUptime
  97. it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to main.o(.data) for LightOvercurrent
  98. it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to it.o(.data) for .data
  99. it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to main.o(.data) for light_pwm
  100. it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to main.o(.data) for usbl_opendown
  101. it.o(i.TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GetITStatus) for TIM_GetITStatus
  102. it.o(i.TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearITPendingBit) for TIM_ClearITPendingBit
  103. it.o(i.UART4_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus) for USART_GetITStatus
  104. it.o(i.UART4_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData) for USART_ReceiveData
  105. it.o(i.UART4_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit) for USART_ClearITPendingBit
  106. it.o(i.UART4_IRQHandler) refers to it.o(.data) for .data
  107. it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus) for USART_GetITStatus
  108. it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData) for USART_ReceiveData
  109. it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit) for USART_ClearITPendingBit
  110. it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler) refers to it.o(.data) for .data
  111. ntc.o(i.Get_Temperature) refers to dfltui.o(.text) for __aeabi_ui2d
  112. ntc.o(i.Get_Temperature) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
  113. ntc.o(i.Get_Temperature) refers to ddiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_ddiv
  114. ntc.o(i.Get_Temperature) refers to d2f.o(.text) for __aeabi_d2f
  115. ntc.o(i.Get_Temperature) refers to f2d.o(.text) for __aeabi_f2d
  116. ntc.o(i.Get_Temperature) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_drsub
  117. ntc.o(i.Get_Temperature) refers to log.o(i.__hardfp_log) for __hardfp_log
  118. time.o(i.TIM_Mod_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_TimeBaseInit) for TIM_TimeBaseInit
  119. time.o(i.TIM_Mod_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ARRPreloadConfig) for TIM_ARRPreloadConfig
  120. time.o(i.TIM_Mod_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectOutputTrigger) for TIM_SelectOutputTrigger
  121. time.o(i.TIM_Mod_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ITConfig) for TIM_ITConfig
  122. time.o(i.TIM_Mod_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_Cmd) for TIM_Cmd
  123. time.o(i.TIM_NVIC_Config) refers to misc.o(i.NVIC_Init) for NVIC_Init
  124. usart.o(i.USART_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd
  125. usart.o(i.USART_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_PinAFConfig) for GPIO_PinAFConfig
  126. usart.o(i.USART_GPIO_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  127. usart.o(i.USART_MOD_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_Init) for USART_Init
  128. usart.o(i.USART_MOD_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig) for USART_ITConfig
  129. usart.o(i.USART_MOD_Config) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_Cmd) for USART_Cmd
  130. usart.o(i.USART_NVIC_Config) refers to misc.o(i.NVIC_Init) for NVIC_Init
  131. usart.o(i.Usart_SendByte) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_SendData) for USART_SendData
  132. usart.o(i.Usart_SendByte) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus) for USART_GetFlagStatus
  133. usart.o(i.Usart_SendString) refers to usart.o(i.Usart_SendByte) for Usart_SendByte
  134. usart.o(i.Usart_SendString) refers to stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus) for USART_GetFlagStatus
  135. usart.o(i.modbus) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy4
  136. usart.o(i.modbus) refers to usart.o(i.Crc) for Crc
  137. usart.o(i.modbus) refers to usart.o(i.Usart_SendString) for Usart_SendString
  138. usart.o(i.modbus) refers to main.o(.data) for light_pwm
  139. usart.o(i.modbus) refers to main.o(.data) for light_step
  140. system_stm32f4xx.o(i.SystemCoreClockUpdate) refers to system_stm32f4xx.o(.data) for .data
  141. system_stm32f4xx.o(i.SystemInit) refers to system_stm32f4xx.o(i.SetSysClock) for SetSysClock
  142. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET) refers to startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(STACK) for __initial_sp
  143. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET) refers to startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text) for Reset_Handler
  144. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET) refers to it.o(i.HardFault_Handler) for HardFault_Handler
  145. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET) refers to it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) for SysTick_Handler
  146. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET) refers to it.o(i.ADC_IRQHandler) for ADC_IRQHandler
  147. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET) refers to it.o(i.CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler) for CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler
  148. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET) refers to it.o(i.TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler) for TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler
  149. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET) refers to it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler) for USART1_IRQHandler
  150. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET) refers to it.o(i.UART4_IRQHandler) for UART4_IRQHandler
  151. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text) refers to system_stm32f4xx.o(i.SystemInit) for SystemInit
  152. startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text) refers to entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) for __main
  153. stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_DeInit) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
  154. stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_DeInit) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd
  155. stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_GetITStatus) refers to stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CheckITStatus) for CheckITStatus
  156. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseAllBank1Sectors) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  157. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseAllBank2Sectors) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  158. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseAllSectors) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  159. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseSector) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  160. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_Launch) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  161. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_PCROP1Config) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  162. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_PCROPConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  163. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_RDPConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  164. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_UserConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  165. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_WRP1Config) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  166. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_WRPConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  167. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramByte) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  168. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramDoubleWord) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  169. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramHalfWord) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  170. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramWord) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  171. stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) refers to stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetStatus) for FLASH_GetStatus
  172. stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_DeInit) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB1PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_AHB1PeriphResetCmd
  173. stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(.data) for .data
  174. stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetFlagStatus) for RCC_GetFlagStatus
  175. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_DeInit) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
  176. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_DeInit) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd
  177. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRClockMode1Config) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRConfig) for TIM_ETRConfig
  178. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRClockMode2Config) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRConfig) for TIM_ETRConfig
  179. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC4Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC4Prescaler
  180. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TI1_Config) for TI1_Config
  181. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC1Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC1Prescaler
  182. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TI2_Config) for TI2_Config
  183. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC2Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC2Prescaler
  184. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC3Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC3Prescaler
  185. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ITRxExternalClockConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectInputTrigger) for TIM_SelectInputTrigger
  186. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_PWMIConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TI2_Config) for TI2_Config
  187. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_PWMIConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC2Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC2Prescaler
  188. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_PWMIConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TI1_Config) for TI1_Config
  189. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_PWMIConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC1Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC1Prescaler
  190. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TI1_Config) for TI1_Config
  191. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectInputTrigger) for TIM_SelectInputTrigger
  192. stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig) refers to stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TI2_Config) for TI2_Config
  193. stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_DeInit) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
  194. stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_DeInit) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd
  195. stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_Init) refers to stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq) for RCC_GetClocksFreq
  196. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  197. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_infnan) for __mathlib_dbl_infnan
  198. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to errno.o(i.__set_errno) for __set_errno
  199. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_invalid) for __mathlib_dbl_invalid
  200. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_divzero) for __mathlib_dbl_divzero
  201. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
  202. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_dsub
  203. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to cdcmple.o(.text) for __aeabi_cdcmpeq
  204. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to dflti.o(.text) for __aeabi_i2d
  205. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to ddiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_ddiv
  206. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to poly.o(i.__kernel_poly) for __kernel_poly
  207. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to qnan.o(.constdata) for __mathlib_zero
  208. log.o(i.__hardfp_log) refers to log.o(.constdata) for .constdata
  209. log.o(i.__softfp_log) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  210. log.o(i.__softfp_log) refers to log.o(i.__hardfp_log) for __hardfp_log
  211. log.o(i.log) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  212. log.o(i.log) refers to log.o(i.__hardfp_log) for __hardfp_log
  213. log.o(.constdata) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  214. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  215. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers to dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_infnan) for __mathlib_dbl_infnan
  216. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers to errno.o(i.__set_errno) for __set_errno
  217. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
  218. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_dsub
  219. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers to cdcmple.o(.text) for __aeabi_cdcmpeq
  220. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers to dflti.o(.text) for __aeabi_i2d
  221. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers to ddiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_ddiv
  222. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers to poly.o(i.__kernel_poly) for __kernel_poly
  223. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers to qnan.o(.constdata) for __mathlib_zero
  224. log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) refers to log_x.o(.constdata) for .constdata
  225. log_x.o(i.____softfp_log$lsc) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  226. log_x.o(i.____softfp_log$lsc) refers to log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) for ____hardfp_log$lsc
  227. log_x.o(i.__log$lsc) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  228. log_x.o(i.__log$lsc) refers to log_x.o(i.____hardfp_log$lsc) for ____hardfp_log$lsc
  229. log_x.o(.constdata) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  230. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D) for __rt_final_cpp
  231. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F) for __rt_final_exit
  232. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008) for _main_clock
  233. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A) for _main_cpp_init
  234. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B) for _main_init
  235. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) for _main_scatterload
  236. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001) for _main_stk
  237. dadd.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  238. dadd.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl
  239. dadd.o(.text) refers to llsshr.o(.text) for __aeabi_lasr
  240. dadd.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue
  241. dmul.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  242. dmul.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue
  243. ddiv.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  244. ddiv.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_round
  245. dfltui.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  246. dfltui.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue
  247. f2d.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  248. d2f.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  249. d2f.o(.text) refers to fepilogue.o(.text) for _float_round
  250. dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_divzero) refers to ddiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_ddiv
  251. dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_infnan) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_dadd
  252. dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_infnan2) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_dadd
  253. dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_invalid) refers to ddiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_ddiv
  254. dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_overflow) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
  255. dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_posinfnan) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
  256. dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_underflow) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
  257. poly.o(i.__kernel_poly) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  258. poly.o(i.__kernel_poly) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
  259. poly.o(i.__kernel_poly) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_dadd
  260. qnan.o(.constdata) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  261. entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001) refers to entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712) for __lit__00000000
  262. entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712) refers to startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(STACK) for __initial_sp
  263. entry2.o(__vectab_stack_and_reset_area) refers to startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(STACK) for __initial_sp
  264. entry2.o(__vectab_stack_and_reset_area) refers to entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) for __main
  265. entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) refers to init.o(.text) for __scatterload
  266. entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B) refers to main.o(i.main) for main
  267. entry9b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000C) refers to main.o(i.main) for main
  268. errno.o(i.__aeabi_errno_addr) refers to errno.o(.data) for .data
  269. errno.o(i.__read_errno) refers to errno.o(.data) for .data
  270. errno.o(i.__set_errno) refers to errno.o(.data) for .data
  271. depilogue.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl
  272. depilogue.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr
  273. dflti.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue
  274. init.o(.text) refers to entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) for __main_after_scatterload
  275. ==============================================================================
  276. Removing Unused input sections from the image.
  277. Removing main.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  278. Removing main.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  279. Removing main.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  280. Removing main.o(i.SoftReset), (40 bytes).
  281. Removing main.o(i.TIM_Config), (36 bytes).
  282. Removing main.o(i.get_crc8), (32 bytes).
  283. Removing main.o(i.update_crc8), (30 bytes).
  284. Removing main.o(.bss), (184 bytes).
  285. Removing main.o(.bss), (184 bytes).
  286. Removing main.o(.bss), (184 bytes).
  287. Removing main.o(.bss), (184 bytes).
  288. Removing main.o(.bss), (12 bytes).
  289. Removing main.o(.bss), (20 bytes).
  290. Removing main.o(.data), (1 bytes).
  291. Removing main.o(.data), (1 bytes).
  292. Removing main.o(.data), (1 bytes).
  293. Removing main.o(.data), (2 bytes).
  294. Removing main.o(.data), (1 bytes).
  295. Removing main.o(.data), (4 bytes).
  296. Removing main.o(.data), (4 bytes).
  297. Removing main.o(.data), (4 bytes).
  298. Removing main.o(.data), (4 bytes).
  299. Removing delay.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  300. Removing delay.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  301. Removing delay.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  302. Removing delay.o(i.delay_us), (22 bytes).
  303. Removing delay.o(i.millis), (12 bytes).
  304. Removing iwag.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  305. Removing iwag.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  306. Removing iwag.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  307. Removing led.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  308. Removing led.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  309. Removing led.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  310. Removing can.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  311. Removing can.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  312. Removing can.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  313. Removing can.o(.data), (4 bytes).
  314. Removing it.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  315. Removing it.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  316. Removing it.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  317. Removing it.o(.data), (8 bytes).
  318. Removing it.o(.data), (8 bytes).
  319. Removing it.o(.data), (8 bytes).
  320. Removing ntc.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  321. Removing ntc.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  322. Removing ntc.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  323. Removing ntc.o(.data), (4 bytes).
  324. Removing time.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  325. Removing time.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  326. Removing time.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  327. Removing time.o(i.TIM_Mod_Config), (78 bytes).
  328. Removing time.o(i.TIM_NVIC_Config), (28 bytes).
  329. Removing usart.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  330. Removing usart.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  331. Removing usart.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  332. Removing system_stm32f4xx.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  333. Removing system_stm32f4xx.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  334. Removing system_stm32f4xx.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  335. Removing system_stm32f4xx.o(i.SystemCoreClockUpdate), (120 bytes).
  336. Removing system_stm32f4xx.o(.data), (20 bytes).
  337. Removing startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(HEAP), (512 bytes).
  338. Removing misc.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  339. Removing misc.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  340. Removing misc.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  341. Removing misc.o(i.NVIC_SetVectorTable), (20 bytes).
  342. Removing misc.o(i.NVIC_SystemLPConfig), (24 bytes).
  343. Removing misc.o(i.SysTick_CLKSourceConfig), (24 bytes).
  344. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  345. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  346. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  347. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_AnalogWatchdogCmd), (16 bytes).
  348. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_AnalogWatchdogSingleChannelConfig), (12 bytes).
  349. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_AnalogWatchdogThresholdsConfig), (6 bytes).
  350. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_AutoInjectedConvCmd), (20 bytes).
  351. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_ClearFlag), (6 bytes).
  352. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_CommonStructInit), (12 bytes).
  353. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_ContinuousModeCmd), (20 bytes).
  354. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_DMACmd), (20 bytes).
  355. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_DMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd), (20 bytes).
  356. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_DeInit), (24 bytes).
  357. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_DiscModeChannelCountConfig), (16 bytes).
  358. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_DiscModeCmd), (20 bytes).
  359. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_EOCOnEachRegularChannelCmd), (20 bytes).
  360. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvConfig), (12 bytes).
  361. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvEdgeConfig), (12 bytes).
  362. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetITStatus), (30 bytes).
  363. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetInjectedConversionValue), (14 bytes).
  364. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetMultiModeConversionValue), (12 bytes).
  365. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetSoftwareStartConvStatus), (14 bytes).
  366. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetSoftwareStartInjectedConvCmdStatus), (14 bytes).
  367. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_InjectedChannelConfig), (74 bytes).
  368. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_InjectedDiscModeCmd), (20 bytes).
  369. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_InjectedSequencerLengthConfig), (16 bytes).
  370. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_MultiModeDMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd), (32 bytes).
  371. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_SetInjectedOffset), (10 bytes).
  372. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartInjectedConv), (10 bytes).
  373. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_StructInit), (20 bytes).
  374. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_TempSensorVrefintCmd), (32 bytes).
  375. Removing stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_VBATCmd), (32 bytes).
  376. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  377. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  378. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  379. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_CancelTransmit), (36 bytes).
  380. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_ClearFlag), (48 bytes).
  381. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_ClearITPendingBit), (120 bytes).
  382. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_DBGFreeze), (20 bytes).
  383. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_DeInit), (44 bytes).
  384. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_FIFORelease), (22 bytes).
  385. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_GetFlagStatus), (52 bytes).
  386. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_GetITStatus), (168 bytes).
  387. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_GetLSBTransmitErrorCounter), (8 bytes).
  388. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_GetLastErrorCode), (10 bytes).
  389. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_GetReceiveErrorCounter), (6 bytes).
  390. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_OperatingModeRequest), (140 bytes).
  391. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_SlaveStartBank), (44 bytes).
  392. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_Sleep), (30 bytes).
  393. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_StructInit), (32 bytes).
  394. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_TTComModeCmd), (90 bytes).
  395. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_WakeUp), (40 bytes).
  396. Removing stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CheckITStatus), (12 bytes).
  397. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  398. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  399. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  400. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_ClearFlag), (44 bytes).
  401. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_ClearITPendingBit), (44 bytes).
  402. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_Cmd), (20 bytes).
  403. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_DeInit), (292 bytes).
  404. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_DoubleBufferModeCmd), (20 bytes).
  405. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_DoubleBufferModeConfig), (22 bytes).
  406. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_FlowControllerConfig), (20 bytes).
  407. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_GetCmdStatus), (14 bytes).
  408. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_GetCurrDataCounter), (6 bytes).
  409. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_GetCurrentMemoryTarget), (14 bytes).
  410. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_GetFIFOStatus), (8 bytes).
  411. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_GetFlagStatus), (52 bytes).
  412. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_GetITStatus), (84 bytes).
  413. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_ITConfig), (44 bytes).
  414. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_Init), (84 bytes).
  415. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_MemoryTargetConfig), (10 bytes).
  416. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_PeriphIncOffsetSizeConfig), (20 bytes).
  417. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_SetCurrDataCounter), (4 bytes).
  418. Removing stm32f4xx_dma.o(i.DMA_StructInit), (34 bytes).
  419. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  420. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  421. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  422. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_ClearFlag), (12 bytes).
  423. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_DataCacheCmd), (28 bytes).
  424. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_DataCacheReset), (16 bytes).
  425. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseAllBank1Sectors), (92 bytes).
  426. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseAllBank2Sectors), (92 bytes).
  427. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseAllSectors), (92 bytes).
  428. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseSector), (108 bytes).
  429. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetFlagStatus), (20 bytes).
  430. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetStatus), (60 bytes).
  431. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_ITConfig), (24 bytes).
  432. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_InstructionCacheCmd), (28 bytes).
  433. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_InstructionCacheReset), (16 bytes).
  434. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_Lock), (16 bytes).
  435. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_BORConfig), (24 bytes).
  436. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_BootConfig), (24 bytes).
  437. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_GetBOR), (16 bytes).
  438. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_GetPCROP), (12 bytes).
  439. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_GetPCROP1), (12 bytes).
  440. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_GetRDP), (20 bytes).
  441. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_GetUser), (16 bytes).
  442. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_GetWRP), (12 bytes).
  443. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_GetWRP1), (12 bytes).
  444. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_Launch), (20 bytes).
  445. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_Lock), (16 bytes).
  446. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_PCROP1Config), (36 bytes).
  447. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_PCROPConfig), (36 bytes).
  448. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_PCROPSelectionConfig), (20 bytes).
  449. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_RDPConfig), (24 bytes).
  450. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_Unlock), (36 bytes).
  451. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_UserConfig), (40 bytes).
  452. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_WRP1Config), (36 bytes).
  453. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_OB_WRPConfig), (36 bytes).
  454. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd), (28 bytes).
  455. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramByte), (56 bytes).
  456. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramDoubleWord), (64 bytes).
  457. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramHalfWord), (60 bytes).
  458. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramWord), (60 bytes).
  459. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_SetLatency), (12 bytes).
  460. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_Unlock), (36 bytes).
  461. Removing stm32f4xx_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation), (30 bytes).
  462. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  463. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  464. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  465. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_DeInit), (260 bytes).
  466. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_PinLockConfig), (24 bytes).
  467. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadInputData), (6 bytes).
  468. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadOutputData), (6 bytes).
  469. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadOutputDataBit), (14 bytes).
  470. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_StructInit), (18 bytes).
  471. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Write), (4 bytes).
  472. Removing stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_WriteBit), (10 bytes).
  473. Removing stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  474. Removing stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  475. Removing stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  476. Removing stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_GetFlagStatus), (20 bytes).
  477. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  478. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  479. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  480. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB1PeriphClockLPModeCmd), (24 bytes).
  481. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB1PeriphResetCmd), (24 bytes).
  482. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB2PeriphClockCmd), (24 bytes).
  483. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB2PeriphClockLPModeCmd), (24 bytes).
  484. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB2PeriphResetCmd), (24 bytes).
  485. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB3PeriphClockCmd), (24 bytes).
  486. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB3PeriphClockLPModeCmd), (24 bytes).
  487. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB3PeriphResetCmd), (24 bytes).
  488. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockLPModeCmd), (24 bytes).
  489. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd), (24 bytes).
  490. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockLPModeCmd), (24 bytes).
  491. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd), (24 bytes).
  492. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AdjustHSICalibrationValue), (20 bytes).
  493. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_BackupResetCmd), (12 bytes).
  494. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_ClearFlag), (16 bytes).
  495. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_ClearITPendingBit), (12 bytes).
  496. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_ClockSecuritySystemCmd), (12 bytes).
  497. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_DeInit), (84 bytes).
  498. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetFlagStatus), (52 bytes).
  499. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetITStatus), (20 bytes).
  500. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetSYSCLKSource), (16 bytes).
  501. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_HCLKConfig), (20 bytes).
  502. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_HSEConfig), (16 bytes).
  503. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_HSICmd), (12 bytes).
  504. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_I2SCLKConfig), (12 bytes).
  505. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_ITConfig), (24 bytes).
  506. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_LSEConfig), (28 bytes).
  507. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_LSEModeConfig), (28 bytes).
  508. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_LSICmd), (12 bytes).
  509. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_LTDCCLKDivConfig), (20 bytes).
  510. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_MCO1Config), (20 bytes).
  511. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_MCO2Config), (20 bytes).
  512. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_PCLK1Config), (20 bytes).
  513. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_PCLK2Config), (20 bytes).
  514. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLCmd), (12 bytes).
  515. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLConfig), (40 bytes).
  516. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLI2SCmd), (12 bytes).
  517. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLI2SConfig), (16 bytes).
  518. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLSAICmd), (12 bytes).
  519. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLSAIConfig), (20 bytes).
  520. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_RTCCLKCmd), (12 bytes).
  521. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_RTCCLKConfig), (48 bytes).
  522. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_SAIBlockACLKConfig), (20 bytes).
  523. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_SAIBlockBCLKConfig), (20 bytes).
  524. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_SAIPLLI2SClkDivConfig), (20 bytes).
  525. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_SAIPLLSAIClkDivConfig), (28 bytes).
  526. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_SYSCLKConfig), (20 bytes).
  527. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_TIMCLKPresConfig), (12 bytes).
  528. Removing stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp), (44 bytes).
  529. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  530. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  531. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  532. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TI1_Config), (46 bytes).
  533. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TI2_Config), (54 bytes).
  534. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ARRPreloadConfig), (20 bytes).
  535. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_BDTRConfig), (34 bytes).
  536. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_BDTRStructInit), (18 bytes).
  537. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_CCPreloadControl), (20 bytes).
  538. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_CCxCmd), (22 bytes).
  539. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_CCxNCmd), (22 bytes).
  540. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearFlag), (6 bytes).
  541. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearOC1Ref), (12 bytes).
  542. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearOC2Ref), (20 bytes).
  543. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearOC3Ref), (12 bytes).
  544. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearOC4Ref), (20 bytes).
  545. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_Cmd), (20 bytes).
  546. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_CounterModeConfig), (12 bytes).
  547. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs), (22 bytes).
  548. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_DMACmd), (16 bytes).
  549. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_DMAConfig), (8 bytes).
  550. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_DeInit), (336 bytes).
  551. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRClockMode1Config), (18 bytes).
  552. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRClockMode2Config), (18 bytes).
  553. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRConfig), (24 bytes).
  554. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_EncoderInterfaceConfig), (50 bytes).
  555. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ForcedOC1Config), (12 bytes).
  556. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ForcedOC2Config), (20 bytes).
  557. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ForcedOC3Config), (12 bytes).
  558. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ForcedOC4Config), (20 bytes).
  559. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GenerateEvent), (4 bytes).
  560. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCapture1), (4 bytes).
  561. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCapture2), (4 bytes).
  562. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCapture3), (4 bytes).
  563. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCapture4), (4 bytes).
  564. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCounter), (4 bytes).
  565. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GetFlagStatus), (14 bytes).
  566. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GetPrescaler), (4 bytes).
  567. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit), (172 bytes).
  568. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ICStructInit), (16 bytes).
  569. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ITConfig), (16 bytes).
  570. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ITRxExternalClockConfig), (18 bytes).
  571. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_InternalClockConfig), (10 bytes).
  572. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1FastConfig), (12 bytes).
  573. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1Init), (96 bytes).
  574. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1NPolarityConfig), (12 bytes).
  575. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1PolarityConfig), (12 bytes).
  576. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1PreloadConfig), (12 bytes).
  577. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2FastConfig), (20 bytes).
  578. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2Init), (128 bytes).
  579. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2NPolarityConfig), (20 bytes).
  580. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2PolarityConfig), (20 bytes).
  581. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2PreloadConfig), (20 bytes).
  582. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC3FastConfig), (12 bytes).
  583. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC3Init), (124 bytes).
  584. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC3NPolarityConfig), (20 bytes).
  585. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC3PolarityConfig), (20 bytes).
  586. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC3PreloadConfig), (12 bytes).
  587. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC4FastConfig), (20 bytes).
  588. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC4Init), (96 bytes).
  589. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC4PolarityConfig), (20 bytes).
  590. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OC4PreloadConfig), (20 bytes).
  591. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_OCStructInit), (20 bytes).
  592. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_PWMIConfig), (108 bytes).
  593. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_PrescalerConfig), (6 bytes).
  594. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_RemapConfig), (6 bytes).
  595. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectCCDMA), (20 bytes).
  596. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectCOM), (20 bytes).
  597. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectHallSensor), (20 bytes).
  598. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectInputTrigger), (12 bytes).
  599. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectMasterSlaveMode), (16 bytes).
  600. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectOCxM), (74 bytes).
  601. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectOnePulseMode), (16 bytes).
  602. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectOutputTrigger), (16 bytes).
  603. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectSlaveMode), (16 bytes).
  604. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetAutoreload), (4 bytes).
  605. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetClockDivision), (16 bytes).
  606. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCompare1), (4 bytes).
  607. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCompare2), (4 bytes).
  608. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCompare3), (4 bytes).
  609. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCompare4), (4 bytes).
  610. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCounter), (4 bytes).
  611. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC1Prescaler), (16 bytes).
  612. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC2Prescaler), (24 bytes).
  613. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC3Prescaler), (16 bytes).
  614. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC4Prescaler), (24 bytes).
  615. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig), (46 bytes).
  616. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_TimeBaseInit), (124 bytes).
  617. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_TimeBaseStructInit), (18 bytes).
  618. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_UpdateDisableConfig), (20 bytes).
  619. Removing stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_UpdateRequestConfig), (20 bytes).
  620. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(.rev16_text), (4 bytes).
  621. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(.revsh_text), (4 bytes).
  622. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(.rrx_text), (6 bytes).
  623. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ClearFlag), (6 bytes).
  624. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ClockInit), (28 bytes).
  625. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ClockStructInit), (12 bytes).
  626. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_DMACmd), (16 bytes).
  627. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_DeInit), (172 bytes).
  628. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_HalfDuplexCmd), (20 bytes).
  629. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_IrDACmd), (20 bytes).
  630. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_IrDAConfig), (16 bytes).
  631. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_LINBreakDetectLengthConfig), (16 bytes).
  632. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_LINCmd), (20 bytes).
  633. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_OneBitMethodCmd), (20 bytes).
  634. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_OverSampling8Cmd), (20 bytes).
  635. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiverWakeUpCmd), (20 bytes).
  636. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_SendBreak), (10 bytes).
  637. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_SetAddress), (16 bytes).
  638. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_SetGuardTime), (16 bytes).
  639. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_SetPrescaler), (16 bytes).
  640. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_SmartCardCmd), (20 bytes).
  641. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_SmartCardNACKCmd), (20 bytes).
  642. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_StructInit), (22 bytes).
  643. Removing stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_WakeUpConfig), (16 bytes).
  644. Removing dneg.o(.text), (6 bytes).
  645. 368 unused section(s) (total 10394 bytes) removed from the image.
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  714. USER\\ntc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 ntc.o ABSOLUTE
  715. USER\\time.c 0x00000000 Number 0 time.o ABSOLUTE
  716. USER\\usart.c 0x00000000 Number 0 usart.o ABSOLUTE
  717. USER\can.c 0x00000000 Number 0 can.o ABSOLUTE
  718. USER\delay.c 0x00000000 Number 0 delay.o ABSOLUTE
  719. USER\it.c 0x00000000 Number 0 it.o ABSOLUTE
  720. USER\iwag.c 0x00000000 Number 0 iwag.o ABSOLUTE
  721. USER\led.c 0x00000000 Number 0 led.o ABSOLUTE
  722. USER\main.c 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE
  723. USER\ntc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 ntc.o ABSOLUTE
  724. USER\time.c 0x00000000 Number 0 time.o ABSOLUTE
  725. USER\usart.c 0x00000000 Number 0 usart.o ABSOLUTE
  726. cdcmple.s 0x00000000 Number 0 cdcmple.o ABSOLUTE
  727. dc.s 0x00000000 Number 0 dc.o ABSOLUTE
  728. handlers.s 0x00000000 Number 0 handlers.o ABSOLUTE
  729. init.s 0x00000000 Number 0 init.o ABSOLUTE
  730. RESET 0x08000000 Section 392 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET)
  731. .ARM.Collect$$$$00000000 0x08000188 Section 0 entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000)
  732. .ARM.Collect$$$$00000001 0x08000188 Section 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001)
  733. .ARM.Collect$$$$00000004 0x0800018c Section 4 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004)
  734. .ARM.Collect$$$$00000008 0x08000190 Section 0 entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008)
  735. .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A 0x08000190 Section 0 entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A)
  736. .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B 0x08000190 Section 8 entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B)
  737. .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D 0x08000198 Section 0 entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D)
  738. .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F 0x08000198 Section 0 entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F)
  739. .ARM.Collect$$$$00002712 0x08000198 Section 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712)
  740. __lit__00000000 0x08000198 Data 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712)
  741. .text 0x0800019c Section 36 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  742. $v0 0x0800019c Number 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  743. .text 0x080001c0 Section 0 memcpya.o(.text)
  744. .text 0x080001e4 Section 0 dadd.o(.text)
  745. .text 0x08000332 Section 0 dmul.o(.text)
  746. .text 0x08000416 Section 0 ddiv.o(.text)
  747. .text 0x080004f4 Section 0 dfltui.o(.text)
  748. .text 0x0800050e Section 0 f2d.o(.text)
  749. .text 0x08000534 Section 0 d2f.o(.text)
  750. .text 0x0800056c Section 0 llshl.o(.text)
  751. .text 0x0800058a Section 0 llsshr.o(.text)
  752. .text 0x080005ae Section 0 fepilogue.o(.text)
  753. .text 0x080005ae Section 0 iusefp.o(.text)
  754. .text 0x0800061c Section 0 depilogue.o(.text)
  755. .text 0x080006d6 Section 0 dflti.o(.text)
  756. .text 0x080006f8 Section 48 cdcmple.o(.text)
  757. .text 0x08000728 Section 36 init.o(.text)
  758. .text 0x0800074c Section 0 llushr.o(.text)
  759. i.ADC_ClearITPendingBit 0x0800076c Section 0 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_ClearITPendingBit)
  760. i.ADC_Cmd 0x08000774 Section 0 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_Cmd)
  761. i.ADC_CommonInit 0x08000788 Section 0 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_CommonInit)
  762. i.ADC_GPIO_Config 0x080007b4 Section 0 main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config)
  763. i.ADC_GetConversionValue 0x0800085c Section 0 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetConversionValue)
  764. i.ADC_GetFlagStatus 0x08000862 Section 0 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetFlagStatus)
  765. i.ADC_IRQHandler 0x08000870 Section 0 it.o(i.ADC_IRQHandler)
  766. i.ADC_ITConfig 0x0800089c Section 0 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_ITConfig)
  767. i.ADC_Init 0x080008b0 Section 0 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_Init)
  768. i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig 0x080008fc Section 0 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig)
  769. i.ADC_SoftwareStartConv 0x08000970 Section 0 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartConv)
  770. i.CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler 0x0800097c Section 0 it.o(i.CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler)
  771. i.CAN1_Receive_Msg 0x080009c4 Section 0 can.o(i.CAN1_Receive_Msg)
  772. i.CAN1_Send_Msg 0x08000a08 Section 0 can.o(i.CAN1_Send_Msg)
  773. i.CAN_Config 0x08000a64 Section 0 main.o(i.CAN_Config)
  774. i.CAN_FilterInit 0x08000ab4 Section 0 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_FilterInit)
  775. i.CAN_GPIO_Config 0x08000b80 Section 0 can.o(i.CAN_GPIO_Config)
  776. i.CAN_ITConfig 0x08000bc2 Section 0 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_ITConfig)
  777. i.CAN_Init 0x08000bd2 Section 0 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_Init)
  778. i.CAN_MessagePending 0x08000cba Section 0 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_MessagePending)
  779. i.CAN_Mod_Config 0x08000cd0 Section 0 can.o(i.CAN_Mod_Config)
  780. i.CAN_NVIC_Config 0x08000d6e Section 0 can.o(i.CAN_NVIC_Config)
  781. i.CAN_Receive 0x08000d8a Section 0 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_Receive)
  782. i.CAN_Transmit 0x08000e18 Section 0 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_Transmit)
  783. i.CAN_TransmitStatus 0x08000ebc Section 0 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_TransmitStatus)
  784. i.Crc 0x08000f28 Section 0 usart.o(i.Crc)
  785. i.GPIO_Config 0x08000f5a Section 0 led.o(i.GPIO_Config)
  786. i.GPIO_IN_Config 0x08000f8a Section 0 led.o(i.GPIO_IN_Config)
  787. i.GPIO_Init 0x08000fb0 Section 0 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init)
  788. i.GPIO_PinAFConfig 0x08001028 Section 0 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_PinAFConfig)
  789. i.GPIO_ReadInputDataBit 0x08001048 Section 0 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadInputDataBit)
  790. i.GPIO_ResetBits 0x08001056 Section 0 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits)
  791. i.GPIO_SetBits 0x0800105a Section 0 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits)
  792. i.GPIO_ToggleBits 0x0800105e Section 0 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ToggleBits)
  793. i.Get_Temperature 0x08001068 Section 0 ntc.o(i.Get_Temperature)
  794. i.HardFault_Handler 0x08001158 Section 0 it.o(i.HardFault_Handler)
  795. i.IWDG_Config 0x0800115a Section 0 iwag.o(i.IWDG_Config)
  796. i.IWDG_Enable 0x08001180 Section 0 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_Enable)
  797. i.IWDG_Feed 0x08001190 Section 0 iwag.o(i.IWDG_Feed)
  798. i.IWDG_ReloadCounter 0x08001194 Section 0 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter)
  799. i.IWDG_SetPrescaler 0x080011a4 Section 0 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetPrescaler)
  800. i.IWDG_SetReload 0x080011b0 Section 0 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetReload)
  801. i.IWDG_WriteAccessCmd 0x080011bc Section 0 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_WriteAccessCmd)
  802. i.LED_Config 0x080011c8 Section 0 main.o(i.LED_Config)
  803. i.Micros 0x080011d8 Section 0 delay.o(i.Micros)
  804. i.NVIC_Init 0x08001210 Section 0 misc.o(i.NVIC_Init)
  805. i.NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig 0x08001274 Section 0 misc.o(i.NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig)
  806. i.Overcurrent_Detection_Config 0x08001288 Section 0 main.o(i.Overcurrent_Detection_Config)
  807. i.RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd 0x080012f4 Section 0 stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd)
  808. i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd 0x0800130c Section 0 stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd)
  809. i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd 0x08001324 Section 0 stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd)
  810. i.RCC_GetClocksFreq 0x0800133c Section 0 stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq)
  811. i.Send_CAN_DATA6 0x080013cc Section 0 can.o(i.Send_CAN_DATA6)
  812. i.SetSysClock 0x08001440 Section 0 system_stm32f4xx.o(i.SetSysClock)
  813. SetSysClock 0x08001441 Thumb Code 162 system_stm32f4xx.o(i.SetSysClock)
  814. i.SysTick_100ms_Task 0x080014f4 Section 0 main.o(i.SysTick_100ms_Task)
  815. i.SysTick_500ms_Task 0x08001524 Section 0 main.o(i.SysTick_500ms_Task)
  816. i.SysTick_Handler 0x08001570 Section 0 it.o(i.SysTick_Handler)
  817. i.SystemInit 0x08001720 Section 0 system_stm32f4xx.o(i.SystemInit)
  818. i.TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler 0x0800177c Section 0 it.o(i.TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler)
  819. i.TIM_ClearITPendingBit 0x080017a0 Section 0 stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearITPendingBit)
  820. i.TIM_GetITStatus 0x080017a6 Section 0 stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GetITStatus)
  821. i.UART4_IRQHandler 0x080017c0 Section 0 it.o(i.UART4_IRQHandler)
  822. i.USART1_IRQHandler 0x0800180c Section 0 it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler)
  823. i.USART_ClearITPendingBit 0x08001854 Section 0 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit)
  824. i.USART_Cmd 0x08001860 Section 0 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_Cmd)
  825. i.USART_Config 0x08001874 Section 0 main.o(i.USART_Config)
  826. i.USART_GPIO_Config 0x0800190c Section 0 usart.o(i.USART_GPIO_Config)
  827. i.USART_GetFlagStatus 0x0800194c Section 0 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus)
  828. i.USART_GetITStatus 0x0800195a Section 0 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus)
  829. i.USART_ITConfig 0x08001998 Section 0 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig)
  830. i.USART_Init 0x080019c8 Section 0 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_Init)
  831. i.USART_MOD_Config 0x08001a74 Section 0 usart.o(i.USART_MOD_Config)
  832. i.USART_NVIC_Config 0x08001ac8 Section 0 usart.o(i.USART_NVIC_Config)
  833. i.USART_ReceiveData 0x08001ae4 Section 0 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData)
  834. i.USART_SendData 0x08001aec Section 0 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_SendData)
  835. i.Usart_SendByte 0x08001af4 Section 0 usart.o(i.Usart_SendByte)
  836. i.Usart_SendString 0x08001b18 Section 0 usart.o(i.Usart_SendString)
  837. i.__hardfp_log 0x08001b58 Section 0 log.o(i.__hardfp_log)
  838. i.__kernel_poly 0x08001f1c Section 0 poly.o(i.__kernel_poly)
  839. i.__mathlib_dbl_divzero 0x08002018 Section 0 dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_divzero)
  840. i.__mathlib_dbl_infnan 0x08002048 Section 0 dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_infnan)
  841. i.__mathlib_dbl_invalid 0x08002060 Section 0 dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_invalid)
  842. i.__scatterload_copy 0x08002080 Section 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_copy)
  843. i.__scatterload_null 0x0800208e Section 2 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_null)
  844. i.__scatterload_zeroinit 0x08002090 Section 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_zeroinit)
  845. i.__set_errno 0x080020a0 Section 0 errno.o(i.__set_errno)
  846. i.cycleCounterInit 0x080020ac Section 0 delay.o(i.cycleCounterInit)
  847. i.delay_ms 0x080020f8 Section 0 delay.o(i.delay_ms)
  848. i.main 0x08002118 Section 0 main.o(i.main)
  849. i.modbus 0x08002164 Section 0 usart.o(i.modbus)
  850. .constdata 0x080021e8 Section 56 log.o(.constdata)
  851. Lg2 0x080021e8 Data 24 log.o(.constdata)
  852. Lg 0x08002200 Data 32 log.o(.constdata)
  853. .constdata 0x08002220 Section 8 qnan.o(.constdata)
  854. .data 0x20000000 Section 16 main.o(.data)
  855. last_sysTickUptime 0x20000004 Data 4 main.o(.data)
  856. last_sysTickUptime 0x20000008 Data 4 main.o(.data)
  857. .data 0x20000010 Section 2 main.o(.data)
  858. .data 0x20000012 Section 2 main.o(.data)
  859. .data 0x20000014 Section 1 main.o(.data)
  860. .data 0x20000018 Section 8 delay.o(.data)
  861. usTicks 0x20000018 Data 4 delay.o(.data)
  862. .data 0x20000020 Section 9 can.o(.data)
  863. .data 0x2000002c Section 44 it.o(.data)
  864. .data 0x20000058 Section 16 stm32f4xx_rcc.o(.data)
  865. APBAHBPrescTable 0x20000058 Data 16 stm32f4xx_rcc.o(.data)
  866. .data 0x20000068 Section 4 errno.o(.data)
  867. _errno 0x20000068 Data 4 errno.o(.data)
  868. STACK 0x20000070 Section 1024 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(STACK)
  869. Global Symbols
  870. Symbol Name Value Ov Type Size Object(Section)
  871. BuildAttributes$$THM_ISAv4$E$P$D$K$B$S$7EM$VFPi3$EXTD16$VFPS$VFMA$PE$A:L22UL41UL21$X:L11$S22US41US21$IEEE1$IW$USESV6$~STKCKD$USESV7$~SHL$OTIME$ROPI$IEEEX$EBA8$MICROLIB$REQ8$PRES8$EABIv2 0x00000000 Number 0 anon$$obj.o ABSOLUTE
  872. __ARM_use_no_argv 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE
  873. __cpp_initialize__aeabi_ - Undefined Weak Reference
  874. __cxa_finalize - Undefined Weak Reference
  875. __decompress - Undefined Weak Reference
  876. _clock_init - Undefined Weak Reference
  877. _microlib_exit - Undefined Weak Reference
  878. __Vectors_Size 0x00000188 Number 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o ABSOLUTE
  879. __Vectors 0x08000000 Data 4 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET)
  880. __Vectors_End 0x08000188 Data 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(RESET)
  881. __main 0x08000189 Thumb Code 0 entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000)
  882. _main_stk 0x08000189 Thumb Code 0 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001)
  883. _main_scatterload 0x0800018d Thumb Code 0 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004)
  884. __main_after_scatterload 0x08000191 Thumb Code 0 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004)
  885. _main_clock 0x08000191 Thumb Code 0 entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008)
  886. _main_cpp_init 0x08000191 Thumb Code 0 entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A)
  887. _main_init 0x08000191 Thumb Code 0 entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B)
  888. __rt_final_cpp 0x08000199 Thumb Code 0 entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D)
  889. __rt_final_exit 0x08000199 Thumb Code 0 entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F)
  890. Reset_Handler 0x0800019d Thumb Code 8 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  891. NMI_Handler 0x080001a5 Thumb Code 2 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  892. MemManage_Handler 0x080001a9 Thumb Code 2 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  893. BusFault_Handler 0x080001ab Thumb Code 2 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  894. UsageFault_Handler 0x080001ad Thumb Code 2 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  895. SVC_Handler 0x080001af Thumb Code 2 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  896. DebugMon_Handler 0x080001b1 Thumb Code 2 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  897. PendSV_Handler 0x080001b3 Thumb Code 2 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  898. CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  899. CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  900. CAN1_TX_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  901. CAN2_RX0_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  902. CAN2_RX1_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  903. CAN2_SCE_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  904. CAN2_TX_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  905. CRYP_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  906. DCMI_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  907. DMA1_Stream0_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  908. DMA1_Stream1_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  909. DMA1_Stream2_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  910. DMA1_Stream3_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  911. DMA1_Stream4_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  912. DMA1_Stream5_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  913. DMA1_Stream6_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  914. DMA1_Stream7_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  915. DMA2_Stream0_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  916. DMA2_Stream1_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  917. DMA2_Stream2_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  918. DMA2_Stream3_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  919. DMA2_Stream4_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  920. DMA2_Stream5_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  921. DMA2_Stream6_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  922. DMA2_Stream7_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  923. ETH_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  924. ETH_WKUP_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  925. EXTI0_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  926. EXTI15_10_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  927. EXTI1_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  928. EXTI2_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  929. EXTI3_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  930. EXTI4_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  931. EXTI9_5_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  932. FLASH_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  933. FPU_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  934. FSMC_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  935. HASH_RNG_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  936. I2C1_ER_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  937. I2C1_EV_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  938. I2C2_ER_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  939. I2C2_EV_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  940. I2C3_ER_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  941. I2C3_EV_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  942. OTG_FS_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  943. OTG_FS_WKUP_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  944. OTG_HS_EP1_IN_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  945. OTG_HS_EP1_OUT_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  946. OTG_HS_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  947. OTG_HS_WKUP_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  948. PVD_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  949. RCC_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  950. RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  951. RTC_WKUP_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  952. SDIO_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  953. SPI1_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  954. SPI2_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  955. SPI3_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  956. TAMP_STAMP_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  957. TIM1_BRK_TIM9_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  958. TIM1_CC_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  959. TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  960. TIM2_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  961. TIM3_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  962. TIM4_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  963. TIM5_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  964. TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  965. TIM7_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  966. TIM8_BRK_TIM12_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  967. TIM8_CC_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  968. TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  969. TIM8_UP_TIM13_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  970. UART5_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  971. USART2_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  972. USART3_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  973. USART6_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  974. WWDG_IRQHandler 0x080001b7 Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(.text)
  975. __aeabi_memcpy 0x080001c1 Thumb Code 36 memcpya.o(.text)
  976. __aeabi_memcpy4 0x080001c1 Thumb Code 0 memcpya.o(.text)
  977. __aeabi_memcpy8 0x080001c1 Thumb Code 0 memcpya.o(.text)
  978. __aeabi_dadd 0x080001e5 Thumb Code 322 dadd.o(.text)
  979. __aeabi_dsub 0x08000327 Thumb Code 6 dadd.o(.text)
  980. __aeabi_drsub 0x0800032d Thumb Code 6 dadd.o(.text)
  981. __aeabi_dmul 0x08000333 Thumb Code 228 dmul.o(.text)
  982. __aeabi_ddiv 0x08000417 Thumb Code 222 ddiv.o(.text)
  983. __aeabi_ui2d 0x080004f5 Thumb Code 26 dfltui.o(.text)
  984. __aeabi_f2d 0x0800050f Thumb Code 38 f2d.o(.text)
  985. __aeabi_d2f 0x08000535 Thumb Code 56 d2f.o(.text)
  986. __aeabi_llsl 0x0800056d Thumb Code 30 llshl.o(.text)
  987. _ll_shift_l 0x0800056d Thumb Code 0 llshl.o(.text)
  988. __aeabi_lasr 0x0800058b Thumb Code 36 llsshr.o(.text)
  989. _ll_sshift_r 0x0800058b Thumb Code 0 llsshr.o(.text)
  990. __I$use$fp 0x080005af Thumb Code 0 iusefp.o(.text)
  991. _float_round 0x080005af Thumb Code 18 fepilogue.o(.text)
  992. _float_epilogue 0x080005c1 Thumb Code 92 fepilogue.o(.text)
  993. _double_round 0x0800061d Thumb Code 30 depilogue.o(.text)
  994. _double_epilogue 0x0800063b Thumb Code 156 depilogue.o(.text)
  995. __aeabi_i2d 0x080006d7 Thumb Code 34 dflti.o(.text)
  996. __aeabi_cdcmpeq 0x080006f9 Thumb Code 0 cdcmple.o(.text)
  997. __aeabi_cdcmple 0x080006f9 Thumb Code 48 cdcmple.o(.text)
  998. __scatterload 0x08000729 Thumb Code 28 init.o(.text)
  999. __scatterload_rt2 0x08000729 Thumb Code 0 init.o(.text)
  1000. __aeabi_llsr 0x0800074d Thumb Code 32 llushr.o(.text)
  1001. _ll_ushift_r 0x0800074d Thumb Code 0 llushr.o(.text)
  1002. ADC_ClearITPendingBit 0x0800076d Thumb Code 8 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_ClearITPendingBit)
  1003. ADC_Cmd 0x08000775 Thumb Code 20 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_Cmd)
  1004. ADC_CommonInit 0x08000789 Thumb Code 34 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_CommonInit)
  1005. ADC_GPIO_Config 0x080007b5 Thumb Code 164 main.o(i.ADC_GPIO_Config)
  1006. ADC_GetConversionValue 0x0800085d Thumb Code 6 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetConversionValue)
  1007. ADC_GetFlagStatus 0x08000863 Thumb Code 14 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_GetFlagStatus)
  1008. ADC_IRQHandler 0x08000871 Thumb Code 36 it.o(i.ADC_IRQHandler)
  1009. ADC_ITConfig 0x0800089d Thumb Code 18 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_ITConfig)
  1010. ADC_Init 0x080008b1 Thumb Code 66 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_Init)
  1011. ADC_RegularChannelConfig 0x080008fd Thumb Code 116 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig)
  1012. ADC_SoftwareStartConv 0x08000971 Thumb Code 10 stm32f4xx_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartConv)
  1013. CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler 0x0800097d Thumb Code 56 it.o(i.CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler)
  1014. CAN1_Receive_Msg 0x080009c5 Thumb Code 64 can.o(i.CAN1_Receive_Msg)
  1015. CAN1_Send_Msg 0x08000a09 Thumb Code 88 can.o(i.CAN1_Send_Msg)
  1016. CAN_Config 0x08000a65 Thumb Code 64 main.o(i.CAN_Config)
  1017. CAN_FilterInit 0x08000ab5 Thumb Code 194 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_FilterInit)
  1018. CAN_GPIO_Config 0x08000b81 Thumb Code 66 can.o(i.CAN_GPIO_Config)
  1019. CAN_ITConfig 0x08000bc3 Thumb Code 16 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_ITConfig)
  1020. CAN_Init 0x08000bd3 Thumb Code 232 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_Init)
  1021. CAN_MessagePending 0x08000cbb Thumb Code 22 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_MessagePending)
  1022. CAN_Mod_Config 0x08000cd1 Thumb Code 158 can.o(i.CAN_Mod_Config)
  1023. CAN_NVIC_Config 0x08000d6f Thumb Code 28 can.o(i.CAN_NVIC_Config)
  1024. CAN_Receive 0x08000d8b Thumb Code 142 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_Receive)
  1025. CAN_Transmit 0x08000e19 Thumb Code 164 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_Transmit)
  1026. CAN_TransmitStatus 0x08000ebd Thumb Code 88 stm32f4xx_can.o(i.CAN_TransmitStatus)
  1027. Crc 0x08000f29 Thumb Code 50 usart.o(i.Crc)
  1028. GPIO_Config 0x08000f5b Thumb Code 48 led.o(i.GPIO_Config)
  1029. GPIO_IN_Config 0x08000f8b Thumb Code 38 led.o(i.GPIO_IN_Config)
  1030. GPIO_Init 0x08000fb1 Thumb Code 120 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init)
  1031. GPIO_PinAFConfig 0x08001029 Thumb Code 32 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_PinAFConfig)
  1032. GPIO_ReadInputDataBit 0x08001049 Thumb Code 14 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadInputDataBit)
  1033. GPIO_ResetBits 0x08001057 Thumb Code 4 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits)
  1034. GPIO_SetBits 0x0800105b Thumb Code 4 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits)
  1035. GPIO_ToggleBits 0x0800105f Thumb Code 8 stm32f4xx_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ToggleBits)
  1036. Get_Temperature 0x08001069 Thumb Code 188 ntc.o(i.Get_Temperature)
  1037. HardFault_Handler 0x08001159 Thumb Code 2 it.o(i.HardFault_Handler)
  1038. IWDG_Config 0x0800115b Thumb Code 38 iwag.o(i.IWDG_Config)
  1039. IWDG_Enable 0x08001181 Thumb Code 10 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_Enable)
  1040. IWDG_Feed 0x08001191 Thumb Code 4 iwag.o(i.IWDG_Feed)
  1041. IWDG_ReloadCounter 0x08001195 Thumb Code 10 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter)
  1042. IWDG_SetPrescaler 0x080011a5 Thumb Code 6 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetPrescaler)
  1043. IWDG_SetReload 0x080011b1 Thumb Code 6 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetReload)
  1044. IWDG_WriteAccessCmd 0x080011bd Thumb Code 6 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_WriteAccessCmd)
  1045. LED_Config 0x080011c9 Thumb Code 10 main.o(i.LED_Config)
  1046. Micros 0x080011d9 Thumb Code 50 delay.o(i.Micros)
  1047. NVIC_Init 0x08001211 Thumb Code 96 misc.o(i.NVIC_Init)
  1048. NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig 0x08001275 Thumb Code 10 misc.o(i.NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig)
  1049. Overcurrent_Detection_Config 0x08001289 Thumb Code 90 main.o(i.Overcurrent_Detection_Config)
  1050. RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd 0x080012f5 Thumb Code 18 stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd)
  1051. RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd 0x0800130d Thumb Code 18 stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd)
  1052. RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd 0x08001325 Thumb Code 18 stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd)
  1053. RCC_GetClocksFreq 0x0800133d Thumb Code 132 stm32f4xx_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq)
  1054. Send_CAN_DATA6 0x080013cd Thumb Code 94 can.o(i.Send_CAN_DATA6)
  1055. SysTick_100ms_Task 0x080014f5 Thumb Code 40 main.o(i.SysTick_100ms_Task)
  1056. SysTick_500ms_Task 0x08001525 Thumb Code 60 main.o(i.SysTick_500ms_Task)
  1057. SysTick_Handler 0x08001571 Thumb Code 394 it.o(i.SysTick_Handler)
  1058. SystemInit 0x08001721 Thumb Code 74 system_stm32f4xx.o(i.SystemInit)
  1059. TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler 0x0800177d Thumb Code 30 it.o(i.TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler)
  1060. TIM_ClearITPendingBit 0x080017a1 Thumb Code 6 stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearITPendingBit)
  1061. TIM_GetITStatus 0x080017a7 Thumb Code 24 stm32f4xx_tim.o(i.TIM_GetITStatus)
  1062. UART4_IRQHandler 0x080017c1 Thumb Code 66 it.o(i.UART4_IRQHandler)
  1063. USART1_IRQHandler 0x0800180d Thumb Code 62 it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler)
  1064. USART_ClearITPendingBit 0x08001855 Thumb Code 12 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit)
  1065. USART_Cmd 0x08001861 Thumb Code 20 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_Cmd)
  1066. USART_Config 0x08001875 Thumb Code 126 main.o(i.USART_Config)
  1067. USART_GPIO_Config 0x0800190d Thumb Code 64 usart.o(i.USART_GPIO_Config)
  1068. USART_GetFlagStatus 0x0800194d Thumb Code 14 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus)
  1069. USART_GetITStatus 0x0800195b Thumb Code 62 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus)
  1070. USART_ITConfig 0x08001999 Thumb Code 48 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig)
  1071. USART_Init 0x080019c9 Thumb Code 164 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_Init)
  1072. USART_MOD_Config 0x08001a75 Thumb Code 84 usart.o(i.USART_MOD_Config)
  1073. USART_NVIC_Config 0x08001ac9 Thumb Code 28 usart.o(i.USART_NVIC_Config)
  1074. USART_ReceiveData 0x08001ae5 Thumb Code 8 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData)
  1075. USART_SendData 0x08001aed Thumb Code 8 stm32f4xx_usart.o(i.USART_SendData)
  1076. Usart_SendByte 0x08001af5 Thumb Code 36 usart.o(i.Usart_SendByte)
  1077. Usart_SendString 0x08001b19 Thumb Code 60 usart.o(i.Usart_SendString)
  1078. __hardfp_log 0x08001b59 Thumb Code 872 log.o(i.__hardfp_log)
  1079. __kernel_poly 0x08001f1d Thumb Code 248 poly.o(i.__kernel_poly)
  1080. __mathlib_dbl_divzero 0x08002019 Thumb Code 28 dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_divzero)
  1081. __mathlib_dbl_infnan 0x08002049 Thumb Code 20 dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_infnan)
  1082. __mathlib_dbl_invalid 0x08002061 Thumb Code 24 dunder.o(i.__mathlib_dbl_invalid)
  1083. __scatterload_copy 0x08002081 Thumb Code 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_copy)
  1084. __scatterload_null 0x0800208f Thumb Code 2 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_null)
  1085. __scatterload_zeroinit 0x08002091 Thumb Code 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_zeroinit)
  1086. __set_errno 0x080020a1 Thumb Code 6 errno.o(i.__set_errno)
  1087. cycleCounterInit 0x080020ad Thumb Code 62 delay.o(i.cycleCounterInit)
  1088. delay_ms 0x080020f9 Thumb Code 32 delay.o(i.delay_ms)
  1089. main 0x08002119 Thumb Code 70 main.o(i.main)
  1090. modbus 0x08002165 Thumb Code 88 usart.o(i.modbus)
  1091. __mathlib_zero 0x08002220 Data 8 qnan.o(.constdata)
  1092. Region$$Table$$Base 0x08002228 Number 0 anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table)
  1093. Region$$Table$$Limit 0x08002248 Number 0 anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table)
  1094. usbl_opendown 0x20000000 Data 2 main.o(.data)
  1095. Rntc 0x20000002 Data 2 main.o(.data)
  1096. temperature_board 0x2000000c Data 4 main.o(.data)
  1097. light_pwm 0x20000010 Data 2 main.o(.data)
  1098. light_step 0x20000012 Data 2 main.o(.data)
  1099. LightOvercurrent 0x20000014 Data 1 main.o(.data)
  1100. sysTickUptime 0x2000001c Data 4 delay.o(.data)
  1101. CAN_DATA_CNT 0x20000020 Data 1 can.o(.data)
  1102. CAN_DATA6 0x20000021 Data 8 can.o(.data)
  1103. cntBLight 0x2000002c Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1104. cntSLight 0x20000030 Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1105. cntUSBL 0x20000034 Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1106. cntCamera1 0x20000038 Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1107. cntCamera2 0x2000003c Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1108. cntCamera3 0x20000040 Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1109. cntCamera4 0x20000044 Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1110. cntMotor1 0x20000048 Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1111. cntMotor2 0x2000004c Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1112. u1Rx 0x20000050 Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1113. u4Rx 0x20000054 Data 4 it.o(.data)
  1114. __initial_sp 0x20000470 Data 0 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o(STACK)
  1115. ==============================================================================
  1116. Memory Map of the image
  1117. Image Entry point : 0x08000189
  1118. Load Region LR_IROM1 (Base: 0x08000000, Size: 0x000022b4, Max: 0x00080000, ABSOLUTE)
  1119. Execution Region ER_IROM1 (Exec base: 0x08000000, Load base: 0x08000000, Size: 0x00002248, Max: 0x00080000, ABSOLUTE)
  1120. Exec Addr Load Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
  1121. 0x08000000 0x08000000 0x00000188 Data RO 703 RESET startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o
  1122. 0x08000188 0x08000188 0x00000000 Code RO 2810 * .ARM.Collect$$$$00000000 mc_w.l(entry.o)
  1123. 0x08000188 0x08000188 0x00000004 Code RO 2846 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000001 mc_w.l(entry2.o)
  1124. 0x0800018c 0x0800018c 0x00000004 Code RO 2849 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000004 mc_w.l(entry5.o)
  1125. 0x08000190 0x08000190 0x00000000 Code RO 2851 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000008 mc_w.l(entry7b.o)
  1126. 0x08000190 0x08000190 0x00000000 Code RO 2853 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A mc_w.l(entry8b.o)
  1127. 0x08000190 0x08000190 0x00000008 Code RO 2854 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B mc_w.l(entry9a.o)
  1128. 0x08000198 0x08000198 0x00000000 Code RO 2856 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D mc_w.l(entry10a.o)
  1129. 0x08000198 0x08000198 0x00000000 Code RO 2858 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F mc_w.l(entry11a.o)
  1130. 0x08000198 0x08000198 0x00000004 Code RO 2847 .ARM.Collect$$$$00002712 mc_w.l(entry2.o)
  1131. 0x0800019c 0x0800019c 0x00000024 Code RO 704 .text startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o
  1132. 0x080001c0 0x080001c0 0x00000024 Code RO 2813 .text mc_w.l(memcpya.o)
  1133. 0x080001e4 0x080001e4 0x0000014e Code RO 2817 .text mf_w.l(dadd.o)
  1134. 0x08000332 0x08000332 0x000000e4 Code RO 2819 .text mf_w.l(dmul.o)
  1135. 0x08000416 0x08000416 0x000000de Code RO 2821 .text mf_w.l(ddiv.o)
  1136. 0x080004f4 0x080004f4 0x0000001a Code RO 2823 .text mf_w.l(dfltui.o)
  1137. 0x0800050e 0x0800050e 0x00000026 Code RO 2825 .text mf_w.l(f2d.o)
  1138. 0x08000534 0x08000534 0x00000038 Code RO 2827 .text mf_w.l(d2f.o)
  1139. 0x0800056c 0x0800056c 0x0000001e Code RO 2860 .text mc_w.l(llshl.o)
  1140. 0x0800058a 0x0800058a 0x00000024 Code RO 2862 .text mc_w.l(llsshr.o)
  1141. 0x080005ae 0x080005ae 0x00000000 Code RO 2871 .text mc_w.l(iusefp.o)
  1142. 0x080005ae 0x080005ae 0x0000006e Code RO 2872 .text mf_w.l(fepilogue.o)
  1143. 0x0800061c 0x0800061c 0x000000ba Code RO 2874 .text mf_w.l(depilogue.o)
  1144. 0x080006d6 0x080006d6 0x00000022 Code RO 2878 .text mf_w.l(dflti.o)
  1145. 0x080006f8 0x080006f8 0x00000030 Code RO 2880 .text mf_w.l(cdcmple.o)
  1146. 0x08000728 0x08000728 0x00000024 Code RO 2882 .text mc_w.l(init.o)
  1147. 0x0800074c 0x0800074c 0x00000020 Code RO 2884 .text mc_w.l(llushr.o)
  1148. 0x0800076c 0x0800076c 0x00000008 Code RO 764 i.ADC_ClearITPendingBit stm32f4xx_adc.o
  1149. 0x08000774 0x08000774 0x00000014 Code RO 765 i.ADC_Cmd stm32f4xx_adc.o
  1150. 0x08000788 0x08000788 0x0000002c Code RO 766 i.ADC_CommonInit stm32f4xx_adc.o
  1151. 0x080007b4 0x080007b4 0x000000a8 Code RO 4 i.ADC_GPIO_Config main.o
  1152. 0x0800085c 0x0800085c 0x00000006 Code RO 777 i.ADC_GetConversionValue stm32f4xx_adc.o
  1153. 0x08000862 0x08000862 0x0000000e Code RO 778 i.ADC_GetFlagStatus stm32f4xx_adc.o
  1154. 0x08000870 0x08000870 0x0000002c Code RO 451 i.ADC_IRQHandler it.o
  1155. 0x0800089c 0x0800089c 0x00000012 Code RO 784 i.ADC_ITConfig stm32f4xx_adc.o
  1156. 0x080008ae 0x080008ae 0x00000002 PAD
  1157. 0x080008b0 0x080008b0 0x0000004c Code RO 785 i.ADC_Init stm32f4xx_adc.o
  1158. 0x080008fc 0x080008fc 0x00000074 Code RO 790 i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig stm32f4xx_adc.o
  1159. 0x08000970 0x08000970 0x0000000a Code RO 792 i.ADC_SoftwareStartConv stm32f4xx_adc.o
  1160. 0x0800097a 0x0800097a 0x00000002 PAD
  1161. 0x0800097c 0x0800097c 0x00000048 Code RO 452 i.CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler it.o
  1162. 0x080009c4 0x080009c4 0x00000044 Code RO 382 i.CAN1_Receive_Msg can.o
  1163. 0x08000a08 0x08000a08 0x0000005c Code RO 383 i.CAN1_Send_Msg can.o
  1164. 0x08000a64 0x08000a64 0x00000050 Code RO 5 i.CAN_Config main.o
  1165. 0x08000ab4 0x08000ab4 0x000000cc Code RO 1011 i.CAN_FilterInit stm32f4xx_can.o
  1166. 0x08000b80 0x08000b80 0x00000042 Code RO 384 i.CAN_GPIO_Config can.o
  1167. 0x08000bc2 0x08000bc2 0x00000010 Code RO 1017 i.CAN_ITConfig stm32f4xx_can.o
  1168. 0x08000bd2 0x08000bd2 0x000000e8 Code RO 1018 i.CAN_Init stm32f4xx_can.o
  1169. 0x08000cba 0x08000cba 0x00000016 Code RO 1019 i.CAN_MessagePending stm32f4xx_can.o
  1170. 0x08000cd0 0x08000cd0 0x0000009e Code RO 385 i.CAN_Mod_Config can.o
  1171. 0x08000d6e 0x08000d6e 0x0000001c Code RO 386 i.CAN_NVIC_Config can.o
  1172. 0x08000d8a 0x08000d8a 0x0000008e Code RO 1021 i.CAN_Receive stm32f4xx_can.o
  1173. 0x08000e18 0x08000e18 0x000000a4 Code RO 1026 i.CAN_Transmit stm32f4xx_can.o
  1174. 0x08000ebc 0x08000ebc 0x0000006c Code RO 1027 i.CAN_TransmitStatus stm32f4xx_can.o
  1175. 0x08000f28 0x08000f28 0x00000032 Code RO 581 i.Crc usart.o
  1176. 0x08000f5a 0x08000f5a 0x00000030 Code RO 352 i.GPIO_Config led.o
  1177. 0x08000f8a 0x08000f8a 0x00000026 Code RO 353 i.GPIO_IN_Config led.o
  1178. 0x08000fb0 0x08000fb0 0x00000078 Code RO 1563 i.GPIO_Init stm32f4xx_gpio.o
  1179. 0x08001028 0x08001028 0x00000020 Code RO 1564 i.GPIO_PinAFConfig stm32f4xx_gpio.o
  1180. 0x08001048 0x08001048 0x0000000e Code RO 1567 i.GPIO_ReadInputDataBit stm32f4xx_gpio.o
  1181. 0x08001056 0x08001056 0x00000004 Code RO 1570 i.GPIO_ResetBits stm32f4xx_gpio.o
  1182. 0x0800105a 0x0800105a 0x00000004 Code RO 1571 i.GPIO_SetBits stm32f4xx_gpio.o
  1183. 0x0800105e 0x0800105e 0x00000008 Code RO 1573 i.GPIO_ToggleBits stm32f4xx_gpio.o
  1184. 0x08001066 0x08001066 0x00000002 PAD
  1185. 0x08001068 0x08001068 0x000000f0 Code RO 521 i.Get_Temperature ntc.o
  1186. 0x08001158 0x08001158 0x00000002 Code RO 453 i.HardFault_Handler it.o
  1187. 0x0800115a 0x0800115a 0x00000026 Code RO 318 i.IWDG_Config iwag.o
  1188. 0x08001180 0x08001180 0x00000010 Code RO 1664 i.IWDG_Enable stm32f4xx_iwdg.o
  1189. 0x08001190 0x08001190 0x00000004 Code RO 319 i.IWDG_Feed iwag.o
  1190. 0x08001194 0x08001194 0x00000010 Code RO 1666 i.IWDG_ReloadCounter stm32f4xx_iwdg.o
  1191. 0x080011a4 0x080011a4 0x0000000c Code RO 1667 i.IWDG_SetPrescaler stm32f4xx_iwdg.o
  1192. 0x080011b0 0x080011b0 0x0000000c Code RO 1668 i.IWDG_SetReload stm32f4xx_iwdg.o
  1193. 0x080011bc 0x080011bc 0x0000000c Code RO 1669 i.IWDG_WriteAccessCmd stm32f4xx_iwdg.o
  1194. 0x080011c8 0x080011c8 0x00000010 Code RO 6 i.LED_Config main.o
  1195. 0x080011d8 0x080011d8 0x00000038 Code RO 257 i.Micros delay.o
  1196. 0x08001210 0x08001210 0x00000064 Code RO 711 i.NVIC_Init misc.o
  1197. 0x08001274 0x08001274 0x00000014 Code RO 712 i.NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig misc.o
  1198. 0x08001288 0x08001288 0x0000006c Code RO 7 i.Overcurrent_Detection_Config main.o
  1199. 0x080012f4 0x080012f4 0x00000018 Code RO 1718 i.RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd stm32f4xx_rcc.o
  1200. 0x0800130c 0x0800130c 0x00000018 Code RO 1727 i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd stm32f4xx_rcc.o
  1201. 0x08001324 0x08001324 0x00000018 Code RO 1730 i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd stm32f4xx_rcc.o
  1202. 0x0800133c 0x0800133c 0x00000090 Code RO 1739 i.RCC_GetClocksFreq stm32f4xx_rcc.o
  1203. 0x080013cc 0x080013cc 0x00000074 Code RO 387 i.Send_CAN_DATA6 can.o
  1204. 0x08001440 0x08001440 0x000000b4 Code RO 641 i.SetSysClock system_stm32f4xx.o
  1205. 0x080014f4 0x080014f4 0x00000030 Code RO 9 i.SysTick_100ms_Task main.o
  1206. 0x08001524 0x08001524 0x0000004c Code RO 10 i.SysTick_500ms_Task main.o
  1207. 0x08001570 0x08001570 0x000001b0 Code RO 454 i.SysTick_Handler it.o
  1208. 0x08001720 0x08001720 0x0000005c Code RO 643 i.SystemInit system_stm32f4xx.o
  1209. 0x0800177c 0x0800177c 0x00000024 Code RO 455 i.TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler it.o
  1210. 0x080017a0 0x080017a0 0x00000006 Code RO 2065 i.TIM_ClearITPendingBit stm32f4xx_tim.o
  1211. 0x080017a6 0x080017a6 0x00000018 Code RO 2091 i.TIM_GetITStatus stm32f4xx_tim.o
  1212. 0x080017be 0x080017be 0x00000002 PAD
  1213. 0x080017c0 0x080017c0 0x0000004c Code RO 456 i.UART4_IRQHandler it.o
  1214. 0x0800180c 0x0800180c 0x00000048 Code RO 457 i.USART1_IRQHandler it.o
  1215. 0x08001854 0x08001854 0x0000000c Code RO 2608 i.USART_ClearITPendingBit stm32f4xx_usart.o
  1216. 0x08001860 0x08001860 0x00000014 Code RO 2611 i.USART_Cmd stm32f4xx_usart.o
  1217. 0x08001874 0x08001874 0x00000098 Code RO 12 i.USART_Config main.o
  1218. 0x0800190c 0x0800190c 0x00000040 Code RO 582 i.USART_GPIO_Config usart.o
  1219. 0x0800194c 0x0800194c 0x0000000e Code RO 2614 i.USART_GetFlagStatus stm32f4xx_usart.o
  1220. 0x0800195a 0x0800195a 0x0000003e Code RO 2615 i.USART_GetITStatus stm32f4xx_usart.o
  1221. 0x08001998 0x08001998 0x00000030 Code RO 2617 i.USART_ITConfig stm32f4xx_usart.o
  1222. 0x080019c8 0x080019c8 0x000000ac Code RO 2618 i.USART_Init stm32f4xx_usart.o
  1223. 0x08001a74 0x08001a74 0x00000054 Code RO 583 i.USART_MOD_Config usart.o
  1224. 0x08001ac8 0x08001ac8 0x0000001c Code RO 584 i.USART_NVIC_Config usart.o
  1225. 0x08001ae4 0x08001ae4 0x00000008 Code RO 2625 i.USART_ReceiveData stm32f4xx_usart.o
  1226. 0x08001aec 0x08001aec 0x00000008 Code RO 2628 i.USART_SendData stm32f4xx_usart.o
  1227. 0x08001af4 0x08001af4 0x00000024 Code RO 585 i.Usart_SendByte usart.o
  1228. 0x08001b18 0x08001b18 0x0000003c Code RO 586 i.Usart_SendString usart.o
  1229. 0x08001b54 0x08001b54 0x00000004 PAD
  1230. 0x08001b58 0x08001b58 0x000003c4 Code RO 2796 i.__hardfp_log m_wm.l(log.o)
  1231. 0x08001f1c 0x08001f1c 0x000000f8 Code RO 2843 i.__kernel_poly m_wm.l(poly.o)
  1232. 0x08002014 0x08002014 0x00000004 PAD
  1233. 0x08002018 0x08002018 0x00000030 Code RO 2829 i.__mathlib_dbl_divzero m_wm.l(dunder.o)
  1234. 0x08002048 0x08002048 0x00000014 Code RO 2830 i.__mathlib_dbl_infnan m_wm.l(dunder.o)
  1235. 0x0800205c 0x0800205c 0x00000004 PAD
  1236. 0x08002060 0x08002060 0x00000020 Code RO 2832 i.__mathlib_dbl_invalid m_wm.l(dunder.o)
  1237. 0x08002080 0x08002080 0x0000000e Code RO 2888 i.__scatterload_copy mc_w.l(handlers.o)
  1238. 0x0800208e 0x0800208e 0x00000002 Code RO 2889 i.__scatterload_null mc_w.l(handlers.o)
  1239. 0x08002090 0x08002090 0x0000000e Code RO 2890 i.__scatterload_zeroinit mc_w.l(handlers.o)
  1240. 0x0800209e 0x0800209e 0x00000002 PAD
  1241. 0x080020a0 0x080020a0 0x0000000c Code RO 2866 i.__set_errno mc_w.l(errno.o)
  1242. 0x080020ac 0x080020ac 0x0000004c Code RO 258 i.cycleCounterInit delay.o
  1243. 0x080020f8 0x080020f8 0x00000020 Code RO 259 i.delay_ms delay.o
  1244. 0x08002118 0x08002118 0x0000004c Code RO 14 i.main main.o
  1245. 0x08002164 0x08002164 0x00000084 Code RO 587 i.modbus usart.o
  1246. 0x080021e8 0x080021e8 0x00000038 Data RO 2799 .constdata m_wm.l(log.o)
  1247. 0x08002220 0x08002220 0x00000008 Data RO 2845 .constdata m_wm.l(qnan.o)
  1248. 0x08002228 0x08002228 0x00000020 Data RO 2886 Region$$Table anon$$obj.o
  1249. Execution Region RW_IRAM1 (Exec base: 0x20000000, Load base: 0x08002248, Size: 0x00000470, Max: 0x00020000, ABSOLUTE)
  1250. Exec Addr Load Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
  1251. 0x20000000 0x08002248 0x00000010 Data RW 23 .data main.o
  1252. 0x20000010 0x08002258 0x00000002 Data RW 24 .data main.o
  1253. 0x20000012 0x0800225a 0x00000002 Data RW 25 .data main.o
  1254. 0x20000014 0x0800225c 0x00000001 Data RW 26 .data main.o
  1255. 0x20000015 0x0800225d 0x00000003 PAD
  1256. 0x20000018 0x08002260 0x00000008 Data RW 262 .data delay.o
  1257. 0x20000020 0x08002268 0x00000009 Data RW 389 .data can.o
  1258. 0x20000029 0x08002271 0x00000003 PAD
  1259. 0x2000002c 0x08002274 0x0000002c Data RW 458 .data it.o
  1260. 0x20000058 0x080022a0 0x00000010 Data RW 1771 .data stm32f4xx_rcc.o
  1261. 0x20000068 0x080022b0 0x00000004 Data RW 2867 .data mc_w.l(errno.o)
  1262. 0x2000006c 0x080022b4 0x00000004 PAD
  1263. 0x20000070 - 0x00000400 Zero RW 701 STACK startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o
  1264. ==============================================================================
  1265. Image component sizes
  1266. Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Object Name
  1267. 528 30 0 9 0 4734 can.o
  1268. 164 20 0 8 0 28194 delay.o
  1269. 734 88 0 44 0 4668 it.o
  1270. 42 0 0 0 0 962 iwag.o
  1271. 86 0 0 0 0 1463 led.o
  1272. 724 100 0 21 0 322655 main.o
  1273. 120 14 0 0 0 1583 misc.o
  1274. 240 52 0 0 0 690 ntc.o
  1275. 36 8 392 0 1024 804 startup_stm32f40_41xxx.o
  1276. 312 20 0 0 0 6909 stm32f4xx_adc.o
  1277. 888 30 0 0 0 6346 stm32f4xx_can.o
  1278. 182 0 0 0 0 4153 stm32f4xx_gpio.o
  1279. 68 30 0 0 0 2590 stm32f4xx_iwdg.o
  1280. 216 30 0 16 0 4799 stm32f4xx_rcc.o
  1281. 30 0 0 0 0 2841 stm32f4xx_tim.o
  1282. 344 8 0 0 0 6343 stm32f4xx_usart.o
  1283. 272 36 0 0 0 1441 system_stm32f4xx.o
  1284. 454 44 0 0 0 5234 usart.o
  1285. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1286. 5452 510 424 104 1024 406409 Object Totals
  1287. 0 0 32 0 0 0 (incl. Generated)
  1288. 12 0 0 6 0 0 (incl. Padding)
  1289. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1290. Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Library Member Name
  1291. 100 28 0 0 0 372 dunder.o
  1292. 964 92 56 0 0 316 log.o
  1293. 248 0 0 0 0 152 poly.o
  1294. 0 0 8 0 0 0 qnan.o
  1295. 0 0 0 0 0 0 entry.o
  1296. 0 0 0 0 0 0 entry10a.o
  1297. 0 0 0 0 0 0 entry11a.o
  1298. 8 4 0 0 0 0 entry2.o
  1299. 4 0 0 0 0 0 entry5.o
  1300. 0 0 0 0 0 0 entry7b.o
  1301. 0 0 0 0 0 0 entry8b.o
  1302. 8 4 0 0 0 0 entry9a.o
  1303. 12 6 0 4 0 68 errno.o
  1304. 30 0 0 0 0 0 handlers.o
  1305. 36 8 0 0 0 68 init.o
  1306. 0 0 0 0 0 0 iusefp.o
  1307. 30 0 0 0 0 68 llshl.o
  1308. 36 0 0 0 0 68 llsshr.o
  1309. 32 0 0 0 0 68 llushr.o
  1310. 36 0 0 0 0 68 memcpya.o
  1311. 48 0 0 0 0 68 cdcmple.o
  1312. 56 0 0 0 0 88 d2f.o
  1313. 334 0 0 0 0 148 dadd.o
  1314. 222 0 0 0 0 100 ddiv.o
  1315. 186 0 0 0 0 176 depilogue.o
  1316. 34 0 0 0 0 76 dflti.o
  1317. 26 0 0 0 0 76 dfltui.o
  1318. 228 0 0 0 0 96 dmul.o
  1319. 38 0 0 0 0 68 f2d.o
  1320. 110 0 0 0 0 168 fepilogue.o
  1321. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1322. 2836 142 64 4 4 2312 Library Totals
  1323. 10 0 0 0 4 0 (incl. Padding)
  1324. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1325. Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Library Name
  1326. 1312 120 64 0 0 840 m_wm.l
  1327. 232 22 0 4 0 408 mc_w.l
  1328. 1282 0 0 0 0 1064 mf_w.l
  1329. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1330. 2836 142 64 4 4 2312 Library Totals
  1331. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1332. ==============================================================================
  1333. Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug
  1334. 8288 652 488 108 1028 400349 Grand Totals
  1335. 8288 652 488 108 1028 400349 ELF Image Totals
  1336. 8288 652 488 108 0 0 ROM Totals
  1337. ==============================================================================
  1338. Total RO Size (Code + RO Data) 8776 ( 8.57kB)
  1339. Total RW Size (RW Data + ZI Data) 1136 ( 1.11kB)
  1340. Total ROM Size (Code + RO Data + RW Data) 8884 ( 8.68kB)
  1341. ==============================================================================