MAVLink2 is a new variant of the MAVLink protocol designed to bring more flexibility and security to MAVLink communication.
A background document on the MAVLink2 design is available here:
it is suggested that you start by reading that document.
The key features of MAVLink2 are:
The first 3 features in this list are implemented now and ready for testing. The last feature is not implemented yet.
Most of the rest of this document is a guide for programmers interested in using MAVLink2 in their applications. The two language bindings that are covered are C and Python. Bindings for MAVLink2 for other languages are not implemented yet.
Using the C implementation of MAVLink2 is very similar to using the existing MAVLink1 implementation. You start by generating the MAVLink2 headers using, but passing the --wire-protocol=2.0 option. For example: --lang C message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml -o generator/C/include_v2.0 --wire-protocol=2.0
This will generate a set of C headers in the generator/C/include_v2.0 directory. These headers offer the same range of APIs as was offered by MAVLink1. The major changes from an API perspective are:
The C implementation of MAVLink2 supports sending and receiving MAVLink1 packets as well. To force sending MAVLink1 packets on a particular channel you change the flags field of the status object. For example:
mavlink_status_t *status = mavlink_get_channel_status(MAVLINK_COMM_0);
that will cause subsequent packets on the given channel to be sent as MAVLink1.
Incoming MAVLink1 packets will be automatically handled as MAVLink1. If you need to determine if a particular message was received as MAVLink1 or MAVLink2 then you can use the magic field of the message, like this:
if (msg->magic = MAVLINK_STX_MAVLINK1) {
printf("This is a MAVLink1 message\n");
In most cases this should not be necessary as the xml message definition files for MAVLink1 and MAVLink2 are the same, so you can treat incoming MAVLink1 messages the same as MAVLink2 messages.
Note that MAVLink1 is restricted to messageIDs less than 256, so any messages with a higher messageID won't be received as MAVLink1.
The XML for messages can contain extensions that are optional in the protocol. This allows for extra fields to be added to a message. For example:
<message id="152" name="MEMINFO">
<description>state of APM memory</description>
<field name="brkval" type="uint16_t">heap top</field>
<field name="freemem" type="uint16_t">free memory</field>
<field name="extrafield1" type="uint8_t">extension1</field>
<field name="extrafield2" type="uint32_t">extension2</field>
the fields after the extensions line are extended fields. The rules for extended messages are:
One of the key features of MAVLink2 is support for signing of messages. To enable signing in your application you will need to add some additional code. In particular you will need to add:
Example code in ArduPilot for each of these pieces if available here:
The SETUP_SIGNING message is the mechanism for a GCS to setup a signing key on a MAVLink2 device. It takes a 32 byte secret key and an initial timestamp. The method of generating the 32 byte secret key is up to the GCS implementation, although it is suggested that all GCS implementations should support the use of a sha256 hash of a user provided passphrase.
The timestamp is a 64 bit number, and is in units of 10 microseconds since 1st January 2015. For systems where the time since 1/1/1970 is available (the unix epoch) you can use an offset in seconds of 1420070400.
Storage and handling of the timestamp is critical to the security of the signing system. The rules are:
To enable signing on a channel you need to fill in two pointers in the status structure for the cnannel. The two pointed are:
mavlink_signing_t *signing;
mavlink_signing_streams_t *signing_streams;
The signing pointer controls signing for this stream. It is per-stream, and contains the secret key, the timestamp and a set of flags, plus an optional callback function for accepting unsigned packets. Typical setup would be:
memcpy(signing.secret_key, key.secret_key, 32);
signing.link_id = (uint8_t)chan;
signing.timestamp = key.timestamp;
signing.accept_unsigned_callback = accept_unsigned_callback;
mavlink_status_t *status = mavlink_get_channel_status(chan);
status.signing = &signing;
The signing_streams pointer is a structure used to record the previous timestamp for a (linkId,srcSystem,SrcComponent) tuple. This must point to a structure that is common to all channels in order to prevent inter-channel replay attacks. Typical setup is:
mavlink_status_t *status = mavlink_get_channel_status(chan);
status.signing_streams = &signing_streams;
The maximum number of signing streams supported is given by the MAVLINK_MAX_SIGNING_STREAMS macro. This defaults to 16, but it may be worth raising this for GCS implementations. If the C implementation runs out of signing streams then new streams will be rejected.
In the signing structure there is an optional accept_unsigned_callback function pointer. The C prototype for this function is:
bool accept_unsigned_callback(const mavlink_status_t *status, uint32_t msgId);
If set in the signing structure then this function will be called on any unsigned packet (including all MAVLink1 packets) or any packet where the signature is incorrect. The function offers a way for the implementation to allow unsigned packets to be accepted.
The rules for what unsigned packets should be accepted is implementation specific, but it is suggested the following rules be considered:
For example:
static const uint32_t unsigned_messages[] = {
static bool accept_unsigned_callback(const mavlink_status_t *status, uint32_t message_id)
// Make the assumption that channel 0 is USB and should always be accessible
if (status == mavlink_get_channel_status(MAVLINK_COMM_0)) {
return true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(unsigned_messages) / sizeof(unsigned_messages[0]); i++) {
if (unsigned_messages[i] == message_id) {
return true;
return false;
The purpose of the link_id field in the MAVLink2 signing structure is to prevent cross-channel replay attacks. Without the link_id an attacker could record a packet (such as a disarm request) on one channel, then play it back on a different channel.
The intention with the link IDs is that each channel of communication between an autopilot and a GCS uses a different link ID. There is no requirement that the same link ID be used in both directions however.
For C implementations the obvious mechanism is to use the MAVLink channel number as the link ID. That works well for an autopilot, but runs into an issue for a GCS implementation. The issue is that a user may launch multiple GCS instances talking to the same autopilot via different communication links (such as two radios, or USB and a radio). These multiple GCS instances will not be aware of each other, and so may choose the same link ID. If that happens then a large number of correctly signed packets will be rejected by the autopilot as they will have timestamps that are older than the timestamp received for the same stream tuple on the other communication link.
The solution that I have adopted for MAVProxy is this:
if (msg.get_signed() and
self.mav.signing.link_id == 0 and
msg.get_link_id() != 0 and
self.target_system == msg.get_srcSystem() and
self.target_component == msg.get_srcComponent()):
# change to link_id from incoming packet
self.mav.signing.link_id = msg.get_link_id()
what that says is that if the current link ID in use by MAVProxy is zero, and it receives a correctly signed packet with a non-zero link ID then it switches link ID to the one from the incoming packet.
The has the effect of making the GCS slave its link ID to the link ID of the autopilot.
It is expected that vehicle and GCS implementations will support both MAVLink1 and MAVLink2 for quite some time. We would like most users to receive the benefit of MAVLink2, while still supporting implementations that don't yet support MAVLink2.
The following is meant to capture best practice for vehicle firmware and GCS authors:
vehicle implementations should have a way to enable/disable the sending of MAVLink2 messages. This should preferably be on a per-link basis to allow for some peripherals to be MAVLink1 while others are MAVLink2. It is acceptable for this option to require a reboot of the flight controller to take effect.
if signing is enabled and MAVLink2 is enabled then the vehicle should immediately start sending MAVLink2 on startup
if signing is not enabled and MAVLink2 is enabled then the vehicle may choose to start by sending MAVLink1 and switch to MAVLink2 on a link when it first receives a MAVLink2 message on the link
vehicles should set the MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MAVLINK2 capability flag in the AUTOPILOT_VERSION message if MAVLink2 is available on a link. This should be set in the case where the link is currently sending MAVLink1 packets but MAVLink2 packets will be accepted and will cause a switch to MAVLink2
GCS implementations can choose to either automatically switch to MAVLink2 where available or to have a configuration option for MAVLink2
if the GCS chooses to use a configuration option then when the option is enabled it should send MAVLink2 on starting the link
if the GCS chooses to use automatic switching then it should switch to sending MAVLink2 if either it receives a MAVLink2 message on the link or by asking for the AUTOPILOT_VERSION message to be sent and seeing the MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_MAVLINK2 flag is set