readme.txt 768 B

  1. *****************************************************************************
  2. ** ChibiOS/NIL port for Atmel AVR ATmega2560. **
  3. *****************************************************************************
  4. ** TARGET **
  5. The demo runs on an Arduino Mega board.
  6. ** The Demo **
  7. One thread prints a message to the serial console, which is available on
  8. the board USB connector (FT232 converter).
  9. Another thread toggles the LED on PB7 (pin 13 on Arduino IDE) every 500ms.
  10. ** Build Procedure **
  11. The demo was built using the GCC AVR toolchain. It should build with WinAVR too!
  12. ** Notes **
  13. This demo runs natively so the Arduino bootloader must be removed and the FUSEs
  14. reprogrammed. The values used for fuses are LFUSE=0xe7 and HFUSE=0x99.