control_clean.cpp 16 KB

  1. #include "Sub.h"
  2. //目标姿态
  3. float maxspeed = 910.0;
  4. float minspeed = 280.0;
  5. float maxerrorspeed = 310.0;
  6. //float turnspeed = maxspeed - maxerror_f;
  7. Quaternion _attitude_target_quat;
  8. extern mavlink_rov_state_monitoring_t rov_message;
  9. bool Sub::clean_init()
  10. {
  11. pos_control.set_alt_target(0);
  12. hal.rcout->write(10,1500);//毛刷停止
  13. motor1_speed_target =startval;//1500;
  14. motor2_speed_target =startval;//
  15. float _head =0;
  16. _head = (float)ahrs.yaw_sensor/100;
  17. //track
  18. track_head_gd = constrain_float(_head,0.0,360.0);
  19. last_roll = 0;
  20. last_pitch = 0;
  21. last_yaw = ahrs.yaw_sensor;
  22. //记录进入stable的YAW的当前值
  23. yaw_press = (int16_t)(ahrs.yaw_sensor/100);//记住方位
  24. last_input_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
  25. track_reset();
  26. return true;
  27. }
  28. void Sub::track_reset(void){
  29. autoclean_command = FALSE;//自动刷网
  30. clean_bottom_command =FALSE;
  31. clean_bottom_flag = FALSE;
  32. autoclean_flag = FALSE;
  33. handclean = TRUE;
  34. turn_angle = 16.0;//20210622
  35. //----------------------
  36. track_motor_arm = 1;//履带停机标志
  37. //履带的初始方向位置 默认为水平方向的yaw值
  38. track_head_gd = 0;
  39. //履带停
  40. motor1_speed_target =startval;
  41. motor2_speed_target =startval;
  42. clean_mode =0;
  43. attitude_control.relax_attitude_controllers();//外置九轴YAW更新四元数
  44. last_roll = 0;
  45. last_pitch = 0;
  46. last_yaw = ahrs.yaw_sensor;
  47. yaw_press = (int16_t)ahrs.yaw_sensor/100;//记住方位
  48. ahrs.get_quat_body_to_ned(_attitude_target_quat);
  49. }
  50. extern mavlink_data64_t rov_message2;
  51. extern mavlink_rov_control_t rov_control;
  52. void Sub::clean_run()
  53. {
  54. // if not armed set throttle to zero and exit immediately
  55. if (!motors.armed()) {
  56. motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DesiredSpoolState::GROUND_IDLE);
  57. attitude_control.set_throttle_out(0,true,g.throttle_filt);
  58. attitude_control.relax_attitude_controllers();//---------------------20210623
  59. PressLevel_f =5.0;//压力为0
  60. PressLevel = no;
  61. //-------------
  62. track_reset();
  63. return;
  64. }
  65. //推进器-------------------
  66. motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DesiredSpoolState::THROTTLE_UNLIMITED);
  67. motors.set_throttle(1.0-(float)PressLevel_f*0.1);//压力等级
  68. rov_message.pressure_level = int(PressLevel);
  69. if (clean_thruster_help==1)
  70. {
  71. float pitch_throttle = (0.5-channel_throttle->norm_input())*2;
  72. float yaw_throttle = channel_yaw->norm_input();
  73. if (fabsf(yaw_throttle)>fabsf(pitch_throttle))
  74. {
  75. pitch_throttle = 0.0;
  76. }else{
  77. yaw_throttle =0.0;
  78. }
  79. motors.set_forward(0.0); //右侧摇杆,前推为+,后推为- 右履带的前进后退
  80. motors.set_yaw(0.0);//左侧摇杆左推- 右推+
  81. motors.set_pitch(pitch_throttle);
  82. }else{
  83. motors.set_forward(0.0); //右侧摇杆,前推为+,后推为- 右履带的前进后退
  84. motors.set_yaw(0.0);//左侧摇杆左推- 右推+
  85. motors.set_pitch(0.0);
  86. }
  87. motors.set_roll(0.0);//(channel_roll->norm_input());//左右移动改为roll
  88. motors.set_lateral(0.0);//(channel_lateral->norm_input());
  89. static int j = 0;
  90. j++;
  91. if(j>800)
  92. {
  93. // gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, " track_limit %f\n",(float)rov_control.track_limit);
  94. j=0;
  95. }
  96. //turnspeed = maxspeed - maxerror_f;
  97. autoclean_flag_chose();//自动洗网的状态切换
  98. clean_net_joystick();//默认手动洗网
  99. clean_sidenet_auto();//按一下自动洗网使能,再按一下失能,回到手动洗网状态
  100. }
  101. void Sub::autoclean_flag_chose(void){
  102. if (autoclean_command == TRUE)
  103. {
  104. autoclean_flag = TRUE;
  105. }
  106. else{
  107. autoclean_flag = FALSE;
  108. }
  109. if (autoclean_flag == FALSE && clean_bottom_flag == FALSE)
  110. {
  111. handclean = TRUE;
  112. ahrs.get_quat_body_to_ned(_attitude_target_quat);
  113. }
  114. else{
  115. handclean = FALSE;
  116. }
  117. }
  118. float maxspeed_set=800.0;
  119. void Sub::clean_net_joystick(void)
  120. {
  121. //左右履带和左右电机 左右反了
  122. float left =startval;
  123. float _turn =startval;
  124. int16_t motors1 =startval;
  125. int16_t motors2 =startval;
  126. minspeed =(float)SRV_Channels::srv_channel(15)->get_output_max()/10;// 暂时用来做最小速度 -----最小水深
  127. maxerrorspeed =(float)SRV_Channels::srv_channel(15)->get_output_min()/10;//两个履带最大差速 ----------最深距离 厘米
  128. maxspeed_set = (float)SRV_Channels::srv_channel(15)->get_trim()/10;
  129. maxspeed = 910.0;
  130. if(maxspeed_set<maxspeed)
  131. {
  132. maxspeed = maxspeed_set;
  133. }
  134. if (maxspeed<280.0)
  135. {
  136. maxspeed = 280.0;
  137. }
  138. if(maxspeed>910.0)
  139. {
  140. maxspeed = 910.0;
  141. }
  142. if(handclean == TRUE ){
  143. //计算电机的 手动转速
  144. float pitch_throttle = (0.5-channel_throttle->norm_input())*2;
  145. float yaw_throttle = channel_yaw->norm_input();
  146. if (fabsf(yaw_throttle)>fabsf(pitch_throttle))
  147. {
  148. //pitch_throttle = 0.0;
  149. _turn = Constrate1(channel_yaw->norm_input());//转向 右+左-,+右转 左履带增,-左转 右lvdai+
  150. }else{
  151. _turn =0.0;
  152. }
  153. left = Constrate1(channel_forward->norm_input());//
  154. motors1 = (int16_t)((left*maxspeed +_turn*maxerrorspeed));//右履带 //第一台高压电机
  155. motors2 = (int16_t)((left*maxspeed -_turn*maxerrorspeed));//左履带
  156. if(_turn>0.1)
  157. {
  158. _turn =1.0;
  159. rov_message.turn = 3;
  160. }else if(_turn<-0.1){
  161. _turn =-1.0;
  162. rov_message.turn = 2;
  163. }else{
  164. rov_message.turn = 1;
  165. }
  166. int16_t minspeed_int = (int16_t)minspeed;
  167. if (left>0.1)
  168. {
  169. //前进
  170. if (motors1<minspeed_int)
  171. {
  172. motors1 =minspeed_int;
  173. }
  174. if (motors2<minspeed_int)
  175. {
  176. motors2 =minspeed_int;
  177. }
  178. }
  179. else if (left<-0.1)
  180. {
  181. //后退
  182. if (motors1>-minspeed_int)
  183. {
  184. motors1 =-minspeed_int;
  185. }
  186. if (motors2>-minspeed_int)
  187. {
  188. motors2 =-minspeed_int;
  189. }
  190. }
  191. else{
  192. if(fabsf(_turn)<0.1)
  193. {
  194. motors1 =0;
  195. motors2 =0;
  196. }
  197. else{
  198. motors1 = (int16_t)(_turn*maxerrorspeed);////第一台高压电机
  199. motors2 = (int16_t)(-_turn*maxerrorspeed);//
  200. }
  201. }
  202. int16_t minspeedlimit_back =(int16_t)(maxspeed*0.6);
  203. motors1=constrain_int16(motors1,-(int16_t)minspeedlimit_back,(int16_t)maxspeed);
  204. motors2=constrain_int16(motors2,-(int16_t)minspeedlimit_back,(int16_t)maxspeed);
  205. //左摇杆前进后退的指示---------------
  206. if(left>0.1){
  207. track_motor_arm = 2;//前进
  208. }
  209. else if(left<-0.1){
  210. track_motor_arm = 0;
  211. }
  212. else{
  213. track_motor_arm=1;
  214. }
  215. rov_message.forward = track_motor_arm;
  216. //---------------------------
  217. //右摇杆 转向的控制
  218. if(fabsf(_turn)>0.1 )// 防抖
  219. {
  220. //转弯中 手动控制
  221. track_head_gd = (float)ahrs.yaw_sensor/100;//to show 20210611
  222. slowly_speed1(motor1_speed_target,motors1,4,1);
  223. slowly_speed2(motor2_speed_target,motors2,4,1);
  224. track_motor_arm =3;//left or right
  225. }
  226. else{
  227. //纯手动控制
  228. if(clean_mode == 0){
  229. slowly_speed1(motor1_speed_target,motors1,4,1);
  230. slowly_speed2(motor2_speed_target,motors2,4,1);
  231. }else {
  232. }
  233. }
  234. }
  235. }
  236. void Sub::slowly_speed2(int16_t &p1, int16_t p2,int16_t step,int16_t per)
  237. {
  238. static int16_t countper = 0;
  239. countper++;
  240. if(countper>per){
  241. countper = 0;
  242. if (p1 > p2)
  243. {
  244. p1 -=step;
  245. }else if(p1 < p2){
  246. p1 +=step;
  247. }
  248. if (p2==startval && fabsf(p1-p2)<=step )
  249. {
  250. p1 =startval;
  251. }
  252. }
  253. else{
  254. }
  255. //p1 = constrain_int16(p1, -(Speedmax_hand+maxerror), Speedmax_hand+maxerror);
  256. p1 = constrain_int16(p1, -((int16_t)maxspeed+maxerror), (int16_t)maxspeed+maxerror);
  257. static int j = 0;
  258. j++;
  259. if(j>800)
  260. {
  261. // gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, " thrust%d %f ,%d,%d\n",i,thrust_in,thrust,last_thrust_pwm[i]);
  262. j=0;
  263. }
  264. }
  265. void Sub::slowly_speed1(int16_t &p1, int16_t p2,int16_t step,int16_t per)
  266. {
  267. static int16_t countper = 0;
  268. countper++;
  269. if(countper>per){
  270. countper = 0;
  271. if (p1 > p2)
  272. {
  273. p1 -=step;
  274. }else if(p1 < p2){
  275. p1 +=step;
  276. }
  277. if (p2==startval && fabsf(p1-p2)<=step )
  278. {
  279. p1 =startval;
  280. }
  281. }
  282. else{
  283. }
  284. //p1 = constrain_int16(p1, -(Speedmax_hand+maxerror), Speedmax_hand+maxerror);
  285. p1 = constrain_int16(p1, -((int16_t)maxspeed+maxerror), (int16_t)maxspeed+maxerror);
  286. static int j = 0;
  287. j++;
  288. if(j>800)
  289. {
  290. // gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, " thrust%d %f ,%d,%d\n",i,thrust_in,thrust,last_thrust_pwm[i]);
  291. j=0;
  292. }
  293. }
  294. float Sub::Constrate1(float d1)
  295. {//摇杆死区设置 0.06= 30/500
  296. if (fabsf(d1)*100<6)
  297. {
  298. return 0.0;
  299. }
  300. else{
  301. return d1;
  302. }
  303. }
  304. //extern mavlink_motor_feedback_t motor_feedback;
  305. extern mavlink_motor_speed_t mav_motor_speed;
  306. extern mavlink_rov_state_monitoring_t rov_message;
  307. void Sub::motor_toCan(void)
  308. {
  309. if(mav_motor_speed.motorTest == 1)//电机测试模式
  310. {
  311. motors.motor_to_can[8] = mav_motor_speed.Ltrack*4;//切换成上位机控制 左履带
  312. motors.motor_to_can[9] = mav_motor_speed.Rtrack*4;//右履带
  313. }else{
  314. if(control_mode == CLEAN){
  315. motors.motor_to_can[8] = motor1_speed_target;//飞控自己的履带
  316. motors.motor_to_can[9] = motor2_speed_target;
  317. }else{//非ARCO模式履带不工作
  318. motors.motor_to_can[8] = 0;
  319. motors.motor_to_can[9] = 0;
  320. }
  321. }
  322. static int jsn = 0;
  323. jsn++;
  324. if(jsn>400)
  325. {
  326. gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, " track %d %d \n",(int)motors.motor_to_can[8],motors.motor_to_can[9]);
  327. jsn=0;
  328. }
  329. }
  330. void Sub::clean_sidenet_auto(void)
  331. {
  332. }
  333. //提取朝向误差并返回
  334. float Sub::get_yaw_error(float yaw_heading){
  335. //目标四元数
  336. Quaternion error_head;
  337. error_head.from_axis_angle(Vector3f(0, 0, yaw_heading*RAD_TO_DEG));
  338. _attitude_target_quat = _attitude_target_quat*error_head;
  339. //当前姿态
  340. Quaternion attitude_vehicle_quat;
  341. ahrs.get_quat_body_to_ned(attitude_vehicle_quat);
  342. //当前姿态Z轴
  343. Matrix3f att_to_rot_matrix; // rotation from the target body frame to the inertial frame.
  344. attitude_vehicle_quat.rotation_matrix(att_to_rot_matrix);
  345. Vector3f att_to_thrust_vec = att_to_rot_matrix * Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
  346. //目标姿态Z轴
  347. Matrix3f att_from_rot_matrix; // rotation from the current body frame to the inertial frame.
  348. _attitude_target_quat.rotation_matrix(att_from_rot_matrix);
  349. Vector3f att_from_thrust_vec = att_from_rot_matrix * Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
  350. Vector3f thrust_vec_cross = att_from_thrust_vec % att_to_thrust_vec;//得到轴
  351. float thrust_vec_dot = acosf(constrain_float(att_from_thrust_vec * att_to_thrust_vec, -1.0f, 1.0f));//得到角
  352. float thrust_vector_length = thrust_vec_cross.length();
  353. if (is_zero(thrust_vector_length) || is_zero(thrust_vec_dot)) {
  354. thrust_vec_cross = Vector3f(0, 0, 1);
  355. thrust_vec_dot = 0.0f;
  356. } else {
  357. thrust_vec_cross /= thrust_vector_length;
  358. }
  359. Quaternion error_lean;
  360. error_lean.from_axis_angle(thrust_vec_cross, thrust_vec_dot);// 地系下的从obj到half态的误差四元数
  361. Quaternion error_lean_body= attitude_vehicle_quat.inverse() * error_lean * attitude_vehicle_quat;//b系下的从obj到half态的误差四元数
  362. Quaternion lean_earth= attitude_vehicle_quat * error_lean_body ;//half态下的四元数
  363. Quaternion error_yaw= lean_earth.inverse() * _attitude_target_quat ;//yaw误差四元数
  364. Vector3f rotation;
  365. error_yaw.to_axis_angle(rotation);//得到轴角
  366. float yaw_error = rotation.z*RAD_TO_DEG;//得到yaw方位的误差
  367. return yaw_error;
  368. }
  369. void Sub::clean_sidenet_state(void){
  370. //-------------机器人头朝上-自动洗网-
  371. min_depth =SRV_Channels::srv_channel(11)->get_output_min();// 上端距离 厘米
  372. max_depth = SRV_Channels::srv_channel(11)->get_output_max();//最深距离 厘米
  373. int16_t depth_now =fabsf((int16_t)barometer.get_altitude())*100;
  374. if(autoclean_flag == FALSE)
  375. {//没有自动洗网 保存深度值
  376. autoclean_orgin =depth_now;
  377. autoclean_step = Orign;
  378. }else{
  379. int16_t depth_down=min_depth;
  380. static int8_t delayCnt = 0;
  381. int16_t depth_up = max_depth;
  382. static int8_t delayCnt2 = 0;
  383. switch(autoclean_step){
  384. case Orign:
  385. track_head_gd = 0;
  386. //起始位置位于中上部,先往下走,如果起始位置在中下部 先往上走 假设头向上
  387. if(fabsf(autoclean_orgin-min_depth)>fabsf(autoclean_orgin-max_depth)){
  388. track_motor_arm =2;//向前走
  389. autoclean_step = foward;
  390. }else{
  391. track_motor_arm =0;//向后走
  392. autoclean_step = backward;
  393. }
  394. break;
  395. case foward:
  396. //向前走 2
  397. if (track_motor_arm !=0 && depth_now<=min_depth)
  398. {//转折处 前走 或者 停 但深度小于设置值
  399. track_head_gd = turn_angle;//10度 转10度
  400. track_motor_arm = 1;//先停
  401. delayCnt++;
  402. if (delayCnt>100)//停后延时,400 HZ 理论是0.25秒
  403. {
  404. track_motor_arm = 0;
  405. delayCnt =0;
  406. }
  407. }else{
  408. }
  409. if (track_motor_arm == 0 && depth_now -depth_down>100)//相反方向走了xx cm
  410. {//切换到向后走
  411. track_head_gd = 0.0;//0度
  412. autoclean_step =backward;
  413. }
  414. break;
  415. case backward:
  416. //向后走kk
  417. if (track_motor_arm !=2 && depth_now>=max_depth)
  418. {//转折处 向前走或者停 深度大于设置的最大深度
  419. track_head_gd = -turn_angle;//-10度
  420. track_motor_arm = 1;//2;
  421. delayCnt2++;
  422. if (delayCnt2>100)
  423. {
  424. delayCnt2=0;
  425. track_motor_arm=2;
  426. }
  427. }
  428. else{
  429. }
  430. if (track_motor_arm == 2 && depth_up-depth_now>100)////相反方向走了xx cm
  431. {//切换到向前走
  432. track_head_gd = 0.0;
  433. autoclean_step =foward;//切换状态
  434. }
  435. break;
  436. default:
  437. track_motor_arm =1;
  438. track_head_gd=0.0;
  439. break;
  440. }
  441. }
  442. }
  443. void Sub::clean_sidenet_run(void)//自动洗测网
  444. {
  445. //水平方向还没有自动洗网,没有测试
  446. static int16_t motors1=0;
  447. static int16_t motors2=0;
  448. if (autoclean_flag == FALSE)
  449. {//没有自动洗网返回
  450. motors1=0;
  451. motors2=0;
  452. return;
  453. }
  454. //PID设置
  455. trackpid.p1 = attitude_control._thr_mix_man;
  456. trackpid.p2 = attitude_control._thr_mix_man;
  457. trackpid.i1 = attitude_control._thr_mix_max;
  458. trackpid.i2 = attitude_control._thr_mix_max;
  459. trackpid.d1 = attitude_control._thr_mix_min;
  460. trackpid.d2 = attitude_control._thr_mix_min;
  461. //1000-1500向前走,左履带1,右履带2,方向 右歪增大
  462. static int8_t per = 0;//分频数
  463. if (per >3)
  464. {//50HZ控制频率
  465. per = 0;
  466. track_pidcontrol(track_head_gd,motors1,motors2);
  467. }
  468. per++;
  469. slowly_speed1(motor1_speed_target,motors1,1,3);
  470. slowly_speed2(motor2_speed_target,motors2,1,3);
  471. }
  472. // 不同方向上的履带的PID调用 以及缓加缓减
  473. void Sub::track_pidcontrol(float _targethead,int16_t &_motor1,int16_t &_motor2){
  474. int16_t motors1=startval;
  475. int16_t motors2 =startval;
  476. uint32_t nowtime=AP_HAL::micros();
  477. static uint32_t lasttime = nowtime;//用于换向延时防止抱死
  478. float error = get_yaw_error(_targethead);
  479. if (track_motor_arm ==0)
  480. {//后走
  481. if (nowtime - lasttime <500000)//500ms T1
  482. {//防抱死
  483. motors1 = startval;
  484. motors2 = startval;
  485. }
  486. else{
  487. motors1 = constrain_int16(-Speedmax+trackpid.updatePID1(0,0,error,(float)Speedmax),-Speedmax,Speedmax);
  488. motors2 = constrain_int16(-Speedmax+trackpid.updatePID2(0,0,error,(float)Speedmax),-Speedmax,Speedmax);
  489. }
  490. }
  491. else if (track_motor_arm ==1)
  492. {//停
  493. lasttime = AP_HAL::micros();
  494. motors1 = startval;
  495. motors2 =startval;
  496. }
  497. else if (track_motor_arm ==2)
  498. {//前走
  499. if (nowtime - lasttime <500000)//500ms T1
  500. {//防抱死
  501. motors1 =startval;
  502. motors2 = startval;
  503. }
  504. else{
  505. motors1 = constrain_int16(Speedmax+trackpid.updatePID1(0,0,error,(float)Speedmax),-Speedmax,Speedmax);
  506. motors2 = constrain_int16(Speedmax+trackpid.updatePID2(0,0,error,(float)Speedmax),-Speedmax,Speedmax);
  507. }
  508. }
  509. _motor1 = motors1;
  510. _motor2 = motors2;
  511. }