123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203 |
- '''
- GUI to calculate telemetry data rate between vehicle and GCS
- Amilcar Lucas
- Karthik Desai
- Copyright IAV GmbH 2017
- Released under GNU GPL version 3 or later
- '''
- from future import standard_library
- standard_library.install_aliases()
- from builtins import str
- from tkinter import Tk, Text, TOP, BOTH, X, Y, N, LEFT,RIGHT, CENTER, RIDGE, VERTICAL, END, IntVar, IntVar, Scrollbar
- from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Label, Entry, Combobox, Checkbutton
- mavlink_message_lengths_dict = None
- mav_message_size = 'mavlink_messages_size.py'
- exec(compile(source=open(mav_message_size).read(), filename=mav_message_size, mode='exec'))
- mavlink_streams_list = [
- ("RAW_SENS", 0, [('RAW_IMU' , True),
- ('SCALED_IMU2' , True),
- ('SCALED_IMU3' , False),
- ('SCALED_PRESSURE2' , True),
- ('SCALED_PRESSURE3' , False),
- ('SENSOR_OFFSETS' , True),
- ('NONE' , False)]),
- ("EXT_STAT", 1, [('SYS_STATUS' , True),
- ('POWER_STATUS' , True),
- ('MEMINFO' , True),
- ('GPS_RAW_INT' , True),
- ('GPS_RTK' , False),
- ('GPS2_RAW' , False),
- ('GPS2_RTK' , False),
- ('FENCE_STATUS' , False),
- ('NONE' , False)]),
- ('NONE' , False)]),
- ("RAW_CTRL", 0, [('RC_CHANNELS_SCALED' , True),
- ('NONE' , False)]),
- ("RC_CHAN", 0, [('SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW' , True),
- ('RC_CHANNELS_RAW' , True),
- ('RC_CHANNELS' , True),
- ('NONE' , False)]),
- ("EXTRA1", 2, [('ATTITUDE' , True),
- ('SIMSTATE' , False),
- ('AHRS2' , True),
- ('PID_TUNING' , False),
- ('NONE' , False)]),
- ("EXTRA2", 2, [('VFR_HUD' , True),
- ('NONE' , False)]),
- ("EXTRA3", 1, [('AHRS' , True),
- ('HWSTATUS' , True),
- ('SYSTEM_TIME' , True),
- ('RANGEFINDER' , False),
- ('DISTANCE_SENSOR' , False),
- ('TERRAIN_REQUEST' , False),
- ('BATTERY2' , False),
- ('MOUNT_STATUS' , False),
- ('OPTICAL_FLOW' , False),
- ('GIMBAL_REPORT' , False),
- ('MAG_CAL_REPORT' , False),
- ('MAG_CAL_PROGRESS' , False),
- ('VIBRATION' , True),
- ('RPM' , True),
- ('NONE' , False)]),
- ("ADSB", 0, [('ADSB_VEHICLE' , True),
- ('NONE' , False)]),
- ("RTCM_INJ", 1, [('GPS_RTCM_DATA' , True),
- ('NONE' , False)]),
- ]
- class MainWindow(Frame):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- Frame.__init__(self, parent)
- self.parent = parent
- self.streamrate_name_array = {}
- self.streamrate_cb_array = {}
- self.streamDataRate_array = {}
- self.streamrate_edit_array = {}
- self.columns = 3
- self.initUI()
- self.parent.bind('<Return>', self.updateCombo)
- self.updateCombo()
- def updateCombo(self, event = None):
- totalBits = 0
- for frame_name in mavlink_streams_list:
- bits = 0
- for frame_boxes in frame_name[2]:
- temp = self.streamrate_name_array[frame_name[0]][frame_boxes[0]].get()
- if (self.streamrate_cb_array[frame_name[0]][frame_boxes[0]].get()):
- bits = bits + (8*mavlink_message_lengths_dict[temp])
- datarate = float(self.streamrate_edit_array[frame_name[0]].get())
- tempDataBits = int(bits * datarate)
- self.streamDataRate_array[frame_name[0]].config(text=str(tempDataBits)+" bits/s")
- totalBits = int(totalBits + tempDataBits)
- self.end_total_data_rate_label.config(text = "Total Data Rate is "+str(totalBits) + " bits/s")
- def initUI(self):
- self.parent.title("Calculate Mavlink UAV->GCS telemetry datarate")
- self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
- count = 0
- count_frame = 0
- count_row = 0
- for frame_name in mavlink_streams_list:
- child_frame = Frame(self,borderwidth = 2, relief = RIDGE)
- child_frame.grid(row = count_row, column = count_frame % self.columns)
- if(count_frame % self.columns == self.columns-1):
- count_row = count_row + 1
- count_frame = count_frame + 1
- frame_label = Label(child_frame, text = frame_name[0] + " message stream")
- frame_label.pack(side= TOP)
- self.streamrate_name_array[frame_name[0]] = {}
- self.streamrate_cb_array[frame_name[0]] = {}
- comboFrame = Frame(child_frame)
- comboFrame.pack(side = LEFT)
- for frame_boxes in frame_name[2] :
- comboframe = Frame(comboFrame)
- comboframe.pack(side = TOP)
- combo = Combobox(comboframe,values = tuple(mavlink_msg_temp for mavlink_msg_temp in mavlink_message_lengths_dict))
- combo.grid(row = count, column = 0)
- index = list(mavlink_message_lengths_dict.keys()).index(frame_boxes[0])
- combo.current(index)
- var = IntVar()
- if (frame_boxes[1]):
- var.set(1)
- else:
- var.set(0)
- checkbox = Checkbutton(comboframe,variable = var, command = self.updateCombo)
- checkbox.grid(row = count, column = 1)
- self.streamrate_name_array[frame_name[0]][frame_boxes[0]] = combo
- self.streamrate_cb_array[frame_name[0]][frame_boxes[0]] = var
- combo.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>",self.updateCombo)
- count = count + 1
- streamrate_frame = Frame(child_frame)
- streamrate_frame.pack(side = TOP, anchor = CENTER)
- data_rate_label = Label(streamrate_frame, text="Stream Rate")
- data_rate_label.pack()
- self.data_rate_edit = Entry(streamrate_frame,width = 2)
- self.data_rate_edit.insert(0,frame_name[1])
- self.streamrate_edit_array[frame_name[0]] = self.data_rate_edit
- self.data_rate_edit.pack(side = LEFT, anchor = CENTER)
- unit_Label = Label(streamrate_frame, text="Hz")
- unit_Label.pack(side=RIGHT,anchor = CENTER)
- datarate_frame = Frame(child_frame)
- datarate_frame.pack(side = TOP, anchor = CENTER)
- total_data_rate_label = Label(datarate_frame, text="Data Rate")
- total_data_rate_label.pack(side=TOP,anchor = CENTER)
- self.total_data_rate_answer = Label(datarate_frame, text=" bits/s")
- self.total_data_rate_answer.pack(side=TOP,anchor = CENTER)
- self.streamDataRate_array[frame_name[0]] = self.total_data_rate_answer
- self.end_total_data_rate_label = Label(self.parent, text="Total Data Rate")
- self.end_total_data_rate_label.pack(side=TOP)
- def main():
- root = Tk()
- app = MainWindow(root)
- root.mainloop()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()