hwdef.dat 1.8 KB

  1. # hw definition file for processing by chibios_hwdef.py
  2. # for The CUBE Black and the Cube Purple hardware in a 3DR Solo
  3. # this is based on the CubeBlack hwdef, with Solo's required parameter defaults
  4. # do not use this hwdef with any configuration other than a 3DR Solo with a stock or black cube running Copter 3.7.
  5. include ../fmuv3/hwdef.dat
  6. env OPTIMIZE -O2
  7. SPIDEV icm20948_ext SPI4 DEVID1 MPU_EXT_CS MODE3 4*MHZ 8*MHZ
  8. SPIDEV icm20602_ext SPI4 DEVID3 GYRO_EXT_CS MODE3 4*MHZ 8*MHZ
  9. # pull Solo's default parameters from /Tools/Frame_params
  10. # these are parameters the Solo requires for proper operation that are differnet from the 3.7 standard defaults.
  11. env DEFAULT_PARAMETERS 'Tools/Frame_params/Solo_Copter-3.7_BlackCube.param'
  12. # three IMUs, but allow for different varients. First two IMUs are
  13. # isolated, 3rd isn't
  14. IMU Invensense SPI:mpu9250_ext ROTATION_PITCH_180
  15. # the 3 rotations for the LSM9DS0 driver are for the accel, the gyro
  16. # and the H varient of the gyro
  17. IMU LSM9DS0 SPI:lsm9ds0_ext_g SPI:lsm9ds0_ext_am ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_270 ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_90 ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_90
  18. # 3rd non-isolated IMU
  19. IMU Invensense SPI:mpu9250 ROTATION_YAW_270
  20. # alternative IMU set for newer cubes
  21. IMU Invensense SPI:icm20602_ext ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_270
  22. IMU Invensensev2 SPI:icm20948_ext ROTATION_PITCH_180
  23. IMU Invensensev2 SPI:icm20948 ROTATION_YAW_270
  25. # two baros
  26. BARO MS56XX SPI:ms5611_ext
  27. BARO MS56XX SPI:ms5611
  28. # two compasses. First is in the LSM303D
  29. COMPASS LSM303D SPI:lsm9ds0_ext_am ROTATION_YAW_270
  30. # 2nd compass is part of the 2nd invensense IMU
  31. COMPASS AK8963:probe_mpu9250 1 ROTATION_YAW_270
  32. # compass as part of ICM20948 on newer cubes
  33. COMPASS AK09916:probe_ICM20948 0 ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_90
  34. # also probe for external compasses