#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Thomas Nagy, 2006-2012 (ita) # the following two variables are used by the target "waf dist" VERSION='0.0.1' APPNAME='cc_test' # if you want to cross-compile, use a different command line: # CC=mingw-gcc AR=mingw-ar waf configure build top = '.' from waflib import Configure, Logs, Utils #Configure.autoconfig = True # True/False/'clobber' def options(opt): opt.load('compiler_c gnu_dirs') def configure(conf): conf.load('compiler_c gnu_dirs') # compile and link in the default mode, which is c++ if present conf.check(fragment='int main() { return 0; }\n') # just compile in c mode, and do not link conf.check(fragment='int main() { return 0; }\n', features='c') try: conf.check(fragment="int main() { return 0; }\n", execute=True) # 1 except conf.errors.WafError: Logs.warn('You are probably using a cross-compiler (disabling specific configuration tests)') conf.check_library(test_exec=False) else: conf.check(fragment="""#include\nint main(){fprintf(stderr, "mu"); printf("%d", 22);return 0;}\n""", execute=True, define_name='HAVE_MU') conf.check_library(test_exec=True) conf.check(lib='m', cflags='-Wall', defines=['var=foo', 'x=y'], uselib_store='M', mandatory=False) conf.check_large_file(mandatory=False) conf.check_inline() endianness = conf.check_endianness() conf.define_cond("BIG_ENDIAN", endianness == "big") def test_build(ctx): ctx(rule='echo hello', shell=True, always=True) # Configuration tests may even be re-used: #ctx.in_msg = True # suppress console outputs #ctx.check_large_file(mandatory=False) conf.multicheck( # list of conf.check() arguments {'header_name':'stdio.h', 'msg':'... stdio', 'uselib_store': 'STDIO'}, {'header_name':'xyztabcd.h', 'msg':'... optional xyztabcd.h', 'mandatory': False}, {'header_name':'stdlib.h', 'msg':'... stdlib', 'okmsg': 'aye', 'errmsg': 'nope'}, {'func': test_build, 'msg':'... testing an arbitrary build function', 'okmsg':'ok'}, # parallelism control with after_tests/before_tests {'header_name':'malloc.h', 'msg':'... malloc', 'uselib_store':'MALLOC', 'id':'malloc_t', 'mandatory':False}, {'header_name':'unistd.h', 'msg':'... unistd', 'uselib_store':'UNISTD', 'before_tests':['malloc_t'], 'mandatory':False}, msg = 'Checking for headers in parallel', #mandatory = False, # set to False to make all tests non-mandatory #run_all_tests = False # set to False to stop at the first error ) conf.check(header_name='stdio.h', auto_add_header_name=True) #conf.check(header_name='unistd.h') conf.check(fragment='int main() {return 0;}\n') conf.write_config_header('config.h') # exclude system libraries, force a particular folder (see strictlib below) #conf.check(features='c cprogram strictlib', lib = 'gif', libpath = ['/opt/lib']) def build(bld): bld.env.DEFINES=['WAF=1'] bld.recurse('program stlib shlib') #bld.install_files('/tmp/foo', 'wscript') #bld.env.PREFIX='/tmp/foo' bld.install_files('${PREFIX}/', 'program/a.h program/main.c', relative_trick=False) bld.install_as('${PREFIX}/gnigni.txt', 'wscript') bld.symlink_as('${PREFIX}/libfoo.so', 'wscript') p = Utils.subst_vars('${PREFIX}/gnigni.txt', bld.env) bld.symlink_as('${PREFIX}/share/gnigni-abs.txt', p, relative_trick=False) bld.symlink_as('${PREFIX}/share/gnigni-rel.txt', p, relative_trick=True) bld.env.FOO =['m', 'ncurses'] bld.env.ST = '-L%s' bld.env.A = 'aye' bld.env.B = 'doh' bld.env.SRCA = ['aaa'] bld(rule='echo ${ST:FOO} ${ST:SRC} ${A}${B} ${ST:SRCA} ${ST:SRC[0].abspath()}', always=True, source='wscript', shell=1, name='Shell') if not Utils.is_win32: bld(rule='echo ${ST:FOO} ${ST:SRC} ${A}${B} ${ST:SRCA} ${ST:SRC[0].abspath()}', always=True, source='wscript', shell=0, stdout=None, stderr=None, # disable synchronized outputs on this rule cls_keyword=lambda x:'Trying again', name='NoShell') # illustrate how to add a command 'foo' and to execute things in it if bld.cmd == 'foo': def bar(bld): print('myprogram exit status is', bld.exec_command(bld.get_tgen_by_name('myprogram').link_task.outputs[0].abspath())) bld.add_post_fun(bar) #bld(rule='echo ${SRC} ${tsk.generator.newsize}', newsize='256x256', source='wscript') # command examples from waflib.Build import BuildContext class foo_class(BuildContext): cmd = 'foo' from waflib.Context import Context class package_class(Context): """just a test, try calling 'waf package' """ cmd = 'package' fun = 'package' def package(ctx): print('just a test', ctx.path.ant_glob('wscript')) # and a task generator method example from waflib import TaskGen @TaskGen.feature('strictlib') def check_lib_in_libpath(self): #For use in a configuration check: raise an exception #if the library file does not exist in the folders pointed by 'libpath' pths = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'libpath', [])) if pths: for l in self.to_list(Utils.to_list(getattr(self, 'lib', []))): for x in pths: names = Utils.listdir(x) lname = self.env.cshlib_PATTERN % l if lname in names: break else: self.bld.fatal('wrong path for the library %s' % l)