T0F00 20335:489 SEGGER J-Link V4.90 Log File (0001ms, 15581ms total) T0F00 20335:489 DLL Compiled: Jul 28 2014 10:35:20 (0001ms, 15581ms total) T0F00 20335:489 Logging started @ 2022-11-21 15:31 (0001ms, 15581ms total) T0F00 20335:490 JLINK_SetWarnOutHandler(...) (0000ms, 15581ms total) T0F00 20335:490 JLINK_OpenEx(...) Firmware: J-Link ARM-OB STM32 compiled Aug 22 2012 19:52:04 Hardware: V7.00 S/N: 20090928 Feature(s): RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFullDevice "UNSPECIFIED" selected (0 KB flash, 0 KB RAM). returns O.K. (0261ms, 15842ms total) T0F00 20335:751 JLINK_GetEmuCaps() returns 0x88EA5833 (0000ms, 15842ms total) T0F00 20335:751 JLINK_TIF_GetAvailable(...) (0001ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_SetErrorOutHandler(...) (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_ExecCommand("ProjectFile = "E:\share\N3\N3_driver_git\N3Drive\JLinkSettings.ini"", ...)Device "UNSPECIFIED" selected (0 KB flash, 0 KB RAM). returns 0x00 (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_ExecCommand("Device = STM32F407ZETx", ...)Device "UNSPECIFIED" selected (0 KB flash, 0 KB RAM). returns 0x00 (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableConnectionTimeout", ...) returns 0x01 (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_GetHardwareVersion() returns 0x11170 (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_GetDLLVersion() returns 49000 (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_GetFirmwareString(...) (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_GetDLLVersion() returns 49000 (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_GetCompileDateTime() (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_GetFirmwareString(...) (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_GetHardwareVersion() returns 0x11170 (0000ms, 15843ms total) T0F00 20335:752 JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 15844ms total) T0F00 20335:753 JLINK_SetSpeed(1000) (0000ms, 15844ms total) T0F00 20335:753 JLINK_GetId() >0x108 TIF>Found SWD-DP with ID 0x2BA01477 >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF>Found Cortex-M4 r0p1, Little endian. -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002000) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002000)FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE00FF010)TPIU fitted. -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE00FF014)ETM fitted. -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE00FF018) >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> returns 0x2BA01477 (0021ms, 15865ms total) T0F00 20335:774 JLINK_GetDLLVersion() returns 49000 (0000ms, 15865ms total) T0F00 20335:774 JLINK_CORE_GetFound() returns 0xE0000FF (0000ms, 15865ms total) T0F00 20335:774 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x100) -- Value=0xE00FF003 returns 0x00 (0000ms, 15865ms total) T0F00 20335:774 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x101) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15865ms total) T0F00 20335:774 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0xE0041FF0, 0x0010 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554436) -- CPU is running -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE0041FF0) - Data: 0D 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 B1 00 00 00 returns 0x10 (0001ms, 15866ms total) T0F00 20335:775 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0xE0041FD0, 0x0020 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554436) -- CPU is running -- CPU_ReadMem(32 bytes @ 0xE0041FD0) - Data: 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... returns 0x20 (0003ms, 15869ms total) T0F00 20335:778 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x102) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15869ms total) T0F00 20335:778 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x103) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15869ms total) T0F00 20335:778 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0xE0040FF0, 0x0010 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554436) -- CPU is running -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE0040FF0) - Data: 0D 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 B1 00 00 00 returns 0x10 (0001ms, 15870ms total) T0F00 20335:779 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x104) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15870ms total) T0F00 20335:779 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x105) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15870ms total) T0F00 20335:779 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x106) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15870ms total) T0F00 20335:779 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x107) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15870ms total) T0F00 20335:779 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x10C) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15870ms total) T0F00 20335:779 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x01) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15870ms total) T0F00 20335:779 JLINK_GetDeviceFamily() returns 14 (0000ms, 15870ms total) T0F00 20335:779 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE000ED00, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU is running -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED00) - Data: 41 C2 0F 41 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 15871ms total) T0F00 20335:780 JLINK_GetDebugInfo(0x10F) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15871ms total) T0F00 20335:780 JLINK_SetResetType(JLINKARM_RESET_TYPE_NORMAL) returns JLINKARM_RESET_TYPE_NORMAL (0000ms, 15871ms total) T0F00 20335:780 JLINK_Reset() -- CPU is running -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU is running -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) >0x35 TIF> -- CPU is running -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED0C) -- CPU is running -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU is running -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU is running -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU is running -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU is running -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002000) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000) (0029ms, 15900ms total) T0F00 20335:809 JLINK_ReadReg(R15 (PC)) returns 0x0800019C (0000ms, 15900ms total) T0F00 20335:809 JLINK_ReadReg(XPSR) returns 0x01000000 (0000ms, 15900ms total) T0F00 20335:809 JLINK_Halt() returns 0x00 (0000ms, 15900ms total) T0F00 20335:809 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE000EDF0, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) - Data: 03 00 03 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 15901ms total) T0F00 20335:810 JLINK_WriteU32(0xE000EDF0, 0xA05F0003) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 15902ms total) T0F00 20335:811 JLINK_WriteU32(0xE000EDFC, 0x01000000) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 15903ms total) T0F00 20335:812 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 15904ms total) T0F00 20335:813 JLINK_GetNumBPUnits(Type = 0xFFFFFF00) returns 0x06 (0000ms, 15904ms total) T0F00 20335:813 JLINK_GetNumBPUnits(Type = 0xF0) returns 0x2000 (0000ms, 15904ms total) T0F00 20335:813 JLINK_GetNumWPUnits() returns 0x04 (0000ms, 15904ms total) T0F00 20335:813 JLINK_GetSpeed() returns 0x3E8 (0000ms, 15904ms total) T0F00 20335:813 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE000E004, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000E004) - Data: 02 00 00 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 15905ms total) T0F00 20335:814 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE000E004, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000E004) - Data: 02 00 00 00 returns 0x01 (0000ms, 15905ms total) T0F00 20335:814 JLINK_WriteMemEx(0xE0001000, 0x001C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554436) - Data: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... -- CPU_WriteMem(28 bytes @ 0xE0001000) returns 0x1C (0002ms, 15907ms total) T0F00 20335:816 JLINK_ReadReg(R15 (PC)) returns 0x0800019C (0000ms, 15907ms total) T0F00 20335:816 JLINK_ReadReg(XPSR) returns 0x01000000 (0000ms, 15907ms total) T0F00 20335:822 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0xE0001004, 0x0004 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0xE0001004, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0xE0001004, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001004) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 0x04 (0001ms, 15908ms total) T0F00 20335:888 JLINK_SetResetType(JLINKARM_RESET_TYPE_NORMAL) returns JLINKARM_RESET_TYPE_NORMAL (0000ms, 15908ms total) T0F00 20335:888 JLINK_Reset() -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) >0x35 TIF> -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED0C) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU is running -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002000) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000) (0028ms, 15936ms total) T0F00 20335:916 JLINK_ReadReg(R15 (PC)) returns 0x0800019C (0000ms, 15936ms total) T0F00 20335:916 JLINK_ReadReg(XPSR) returns 0x01000000 (0000ms, 15936ms total) T0F00 20335:917 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08000188, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000188, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000188, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(60 bytes @ 0x08000188) - Data: DF F8 0C D0 00 F0 1C FB 00 48 00 47 D1 3D 00 08 ... returns 0x3C (0002ms, 15938ms total) T0F00 20335:919 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08000188, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000188, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000188, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x08000188) - Data: DF F8 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15939ms total) T0F00 20335:920 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800018A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800018A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800018A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x0800018A) - Data: 0C D0 returns 0x02 (0002ms, 15941ms total) T0F00 20335:922 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800018C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800018C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800018C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(60 bytes @ 0x0800018C) - Data: 00 F0 1C FB 00 48 00 47 D1 3D 00 08 D8 07 00 20 ... returns 0x3C (0002ms, 15943ms total) T0F00 20335:924 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800018C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800018C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800018C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x0800018C) - Data: 00 F0 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15944ms total) T0F00 20335:925 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800018E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800018E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800018E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x0800018E) - Data: 1C FB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 15944ms total) T0F00 20335:925 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08000190, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000190, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000190, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(60 bytes @ 0x08000190) - Data: 00 48 00 47 D1 3D 00 08 D8 07 00 20 06 48 80 47 ... returns 0x3C (0003ms, 15947ms total) T0F00 20335:928 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08000190, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000190, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000190, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x08000190) - Data: 00 48 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15948ms total) T0F00 20335:929 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08000192, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000192, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000192, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x08000192) - Data: 00 47 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15949ms total) T0F00 20335:930 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08000192, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000192, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000192, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x08000192) - Data: 00 47 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15950ms total) T0F00 20335:931 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08000194, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000194, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000194, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(60 bytes @ 0x08000194) - Data: D1 3D 00 08 D8 07 00 20 06 48 80 47 06 48 00 47 ... returns 0x3C (0002ms, 15952ms total) T0F00 20335:933 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08000194, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000194, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08000194, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x08000194) - Data: D1 3D returns 0x02 (0002ms, 15954ms total) T0F00 20335:935 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800019A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x0800019A) - Data: 00 20 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 15954ms total) T0F00 20335:935 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800019C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(60 bytes @ 0x0800019C) - Data: 06 48 80 47 06 48 00 47 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 ... returns 0x3C (0003ms, 15957ms total) T0F00 20335:938 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800019C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x0800019C) - Data: 06 48 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15958ms total) T0F00 20335:939 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800019C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(60 bytes @ 0x0800019C) - Data: 06 48 80 47 06 48 00 47 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 ... returns 0x3C (0002ms, 15960ms total) T0F00 20335:941 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800019C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x0800019C) - Data: 06 48 returns 0x02 (0002ms, 15962ms total) T0F00 20335:943 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800019E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x0800019E) - Data: 80 47 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15963ms total) T0F00 20335:944 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800019E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x0800019E) - Data: 80 47 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15964ms total) T0F00 20335:945 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x080001A0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x080001A0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x080001A0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(60 bytes @ 0x080001A0) - Data: 06 48 00 47 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 ... returns 0x3C (0002ms, 15966ms total) T0F00 20335:947 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x080001A0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x080001A0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x080001A0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x080001A0) - Data: 06 48 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15967ms total) T0F00 20335:948 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x080001A0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x080001A0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x080001A0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(60 bytes @ 0x080001A0) - Data: 06 48 00 47 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 FE E7 ... returns 0x3C (0002ms, 15969ms total) T0F00 20335:950 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x080001A0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x080001A0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x080001A0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x080001A0) - Data: 06 48 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15970ms total) T0F00 20335:951 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x080001A2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x080001A2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x080001A2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x080001A2) - Data: 00 47 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15971ms total) T0F00 20337:118 JLINK_ReadReg(R0) returns 0x00000000 (0002ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R1) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R2) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R3) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R4) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R5) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R6) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R7) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R8) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R9) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R10) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R11) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R12) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R13 (SP)) returns 0x200007D8 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R14) returns 0xFFFFFFFF (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(R15 (PC)) returns 0x0800019C (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(XPSR) returns 0x01000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(MSP) returns 0x200007D8 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(PSP) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(CFBP) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15973ms total) T0F00 20337:120 JLINK_ReadReg(FPSCR) returns 0x00000000 (0012ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS0) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS1) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS2) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS3) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS4) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS5) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS6) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS7) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS8) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS9) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS10) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS11) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS12) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS13) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS14) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS15) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS16) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS17) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS18) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS19) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS20) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS21) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS22) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS23) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS24) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS25) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS26) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS27) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS28) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS29) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS30) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS31) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 15985ms total) T0F00 20337:132 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 0D 78 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15986ms total) T0F00 20337:137 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 0D 78 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15987ms total) T0F00 20337:138 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 0D 78 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15988ms total) T0F00 20337:142 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000006, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000006, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000006, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000006) - Data: 2D 06 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15989ms total) T0F00 20337:143 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000006, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000006, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000006, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000006) - Data: 2D 06 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15990ms total) T0F00 20337:144 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000006, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000006, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000006, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000006) - Data: 2D 06 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15991ms total) T0F00 20337:147 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 0D 78 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15992ms total) T0F00 20337:149 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 0D 78 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15993ms total) T0F00 20337:150 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 0D 78 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15994ms total) T0F00 20337:153 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 0D 78 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15995ms total) T0F00 20337:154 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 0D 78 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15996ms total) T0F00 20337:155 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 0D 78 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 15997ms total) T0F00 20337:163 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000030, 0x0004 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000030, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000030, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x20000030) - Data: F7 D2 00 20 returns 0x04 (0001ms, 15998ms total) T0F00 20337:164 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000030, 0x0004 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000030, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000030, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x20000030) - Data: F7 D2 00 20 returns 0x04 (0001ms, 15999ms total) T0F00 20337:165 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000030, 0x0004 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000030, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000030, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x20000030) - Data: F7 D2 00 20 returns 0x04 (0001ms, 16000ms total) T0F00 20337:174 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x00000000, 0x0001 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x00000000, NumBytes: 1, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x00000000, NumBytes: 1, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(1 bytes @ 0x00000000) - Data: D8 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16001ms total) T0F00 20337:175 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x00000000, 0x0001 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x00000000, NumBytes: 1, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x00000000, NumBytes: 1, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(1 bytes @ 0x00000000) - Data: D8 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16002ms total) T0F00 20337:176 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x00000000, 0x0001 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x00000000, NumBytes: 1, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x00000000, NumBytes: 1, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(1 bytes @ 0x00000000) - Data: D8 returns 0x01 (0002ms, 16004ms total) T3814 20337:214 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x0800019C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0800019C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x0800019C) - Data: 06 48 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16004ms total) T3814 20337:214 JLINK_SetBPEx(Addr = 0x08003DD0, Type = 0xFFFFFFF2) returns 0x00000001 (0000ms, 16004ms total) T3814 20337:214 JLINK_Go() -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002000) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002008) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000200C) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002010) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002014) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002018) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000201C) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001004) (0011ms, 16015ms total) T3814 20337:325 JLINK_IsHalted() returns TRUE (0008ms, 16023ms total) T3814 20337:333 JLINK_Halt() returns 0x00 (0000ms, 16015ms total) T3814 20337:333 JLINK_IsHalted() returns TRUE (0000ms, 16015ms total) T3814 20337:333 JLINK_IsHalted() returns TRUE (0000ms, 16015ms total) T3814 20337:333 JLINK_IsHalted() returns TRUE (0000ms, 16015ms total) T3814 20337:333 JLINK_ReadReg(R15 (PC)) returns 0x08003DD0 (0000ms, 16015ms total) T3814 20337:333 JLINK_ReadReg(XPSR) returns 0x61000000 (0000ms, 16015ms total) T3814 20337:333 JLINK_ClrBPEx(BPHandle = 0x00000001) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 16015ms total) T3814 20337:333 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE000ED30, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED30) - Data: 03 00 00 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16016ms total) T3814 20337:334 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE0001028, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001028) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16017ms total) T3814 20337:335 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE0001038, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001038) - Data: 00 02 00 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16018ms total) T3814 20337:336 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE0001048, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001048) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16019ms total) T3814 20337:337 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE0001058, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001058) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R0) returns 0x08003DD1 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R1) returns 0x200007D8 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R2) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R3) returns 0x08003D01 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R4) returns 0x08003F98 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R5) returns 0x08003F98 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R6) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R7) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R8) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R9) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R10) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R11) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R12) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R13 (SP)) returns 0x200007D8 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R14) returns 0x080007E5 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(R15 (PC)) returns 0x08003DD0 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(XPSR) returns 0x61000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(MSP) returns 0x200007D8 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(PSP) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(CFBP) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16020ms total) T3814 20337:338 JLINK_ReadReg(FPSCR) returns 0x00000000 (0012ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS0) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS1) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS2) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS3) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS4) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS5) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS6) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS7) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS8) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS9) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS10) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS11) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS12) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS13) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS14) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS15) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16032ms total) T3814 20337:350 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS16) returns 0x00000000 (0001ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS17) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS18) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS19) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS20) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS21) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS22) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS23) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS24) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS25) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS26) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS27) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS28) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS29) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS30) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T3814 20337:351 JLINK_ReadReg(FPS31) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 16033ms total) T0F00 20337:351 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE0001004, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001004) - Data: 7E 1A 00 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16034ms total) T0F00 20337:353 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 16035ms total) T0F00 20337:354 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000006, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000006, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000006, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000006) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 16036ms total) T0F00 20337:356 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 16037ms total) T0F00 20337:357 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000004, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000004, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(2 bytes @ 0x20000004) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 16038ms total) T0F00 20337:358 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x20000030, 0x0004 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000030, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x20000030, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x20000030) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 0x04 (0001ms, 16039ms total) T0F00 20337:359 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x00000000, 0x0001 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x00000000, NumBytes: 1, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x00000000, NumBytes: 1, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(1 bytes @ 0x00000000) - Data: D8 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16040ms total) T0F00 20337:362 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CD0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(128 bytes @ 0x08003CC0) -- Updating DA cache (128 bytes @ 0x08003CC0) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CD0) - Data: 9F ED 05 0B 10 B5 53 EC 10 2B 51 EC 10 0B FC F7 ... returns 0x3C (0005ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CD0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CD0) - Data: 9F ED returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CD2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CD2) - Data: 05 0B returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CD4, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CD4) - Data: 10 B5 53 EC 10 2B 51 EC 10 0B FC F7 88 FB 41 EC ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CD4, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CD4) - Data: 10 B5 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CD6, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CD6) - Data: 53 EC returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CD6, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CD6) - Data: 53 EC returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CD8, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CD8) - Data: 10 2B 51 EC 10 0B FC F7 88 FB 41 EC 10 0B 10 BD ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CD8, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CD8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CD8) - Data: 10 2B returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CDA, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CDA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CDA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CDA) - Data: 51 EC returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CDC, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CDC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CDC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CDC) - Data: 10 0B FC F7 88 FB 41 EC 10 0B 10 BD 00 00 00 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CDC, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CDC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CDC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CDC) - Data: 10 0B returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CDE, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CDE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CDE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CDE) - Data: FC F7 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CE0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CE0) - Data: 88 FB 41 EC 10 0B 10 BD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CE0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CE0) - Data: 88 FB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CE2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CE2) - Data: 41 EC returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CE4, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CE4) - Data: 10 0B 10 BD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 E0 08 C8 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CE4, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CE4) - Data: 10 0B returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CE6, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CE6) - Data: 10 BD returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CE8, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CE8) - Data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 E0 08 C8 12 1F 08 C1 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CE8, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CE8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CE8) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CF0) - Data: 02 E0 08 C8 12 1F 08 C1 00 2A FA D1 70 47 70 47 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CF0) - Data: 02 E0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CF2) - Data: 08 C8 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CF2) - Data: 08 C8 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF4, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CF4) - Data: 12 1F 08 C1 00 2A FA D1 70 47 70 47 00 20 01 E0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF4, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CF4) - Data: 12 1F returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF4, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CF4) - Data: 12 1F 08 C1 00 2A FA D1 70 47 70 47 00 20 01 E0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF4, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CF4) - Data: 12 1F returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF6, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CF6) - Data: 08 C1 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF6, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CF6) - Data: 08 C1 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF8, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CF8) - Data: 00 2A FA D1 70 47 70 47 00 20 01 E0 01 C1 12 1F ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF8, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CF8) - Data: 00 2A returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF8, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CF8) - Data: 00 2A FA D1 70 47 70 47 00 20 01 E0 01 C1 12 1F ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CF8, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CF8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CF8) - Data: 00 2A returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CFA, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CFA) - Data: FA D1 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16045ms total) T0F00 20337:367 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CFA, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CFA) - Data: FA D1 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CFC, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CFC) - Data: 70 47 70 47 00 20 01 E0 01 C1 12 1F 00 2A FB D1 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CFC, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CFC) - Data: 70 47 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CFC, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003CFC) - Data: 70 47 70 47 00 20 01 E0 01 C1 12 1F 00 2A FB D1 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CFC, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CFC) - Data: 70 47 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CFE, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CFE) - Data: 70 47 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003CFE, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003CFE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003CFE) - Data: 70 47 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D00, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D00, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D00, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D00) - Data: 00 20 01 E0 01 C1 12 1F 00 2A FB D1 70 47 00 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D00, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D00, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D00, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D00) - Data: 00 20 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D00, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D00, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D00, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D00) - Data: 00 20 01 E0 01 C1 12 1F 00 2A FB D1 70 47 00 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D00, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D00, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D00, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D00) - Data: 00 20 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D02, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D02, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D02, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D02) - Data: 01 E0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D02, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D02, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D02, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D02) - Data: 01 E0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D04, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D04, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D04, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D04) - Data: 01 C1 12 1F 00 2A FB D1 70 47 00 00 01 49 08 60 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D04, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D04, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D04, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D04) - Data: 01 C1 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D04, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D04, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D04, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D04) - Data: 01 C1 12 1F 00 2A FB D1 70 47 00 00 01 49 08 60 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D04, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D04, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D04, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D04) - Data: 01 C1 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D06, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D06, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D06, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D06) - Data: 12 1F returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D06, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D06, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D06, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D06) - Data: 12 1F returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16046ms total) T0F00 20337:368 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D08, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D08, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D08, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x08003D40) -- Updating DA cache (64 bytes @ 0x08003D40) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D08) - Data: 00 2A FB D1 70 47 00 00 01 49 08 60 70 47 00 00 ... returns 0x3C (0003ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D08, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D08, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D08, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D08) - Data: 00 2A returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D08, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D08, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D08, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D08) - Data: 00 2A FB D1 70 47 00 00 01 49 08 60 70 47 00 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D08, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D08, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D08, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D08) - Data: 00 2A returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D0A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D0A) - Data: FB D1 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D0A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D0A) - Data: FB D1 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D0C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D0C) - Data: 70 47 00 00 01 49 08 60 70 47 00 00 A4 00 00 20 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D0C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D0C) - Data: 70 47 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D0C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D0C) - Data: 70 47 00 00 01 49 08 60 70 47 00 00 A4 00 00 20 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D0C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D0C) - Data: 70 47 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D0E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D0E) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D0E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D0E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D0E) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D10, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D10, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D10, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D10) - Data: 01 49 08 60 70 47 00 00 A4 00 00 20 4F F6 FF 71 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D10, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D10, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D10, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D10) - Data: 01 49 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D10, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D10, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D10, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D10) - Data: 01 49 08 60 70 47 00 00 A4 00 00 20 4F F6 FF 71 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D10, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D10, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D10, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D10) - Data: 01 49 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D12, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D12, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D12, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D12) - Data: 08 60 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D12, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D12, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D12, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D12) - Data: 08 60 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D14, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D14, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D14, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D14) - Data: 70 47 00 00 A4 00 00 20 4F F6 FF 71 01 EA 40 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D14, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D14, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D14, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D14) - Data: 70 47 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D14, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D14, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D14, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D14) - Data: 70 47 00 00 A4 00 00 20 4F F6 FF 71 01 EA 40 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D14, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D14, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D14, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D14) - Data: 70 47 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D16, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D16, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D16, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D16) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:371 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D1C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D1C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D1C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D1C) - Data: 4F F6 FF 71 01 EA 40 00 00 22 03 46 11 46 42 40 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16049ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D1C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D1C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D1C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D1C) - Data: 4F F6 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D1E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D1E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D1E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D1E) - Data: FF 71 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D20, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D20, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D20, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D20) - Data: 01 EA 40 00 00 22 03 46 11 46 42 40 49 1C 00 11 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D20, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D20, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D20, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D20) - Data: 01 EA returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D22, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D22, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D22, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D22) - Data: 40 00 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D24, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D24, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D24, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D24) - Data: 00 22 03 46 11 46 42 40 49 1C 00 11 C9 B2 03 29 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D24, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D24, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D24, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D24) - Data: 00 22 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D26, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D26, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D26, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D26) - Data: 03 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D26, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D26, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D26, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D26) - Data: 03 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D28, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D28, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D28, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D28) - Data: 11 46 42 40 49 1C 00 11 C9 B2 03 29 F9 D3 02 F0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D28, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D28, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D28, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D28) - Data: 11 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D28, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D28, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D28, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D28) - Data: 11 46 42 40 49 1C 00 11 C9 B2 03 29 F9 D3 02 F0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D28, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D28, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D28, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D28) - Data: 11 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D2A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D2A) - Data: 42 40 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D2A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D2A) - Data: 42 40 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D2C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D2C) - Data: 49 1C 00 11 C9 B2 03 29 F9 D3 02 F0 0F 00 40 EA ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D2C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D2C) - Data: 49 1C returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D2C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D2C) - Data: 49 1C 00 11 C9 B2 03 29 F9 D3 02 F0 0F 00 40 EA ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D2C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D2C) - Data: 49 1C returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D2E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D2E) - Data: 00 11 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D2E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D2E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D2E) - Data: 00 11 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D30, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D30, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D30, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D30) - Data: C9 B2 03 29 F9 D3 02 F0 0F 00 40 EA 03 10 80 B2 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D30, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D30, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D30, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D30) - Data: C9 B2 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D30, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D30, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D30, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D30) - Data: C9 B2 03 29 F9 D3 02 F0 0F 00 40 EA 03 10 80 B2 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D30, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D30, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D30, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D30) - Data: C9 B2 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D32, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D32, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D32, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D32) - Data: 03 29 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16050ms total) T0F00 20337:372 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D32, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D32, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D32, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D32) - Data: 03 29 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D34, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D34, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D34, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D34) - Data: F9 D3 02 F0 0F 00 40 EA 03 10 80 B2 70 47 00 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D34, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D34, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D34, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D34) - Data: F9 D3 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D34, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D34, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D34, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D34) - Data: F9 D3 02 F0 0F 00 40 EA 03 10 80 B2 70 47 00 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D34, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D34, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D34, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D34) - Data: F9 D3 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D36, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D36, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D36, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D36) - Data: 02 F0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D36, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D36, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D36, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D36) - Data: 02 F0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D38, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D38, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D38, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D38) - Data: 0F 00 40 EA 03 10 80 B2 70 47 00 00 1F B5 68 46 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D38, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D38, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D38, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D38) - Data: 0F 00 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D3A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D3A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D3A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D3A) - Data: 40 EA returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D3C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D3C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D3C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D3C) - Data: 03 10 80 B2 70 47 00 00 1F B5 68 46 FE F7 EC FB ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D3C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D3C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D3C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D3C) - Data: 03 10 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D3E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D3E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D3E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D3E) - Data: 80 B2 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D40, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D40, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D40, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D40) - Data: 70 47 00 00 1F B5 68 46 FE F7 EC FB 0D 49 00 98 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D40, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D40, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D40, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D40) - Data: 70 47 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D40, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D40, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D40, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D40) - Data: 70 47 00 00 1F B5 68 46 FE F7 EC FB 0D 49 00 98 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D40, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D40, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D40, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D40) - Data: 70 47 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D42, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D42, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D42, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D42) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D42, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D42, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D42, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D42) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D44, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D44, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D44, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D44) - Data: 1F B5 68 46 FE F7 EC FB 0D 49 00 98 B0 FB F1 F0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D44, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D44, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D44, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D44) - Data: 1F B5 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D44, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D44, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D44, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D44) - Data: 1F B5 68 46 FE F7 EC FB 0D 49 00 98 B0 FB F1 F0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D44, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D44, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D44, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D44) - Data: 1F B5 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D46, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D46, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D46, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D46) - Data: 68 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D46, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D46, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D46, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D46) - Data: 68 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16051ms total) T0F00 20337:373 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D48, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D48, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D48, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x08003D80) -- Updating DA cache (64 bytes @ 0x08003D80) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D48) - Data: FE F7 EC FB 0D 49 00 98 B0 FB F1 F0 0C 49 08 60 ... returns 0x3C (0003ms, 16054ms total) T0F00 20337:376 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D48, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D48, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D48, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D48) - Data: FE F7 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16054ms total) T0F00 20337:376 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D48, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D48, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D48, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D48) - Data: FE F7 EC FB 0D 49 00 98 B0 FB F1 F0 0C 49 08 60 ... returns 0x3C (0001ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D48, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D48, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D48, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D48) - Data: FE F7 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D4A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D4A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D4A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D4A) - Data: EC FB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D4C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D4C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D4C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D4C) - Data: 0D 49 00 98 B0 FB F1 F0 0C 49 08 60 01 98 4F F4 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D4C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D4C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D4C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D4C) - Data: 0D 49 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D4E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D4E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D4E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D4E) - Data: 00 98 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D4E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D4E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D4E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D4E) - Data: 00 98 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D50, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D50, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D50, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D50) - Data: B0 FB F1 F0 0C 49 08 60 01 98 4F F4 7A 71 B0 FB ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D50, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D50, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D50, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D50) - Data: B0 FB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D50, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D50, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D50, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D50) - Data: B0 FB F1 F0 0C 49 08 60 01 98 4F F4 7A 71 B0 FB ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D50, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D50, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D50, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D50) - Data: B0 FB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D52, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D52, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D52, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D52) - Data: F1 F0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D54, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D54, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D54, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D54) - Data: 0C 49 08 60 01 98 4F F4 7A 71 B0 FB F1 F0 40 1E ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D54, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D54, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D54, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D54) - Data: 0C 49 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D56, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D56, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D56, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D56) - Data: 08 60 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D56, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D56, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D56, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D56) - Data: 08 60 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D58, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D58, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D58, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D58) - Data: 01 98 4F F4 7A 71 B0 FB F1 F0 40 1E B0 F1 80 7F ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D58, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D58, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D58, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D58) - Data: 01 98 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D58, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D58, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D58, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D58) - Data: 01 98 4F F4 7A 71 B0 FB F1 F0 40 1E B0 F1 80 7F ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D58, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D58, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D58, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D58) - Data: 01 98 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16055ms total) T0F00 20337:377 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D5A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D5A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D5A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D5A) - Data: 4F F4 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D5A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D5A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D5A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D5A) - Data: 4F F4 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D5C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D5C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D5C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D5C) - Data: 7A 71 B0 FB F1 F0 40 1E B0 F1 80 7F 0A D2 4F F0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D5C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D5C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D5C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D5C) - Data: 7A 71 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D5E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D5E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D5E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D5E) - Data: B0 FB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D60, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D60, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D60, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D60) - Data: F1 F0 40 1E B0 F1 80 7F 0A D2 4F F0 E0 21 48 61 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D60, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D60, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D60, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D60) - Data: F1 F0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D62, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D62, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D62, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D62) - Data: 40 1E returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D64, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D64, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D64, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D64) - Data: B0 F1 80 7F 0A D2 4F F0 E0 21 48 61 06 4A F0 20 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D64, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D64, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D64, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D64) - Data: B0 F1 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D64, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D64, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D64, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D64) - Data: B0 F1 80 7F 0A D2 4F F0 E0 21 48 61 06 4A F0 20 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D64, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D64, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D64, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D64) - Data: B0 F1 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D66, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D66, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D66, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D66) - Data: 80 7F returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D68, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D68, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D68, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D68) - Data: 0A D2 4F F0 E0 21 48 61 06 4A F0 20 82 F8 14 0D ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D68, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D68, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D68, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D68) - Data: 0A D2 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D6A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D6A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D6A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D6A) - Data: 4F F0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D6A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D6A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D6A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D6A) - Data: 4F F0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D6C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D6C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D6C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D6C) - Data: E0 21 48 61 06 4A F0 20 82 F8 14 0D 00 20 88 61 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D6C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D6C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D6C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D6C) - Data: E0 21 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D6E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D6E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D6E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D6E) - Data: 48 61 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D70, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D70, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D70, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D70) - Data: 06 4A F0 20 82 F8 14 0D 00 20 88 61 07 20 08 61 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D70, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D70, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D70, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D70) - Data: 06 4A returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D70, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D70, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D70, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D70) - Data: 06 4A F0 20 82 F8 14 0D 00 20 88 61 07 20 08 61 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D70, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D70, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D70, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D70) - Data: 06 4A returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D72, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D72, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D72, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D72) - Data: F0 20 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D72, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D72, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D72, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D72) - Data: F0 20 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16056ms total) T0F00 20337:378 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D74, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D74, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D74, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D74) - Data: 82 F8 14 0D 00 20 88 61 07 20 08 61 1F BD 00 00 ... returns 0x3C (0001ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D74, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D74, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D74, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D74) - Data: 82 F8 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D74, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D74, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D74, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D74) - Data: 82 F8 14 0D 00 20 88 61 07 20 08 61 1F BD 00 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D74, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D74, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D74, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D74) - Data: 82 F8 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D76, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D76, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D76, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D76) - Data: 14 0D returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D78, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D78, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D78, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D78) - Data: 00 20 88 61 07 20 08 61 1F BD 00 00 40 42 0F 00 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D78, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D78, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D78, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D78) - Data: 00 20 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D7A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D7A) - Data: 88 61 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D7A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D7A) - Data: 88 61 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D7C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D7C) - Data: 07 20 08 61 1F BD 00 00 40 42 0F 00 3C 00 00 20 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D7C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D7C) - Data: 07 20 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D7C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D7C) - Data: 07 20 08 61 1F BD 00 00 40 42 0F 00 3C 00 00 20 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D7C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D7C) - Data: 07 20 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D7E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D7E) - Data: 08 61 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D7E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D7E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D7E) - Data: 08 61 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D80, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D80, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D80, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D80) - Data: 1F BD 00 00 40 42 0F 00 3C 00 00 20 0F E0 00 E0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D80, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D80, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D80, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D80) - Data: 1F BD returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D80, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D80, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D80, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D80) - Data: 1F BD 00 00 40 42 0F 00 3C 00 00 20 0F E0 00 E0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D80, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D80, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D80, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D80) - Data: 1F BD returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D82, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D82, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D82, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D82) - Data: 00 00 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16057ms total) T0F00 20337:379 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D90, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D90, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D90, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x08003DC0) -- Updating DA cache (64 bytes @ 0x08003DC0) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D90) - Data: 30 B5 04 46 FE F7 18 FA 05 46 04 EB 44 00 C0 EB ... returns 0x3C (0003ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D90, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D90, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D90, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D90) - Data: 30 B5 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D92, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D92, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D92, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D92) - Data: 04 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D92, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D92, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D92, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D92) - Data: 04 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D94, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D94, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D94, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D94) - Data: FE F7 18 FA 05 46 04 EB 44 00 C0 EB C4 14 FE F7 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D94, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D94, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D94, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D94) - Data: FE F7 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D94, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D94, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D94, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D94) - Data: FE F7 18 FA 05 46 04 EB 44 00 C0 EB C4 14 FE F7 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D94, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D94, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D94, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D94) - Data: FE F7 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D96, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D96, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D96, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D96) - Data: 18 FA returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D98, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D98, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D98, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D98) - Data: 05 46 04 EB 44 00 C0 EB C4 14 FE F7 11 FA 40 1B ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D98, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D98, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D98, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D98) - Data: 05 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D9A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D9A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D9A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D9A) - Data: 04 EB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D9A, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D9A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D9A, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D9A) - Data: 04 EB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D9C, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D9C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D9C, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003D9C) - Data: 44 00 C0 EB C4 14 FE F7 11 FA 40 1B B0 EB C4 0F ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D9C, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D9C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D9C, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D9C) - Data: 44 00 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003D9E, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D9E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003D9E, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003D9E) - Data: C0 EB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DA0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DA0) - Data: C4 14 FE F7 11 FA 40 1B B0 EB C4 0F F9 D3 30 BD ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DA0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DA0) - Data: C4 14 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DA2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DA2) - Data: FE F7 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DA4, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DA4) - Data: 11 FA 40 1B B0 EB C4 0F F9 D3 30 BD 70 B5 06 46 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DA4, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DA4) - Data: 11 FA returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DA6, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DA6) - Data: 40 1B returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DA8, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DA8) - Data: B0 EB C4 0F F9 D3 30 BD 70 B5 06 46 00 20 0D 46 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DA8, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DA8) - Data: B0 EB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DA8, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DA8) - Data: B0 EB C4 0F F9 D3 30 BD 70 B5 06 46 00 20 0D 46 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DA8, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DA8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DA8) - Data: B0 EB returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DAA, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DAA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DAA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DAA) - Data: C4 0F returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16060ms total) T0F00 20337:382 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DAC, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DAC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DAC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DAC) - Data: F9 D3 30 BD 70 B5 06 46 00 20 0D 46 04 46 06 E0 ... returns 0x3C (0001ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DAC, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DAC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DAC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DAC) - Data: F9 D3 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DAE, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DAE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DAE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DAE) - Data: 30 BD returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DAE, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DAE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DAE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DAE) - Data: 30 BD returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DB0) - Data: 70 B5 06 46 00 20 0D 46 04 46 06 E0 32 5D 01 46 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DB0) - Data: 70 B5 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DB0) - Data: 70 B5 06 46 00 20 0D 46 04 46 06 E0 32 5D 01 46 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DB0) - Data: 70 B5 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DB2) - Data: 06 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DB2) - Data: 06 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB4, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DB4) - Data: 00 20 0D 46 04 46 06 E0 32 5D 01 46 10 46 00 F0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB4, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DB4) - Data: 00 20 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB4, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DB4) - Data: 00 20 0D 46 04 46 06 E0 32 5D 01 46 10 46 00 F0 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB4, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DB4) - Data: 00 20 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB6, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DB6) - Data: 0D 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB6, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DB6) - Data: 0D 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB8, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DB8) - Data: 04 46 06 E0 32 5D 01 46 10 46 00 F0 A7 F8 64 1C ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB8, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DB8) - Data: 04 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB8, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DB8) - Data: 04 46 06 E0 32 5D 01 46 10 46 00 F0 A7 F8 64 1C ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DB8, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DB8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DB8) - Data: 04 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DBA, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DBA) - Data: 06 E0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DBA, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DBA) - Data: 06 E0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DBC, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DBC) - Data: 32 5D 01 46 10 46 00 F0 A7 F8 64 1C E4 B2 AC 42 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DBC, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DBC) - Data: 32 5D returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DBC, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DBC) - Data: 32 5D 01 46 10 46 00 F0 A7 F8 64 1C E4 B2 AC 42 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16061ms total) T0F00 20337:383 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DBC, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DBC) - Data: 32 5D returns 0x02 (0001ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DBE, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DBE) - Data: 01 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DBE, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DBE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DBE) - Data: 01 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DC0) - Data: 10 46 00 F0 A7 F8 64 1C E4 B2 AC 42 F6 D3 70 BD ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DC0) - Data: 10 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DC0) - Data: 10 46 00 F0 A7 F8 64 1C E4 B2 AC 42 F6 D3 70 BD ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DC0) - Data: 10 46 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DC2) - Data: 00 F0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DC2) - Data: 00 F0 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC4, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DC4) - Data: A7 F8 64 1C E4 B2 AC 42 F6 D3 70 BD FC F7 D2 FE ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC4, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DC4) - Data: A7 F8 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC6, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DC6) - Data: 64 1C returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16062ms total) T0F00 20337:384 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC8, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x08003E00) -- Updating DA cache (64 bytes @ 0x08003E00) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DC8) - Data: E4 B2 AC 42 F6 D3 70 BD FC F7 D2 FE 4F F4 80 60 ... returns 0x3C (0002ms, 16064ms total) T0F00 20337:386 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC8, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DC8) - Data: E4 B2 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC8, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC8, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DC8) - Data: E4 B2 AC 42 F6 D3 70 BD FC F7 D2 FE 4F F4 80 60 ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DC8, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DC8, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DC8) - Data: E4 B2 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DCA, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DCA) - Data: AC 42 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DCA, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCA, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DCA) - Data: AC 42 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DCC, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DCC) - Data: F6 D3 70 BD FC F7 D2 FE 4F F4 80 60 FE F7 60 FB ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DCC, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DCC) - Data: F6 D3 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DCC, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCC, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DCC) - Data: F6 D3 70 BD FC F7 D2 FE 4F F4 80 60 FE F7 60 FB ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DCC, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCC, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DCC) - Data: F6 D3 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DCE, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DCE) - Data: 70 BD returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DCE, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DCE, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DCE) - Data: 70 BD returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DD0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DD0) - Data: FC F7 D2 FE 4F F4 80 60 FE F7 60 FB FF F7 B2 FF ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DD0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DD0) - Data: FC F7 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DD0, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD0, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DD0) - Data: FC F7 D2 FE 4F F4 80 60 FE F7 60 FB FF F7 B2 FF ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DD0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DD0) - Data: FC F7 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DD2, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD2, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DD2) - Data: D2 FE returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DD4, 0x003C Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD4, NumBytes: 60, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (60 bytes @ 0x08003DD4) - Data: 4F F4 80 60 FE F7 60 FB FF F7 B2 FF FD F7 CA FF ... returns 0x3C (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DD4, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD4, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DD4) - Data: 4F F4 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T0F00 20337:387 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DD6, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD6, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DD6) - Data: 80 60 returns 0x02 (0000ms, 16065ms total) T3814 20339:076 JLINK_ReadMemEx(0x08003DD0, 0x0002 Bytes, ..., AccessWidth = 33554432)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x08003DD0, NumBytes: 2, Alignment: 2 (Halfword-aligned) -- Read from DA cache (2 bytes @ 0x08003DD0) - Data: FC F7 returns 0x02 (0001ms, 16066ms total) T3814 20339:077 JLINK_Go() -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002008) (0003ms, 16069ms total) T3814 20339:181 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20339:283 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20339:385 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20339:486 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20339:588 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20339:689 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20339:791 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20339:892 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20339:994 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20340:095 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20340:196 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20340:298 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20340:400 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20340:502 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20340:603 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20340:705 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20340:807 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20340:909 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 16069ms total) T3814 20341:011 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20341:112 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20341:213 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20341:315 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20341:417 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 16070ms total) T3814 20341:519 JLINK_Halt() returns 0x00 (0008ms, 16077ms total) T3814 20341:527 JLINK_IsHalted() returns TRUE (0000ms, 16077ms total) T3814 20341:527 JLINK_IsHalted() returns TRUE (0000ms, 16077ms total) T3814 20341:527 JLINK_IsHalted() returns TRUE (0000ms, 16077ms total) T3814 20341:527 JLINK_ReadReg(R15 (PC)) returns 0x080021EC (0000ms, 16077ms total) T3814 20341:527 JLINK_ReadReg(XPSR) returns 0x61000000 (0000ms, 16077ms total) T3814 20341:527 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE000ED30, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED30) - Data: 01 00 00 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16078ms total) T3814 20341:528 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE0001028, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001028) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16079ms total) T3814 20341:529 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE0001038, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001038) - Data: 00 02 00 00 returns 0x01 (0001ms, 16080ms total) T3814 20341:530 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE0001048, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001048) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 0x01 (0000ms, 16080ms total) T3814 20341:530 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE0001058, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001058) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 0x01 (0002ms, 16082ms total) T0F00 20342:392 JLINK_Close() >0x42 TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> (0004ms, 16086ms total) T0F00 20342:392 (0004ms, 16086ms total) T0F00 20342:392 Closed (0004ms, 16086ms total)