Example_Flash2803x_CsmKeys.asm 1.6 KB

  1. ;//###########################################################################
  2. ;//
  3. ;// FILE: Example_Flash2803x_CsmKeys.asm
  4. ;//
  5. ;// TITLE: F2803x Code Security Module Keys for
  6. ;// the Flash API example
  7. ;//
  8. ;// NOTE:
  9. ;//###########################################################################
  10. ;// $TI Release: F2803x C/C++ Header Files and Peripheral Examples V130 $
  11. ;// $Release Date: May 8, 2015 $
  12. ;// $Copyright: Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated -
  13. ;// http://www.ti.com/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED $
  14. ;//###########################################################################
  15. ; Use this file to pass key values to the Example Flash program
  16. ; to unlock the Code Security module before attempting to erase,
  17. ; program or verify the part.
  18. .global _PRG_key0
  19. .global _PRG_key1
  20. .global _PRG_key2
  21. .global _PRG_key3
  22. .global _PRG_key4
  23. .global _PRG_key5
  24. .global _PRG_key6
  25. .global _PRG_key7
  26. ; For erased flash the password locations will all be 0xFFFF
  27. .text
  28. _PRG_key0 .word 0xFFFF ; PSWD bits 15-0
  29. _PRG_key1 .word 0xFFFF ; PSWD bits 31-16
  30. _PRG_key2 .word 0xFFFF ; PSWD bits 47-32
  31. _PRG_key3 .word 0xFFFF ; PSWD bits 63-48
  32. _PRG_key4 .word 0xFFFF ; PSWD bits 79-64
  33. _PRG_key5 .word 0xFFFF ; PSWD bits 95-80
  34. _PRG_key6 .word 0xFFFF ; PSWD bits 111-96
  35. _PRG_key7 .word 0xFFFF ; PSWD bits 127-112