;//########################################################################### ;// ;// FILE: DSP2803x_usDelay.asm ;// ;// TITLE: Simple delay function ;// ;// DESCRIPTION: ;// ;// This is a simple delay function that can be used to insert a specified ;// delay into code. ;// ;// This function is only accurate if executed from internal zero-waitstate ;// SARAM. If it is executed from waitstate memory then the delay will be ;// longer then specified. ;// ;// To use this function: ;// ;// 1 - update the CPU clock speed in the DSP2803x_Examples.h ;// file. For example: ;// #define CPU_RATE 16.667L // for a 60MHz CPU clock speed ;// ;// 2 - Call this function by using the DELAY_US(A) macro ;// that is defined in the DSP2803x_Examples.h file. This macro ;// will convert the number of microseconds specified ;// into a loop count for use with this function. ;// This count will be based on the CPU frequency you specify. ;// ;// 3 - For the most accurate delay ;// - Execute this function in 0 waitstate RAM. ;// - Disable interrupts before calling the function ;// If you do not disable interrupts, then think of ;// this as an "at least" delay function as the actual ;// delay may be longer. ;// ;// The C assembly call from the DELAY_US(time) macro will ;// look as follows: ;// ;// extern void Delay(long LoopCount); ;// ;// MOV AL,#LowLoopCount ;// MOV AH,#HighLoopCount ;// LCR _Delay ;// ;// Or as follows (if count is less then 16-bits): ;// ;// MOV ACC,#LoopCount ;// LCR _Delay ;// ;// ;//########################################################################### ;// $TI Release: F2803x C/C++ Header Files and Peripheral Examples V130 $ ;// $Release Date: May 8, 2015 $ ;// $Copyright: Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated - ;// http://www.ti.com/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED $ ;//########################################################################### ;// ;// *IMPORTANT* ;// IF RUNNING FROM FLASH, PLEASE COPY OVER THE SECTION "ramfuncs" FROM FLASH ;// TO RAM PRIOR TO CALLING InitSysCtrl(). THIS PREVENTS THE MCU FROM THROWING AN EXCEPTION ;// WHEN A CALL TO DELAY_US() IS MADE. ;// .def _DSP28x_usDelay .sect "ramfuncs" .global __DSP28x_usDelay _DSP28x_usDelay: SUB ACC,#1 BF _DSP28x_usDelay,GEQ ;; Loop if ACC >= 0 LRETR ;There is a 9/10 cycle overhead and each loop ;takes five cycles. The LoopCount is given by ;the following formula: ; DELAY_CPU_CYCLES = 9 + 5*LoopCount ; LoopCount = (DELAY_CPU_CYCLES - 9) / 5 ; The macro DELAY_US(A) performs this calculation for you ; ;//=========================================================================== ;// End of file. ;//===========================================================================