import datetime import math import re # import openpyxl import pymysql import traceback import time # from AES_crypt import decrypt import configparser class HardDiskStorage: def __init__(self, port=3306, charset='utf8'): self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()"database.conf", encoding="utf-8") = self.config.get("db", "db_host") self.user = self.config.get("db", "db_user") self.passwd = self.config.get("db", "db_pass") self.db = self.config.get("db", "db_name") self.port = port self.charset = charset self.conn = None if not self._conn(): self._reConn() def _conn(self): try: self.conn = pymysql.connect(, user=self.user, password=self.passwd, database=self.db, port=self.port, autocommit=True) return True except Exception as e: print(f'failed to connect to {}:{self.port}:{self.db} by [{self.user}:{self.passwd}]:{e}') return False def _reConn(self, num=28800, stime=3): # 重试连接总次数为1天,这里根据实际情况自己设置,如果服务器宕机1天都没发现就...... _number = 0 _status = True while _status and _number <= num: try: # cping 校验连接是否异常 _status = False except Exception as e: if self._conn(): # 重新连接,成功退出 _status = False break _number += 1 time.sleep(stime) # 连接不成功,休眠3秒钟,继续循环,知道成功或重试次数结束 # def get_station_info(self, station_name): # sql = "SELECT * FROM data_point_tbl where station_name = '%s'" % station_name # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # results = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.close() # return results # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return False # def get_point_info(self, point_tuple): # if point_tuple: # sql = "SELECT * FROM data_point_tbl where serial_number in %s" % (str(point_tuple)) # else: # sql = "SELECT * FROM data_point_tbl" # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # results = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.close() # return results # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return False # def get_table_data(self, senect_info): # table_name = "table_" + senect_info['deviceName'] # time_begin = senect_info['timeBegin'] # time_end = senect_info['timeEnd'] # column = senect_info['pointList'] # if len(column) > 0: # sql = "SELECT times" # for column_name in column: # sql = sql + "," + column_name # sql = sql + " FROM %s WHERE times > '%s' AND times < '%s'" % (table_name, time_begin, time_end) # else: # sql = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE times > '%s' AND times < '%s';" % (table_name, time_begin, time_end) # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # results = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.close() # return results # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return None # # 历史查询接口(new)--------------------------------------------\\ # def get_total_count_and_first_id(self, search_info): # table_name = "table_" + search_info['deviceName'] # time_begin = search_info['timeBegin'] # time_end = search_info['timeEnd'] # sql = "select count(*) from %s where times >= '%s' and times <= '%s';" % (table_name, time_begin, time_end) # sql_1 = "select id from %s where times >= '%s' limit 1;" % (table_name, time_begin) # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # count = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.execute(sql_1) # first_id = self.cursor.fetchall() # if isinstance(first_id, tuple): # first_id = list(first_id) # result = count + first_id # return result # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return None # def get_item_by_id_offset(self, search_info): # table_name = "table_" + search_info['deviceName'] # point_list = search_info['pointList'] # id_offset = search_info['idOffset'] # quantity = search_info['quantity'] # sql = "select times, %s from %s where id >= %s limit %s" % (','.join(point_list), table_name, id_offset, quantity) # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # results = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.close() # return results # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return None # # # --------------------------------------------// # # 数据导出接口------------------------------------------------\\ # def quary_table_data(self, search_info): # table_name = "table_" + search_info['deviceName'] # time_begin = search_info['timeBegin'] # time_end = search_info['timeEnd'] # point_list = search_info['pointList'] # point_list_1 = str([i[1:] for i in point_list])[1:-1] # # sql = "select times, %s from %s where times >= '%s' and times <= '%s';" % (','.join(point_list), table_name, time_begin, time_end) # sql1 = "select io_point_name from data_point_tbl where serial_number in ( %s );" % point_list_1 # # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() # self.cursor.execute(sql) # res = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.execute(sql1) # res1 = self.cursor.fetchall() # title = [item[0] for item in res1] # title.insert(0, '日期') # self.cursor.close() # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return None # book = openpyxl.Workbook() # sheet = book.create_sheet(index=0) # # 循环将表头写入到sheet页 # for i in range(len(title)): # if search_info['deviceName'] == 'adcp': # adcp需要重新计算垂直方向表头 # name = re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*", title[i]) # 提取数字字符 # if name: # title[i] = re.sub(r"\d+\.?\d*", str(round((int(name[0]) * math.sin(14 * math.pi / 180)), 2)), title[i]) # 14为adcp安装倾斜角度,2保留小数的位数 # sheet.cell(1, i + 1).value = title[i] # # 写数据 # for row in range(0, len(res)): # for col in range(0, len(res[row])): # cell_val = res[row][col] # if isinstance(cell_val, datetime.datetime): # times = cell_val.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # sheet.cell(row + 2, col + 1).value = times # else: # sheet.cell(row + 2, col + 1).value = cell_val # file_path = (table_name + '.xlsx') # savepath = file_path # # return savepath # # # ------------------------------------------------// # # 获取insitu指令接口 # def get_in_situ_command(self): # sql = "select * from shuizhi_insitu_instruct;" # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # results = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.close() # return results # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return None # def get_connectors(self): # sql = "SELECT * FROM station_info_tbl WHERE status = 1" # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # results = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.close() # return results # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return None # def create_delete_stale_data_event(self, eventName, table_name, day): # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() # sql = "create event %s on SCHEDULE every 1 day do delete from %s where times<(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() + INTERVAL -%s DAY);" % ( # eventName, table_name, day) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # self.cursor.close() # def create_many_column_table(self, table_name, list): # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() # for index in range(len(list)): # dataType = list[index]['storageType'] # columnName = "c" + str(list[index]['serialNumber']) # sql_c = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (times datetime NOT NULL,INDEX (times)) \ # ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;" % (table_name) # sql_add = "ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s " % (table_name, columnName, dataType) # try: # self.cursor.execute(sql_c) # self.cursor.execute(sql_add) # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # sql_send = "ALTER TABLE %s ADD 'is_send'tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'" % (table_name) # self.cursor.execute(sql_send) # self.cursor.close() # def insert_column_many(self, table_name, timeNow, dict): # try: # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() # sql = "INSERT INTO %s (times" % (table_name) # for key_name in dict.keys(): # sql = sql + "," + key_name # sql = sql + ") VALUE ('" + str(timeNow) + "'" # for key_name in dict.keys(): # data = "," + str(dict[key_name]) # sql = sql + data # sql = sql + ")" # try: # self.cursor.execute(sql) # # 提交到数据库执行 # self.conn.commit() # except Exception as e: # # 如果发生错误则回滚 # self.conn.rollback() # print(e) # except Exception as e: # self._reConn() # print(e) # else: # self.cursor.close() def close(self): self.conn.close() # def get_command_info(self, station_name): # sql = "SELECT command FROM command where station_name = '%s' " % station_name # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # results = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.close() # return results # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return None # # lee # def get_device_name_by_station_name(self, station_name): # sql = "SELECT DISTINCT device_name FROM data_point_tbl WHERE station_name = '%s' " % station_name # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # results = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.close() # return results # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return None # def get_data_point_by_device_name(self, device_name): # sql = "SELECT * FROM data_point_tbl WHERE device_name = '%s'" % device_name # try: # self._reConn() # self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # self.cursor.execute(sql) # results = self.cursor.fetchall() # self.cursor.close() # return results # except: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # return None def execute_sql(self, sql,var): try: self._reConn() self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) self.cursor.execute(sql,var) results = self.cursor.fetchall() self.cursor.close() return results except: print(traceback.format_exc()) return None