zebra.py 2.2 KB

  1. dataset_info = dict(
  2. dataset_name='zebra',
  3. paper_info=dict(
  4. author='Graving, Jacob M and Chae, Daniel and Naik, Hemal and '
  5. 'Li, Liang and Koger, Benjamin and Costelloe, Blair R and '
  6. 'Couzin, Iain D',
  7. title='DeepPoseKit, a software toolkit for fast and robust '
  8. 'animal pose estimation using deep learning',
  9. container='Elife',
  10. year='2019',
  11. homepage='https://github.com/jgraving/DeepPoseKit-Data',
  12. ),
  13. keypoint_info={
  14. 0:
  15. dict(name='snout', id=0, color=[255, 255, 255], type='', swap=''),
  16. 1:
  17. dict(name='head', id=1, color=[255, 255, 255], type='', swap=''),
  18. 2:
  19. dict(name='neck', id=2, color=[255, 255, 255], type='', swap=''),
  20. 3:
  21. dict(
  22. name='forelegL1',
  23. id=3,
  24. color=[255, 255, 255],
  25. type='',
  26. swap='forelegR1'),
  27. 4:
  28. dict(
  29. name='forelegR1',
  30. id=4,
  31. color=[255, 255, 255],
  32. type='',
  33. swap='forelegL1'),
  34. 5:
  35. dict(
  36. name='hindlegL1',
  37. id=5,
  38. color=[255, 255, 255],
  39. type='',
  40. swap='hindlegR1'),
  41. 6:
  42. dict(
  43. name='hindlegR1',
  44. id=6,
  45. color=[255, 255, 255],
  46. type='',
  47. swap='hindlegL1'),
  48. 7:
  49. dict(name='tailbase', id=7, color=[255, 255, 255], type='', swap=''),
  50. 8:
  51. dict(name='tailtip', id=8, color=[255, 255, 255], type='', swap='')
  52. },
  53. skeleton_info={
  54. 0: dict(link=('head', 'snout'), id=0, color=[255, 255, 255]),
  55. 1: dict(link=('neck', 'head'), id=1, color=[255, 255, 255]),
  56. 2: dict(link=('forelegL1', 'neck'), id=2, color=[255, 255, 255]),
  57. 3: dict(link=('forelegR1', 'neck'), id=3, color=[255, 255, 255]),
  58. 4: dict(link=('hindlegL1', 'tailbase'), id=4, color=[255, 255, 255]),
  59. 5: dict(link=('hindlegR1', 'tailbase'), id=5, color=[255, 255, 255]),
  60. 6: dict(link=('tailbase', 'neck'), id=6, color=[255, 255, 255]),
  61. 7: dict(link=('tailtip', 'tailbase'), id=7, color=[255, 255, 255])
  62. },
  63. joint_weights=[1.] * 9,
  64. sigmas=[])