123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359 |
- # Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
- import argparse
- import os
- import pickle
- import shutil
- from os.path import join
- import cv2
- import h5py
- import mmcv
- import numpy as np
- from scipy.io import loadmat
- train_subjects = [i for i in range(1, 9)]
- test_subjects = [i for i in range(1, 7)]
- train_seqs = [1, 2]
- train_cams = [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
- train_frame_nums = {
- (1, 1): 6416,
- (1, 2): 12430,
- (2, 1): 6502,
- (2, 2): 6081,
- (3, 1): 12488,
- (3, 2): 12283,
- (4, 1): 6171,
- (4, 2): 6675,
- (5, 1): 12820,
- (5, 2): 12312,
- (6, 1): 6188,
- (6, 2): 6145,
- (7, 1): 6239,
- (7, 2): 6320,
- (8, 1): 6468,
- (8, 2): 6054
- }
- test_frame_nums = {1: 6151, 2: 6080, 3: 5838, 4: 6007, 5: 320, 6: 492}
- train_img_size = (2048, 2048)
- root_index = 14
- joints_17 = [7, 5, 14, 15, 16, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24, 25, 18, 19, 20, 4, 3, 6]
- def get_pose_stats(kps):
- """Get statistic information `mean` and `std` of pose data.
- Args:
- kps (ndarray): keypoints in shape [..., K, D] where K and D is
- the keypoint category number and dimension.
- Returns:
- mean (ndarray): [K, D]
- """
- assert kps.ndim > 2
- K, D = kps.shape[-2:]
- kps = kps.reshape(-1, K, D)
- mean = kps.mean(axis=0)
- std = kps.std(axis=0)
- return mean, std
- def get_annotations(joints_2d, joints_3d, scale_factor=1.2):
- """Get annotations, including centers, scales, joints_2d and joints_3d.
- Args:
- joints_2d: 2D joint coordinates in shape [N, K, 2], where N is the
- frame number, K is the joint number.
- joints_3d: 3D joint coordinates in shape [N, K, 3], where N is the
- frame number, K is the joint number.
- scale_factor: Scale factor of bounding box. Default: 1.2.
- Returns:
- centers (ndarray): [N, 2]
- scales (ndarray): [N,]
- joints_2d (ndarray): [N, K, 3]
- joints_3d (ndarray): [N, K, 4]
- """
- # calculate joint visibility
- visibility = (joints_2d[:, :, 0] >= 0) * \
- (joints_2d[:, :, 0] < train_img_size[0]) * \
- (joints_2d[:, :, 1] >= 0) * \
- (joints_2d[:, :, 1] < train_img_size[1])
- visibility = np.array(visibility, dtype=np.float32)[:, :, None]
- joints_2d = np.concatenate([joints_2d, visibility], axis=-1)
- joints_3d = np.concatenate([joints_3d, visibility], axis=-1)
- # calculate bounding boxes
- bboxes = np.stack([
- np.min(joints_2d[:, :, 0], axis=1),
- np.min(joints_2d[:, :, 1], axis=1),
- np.max(joints_2d[:, :, 0], axis=1),
- np.max(joints_2d[:, :, 1], axis=1)
- ],
- axis=1)
- centers = np.stack([(bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]) / 2,
- (bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]) / 2],
- axis=1)
- scales = scale_factor * np.max(bboxes[:, 2:] - bboxes[:, :2], axis=1) / 200
- return centers, scales, joints_2d, joints_3d
- def load_trainset(data_root, out_dir):
- """Load training data, create annotation file and camera file.
- Args:
- data_root: Directory of dataset, which is organized in the following
- hierarchy:
- data_root
- |-- train
- |-- S1
- |-- Seq1
- |-- Seq2
- |-- S2
- |-- ...
- |-- test
- |-- TS1
- |-- TS2
- |-- ...
- out_dir: Directory to save annotation file.
- """
- _imgnames = []
- _centers = []
- _scales = []
- _joints_2d = []
- _joints_3d = []
- cameras = {}
- img_dir = join(out_dir, 'images')
- os.makedirs(img_dir, exist_ok=True)
- annot_dir = join(out_dir, 'annotations')
- os.makedirs(annot_dir, exist_ok=True)
- for subj in train_subjects:
- for seq in train_seqs:
- seq_path = join(data_root, 'train', f'S{subj}', f'Seq{seq}')
- num_frames = train_frame_nums[(subj, seq)]
- # load camera parametres
- camera_file = join(seq_path, 'camera.calibration')
- with open(camera_file, 'r') as fin:
- lines = fin.readlines()
- for cam in train_cams:
- K = [float(s) for s in lines[cam * 7 + 5][11:-2].split()]
- f = np.array([[K[0]], [K[5]]])
- c = np.array([[K[2]], [K[6]]])
- RT = np.array(
- [float(s) for s in lines[cam * 7 + 6][11:-2].split()])
- RT = np.reshape(RT, (4, 4))
- R = RT[:3, :3]
- # convert unit from millimeter to meter
- T = RT[:3, 3:] * 0.001
- size = [int(s) for s in lines[cam * 7 + 3][14:].split()]
- w, h = size
- cam_param = dict(
- R=R, T=T, c=c, f=f, w=w, h=h, name=f'train_cam_{cam}')
- cameras[f'S{subj}_Seq{seq}_Cam{cam}'] = cam_param
- # load annotations
- annot_file = os.path.join(seq_path, 'annot.mat')
- annot2 = loadmat(annot_file)['annot2']
- annot3 = loadmat(annot_file)['annot3']
- for cam in train_cams:
- # load 2D and 3D annotations
- joints_2d = np.reshape(annot2[cam][0][:num_frames],
- (num_frames, 28, 2))[:, joints_17]
- joints_3d = np.reshape(annot3[cam][0][:num_frames],
- (num_frames, 28, 3))[:, joints_17]
- joints_3d = joints_3d * 0.001
- centers, scales, joints_2d, joints_3d = get_annotations(
- joints_2d, joints_3d)
- _centers.append(centers)
- _scales.append(scales)
- _joints_2d.append(joints_2d)
- _joints_3d.append(joints_3d)
- # extract frames from video
- video_path = join(seq_path, 'imageSequence',
- f'video_{cam}.avi')
- video = mmcv.VideoReader(video_path)
- for i in mmcv.track_iter_progress(range(num_frames)):
- img = video.read()
- if img is None:
- break
- imgname = f'S{subj}_Seq{seq}_Cam{cam}_{i+1:06d}.jpg'
- _imgnames.append(imgname)
- cv2.imwrite(join(img_dir, imgname), img)
- _imgnames = np.array(_imgnames)
- _centers = np.concatenate(_centers)
- _scales = np.concatenate(_scales)
- _joints_2d = np.concatenate(_joints_2d)
- _joints_3d = np.concatenate(_joints_3d)
- out_file = join(annot_dir, 'mpi_inf_3dhp_train.npz')
- np.savez(
- out_file,
- imgname=_imgnames,
- center=_centers,
- scale=_scales,
- part=_joints_2d,
- S=_joints_3d)
- print(f'Create annotation file for trainset: {out_file}. '
- f'{len(_imgnames)} samples in total.')
- out_file = join(annot_dir, 'cameras_train.pkl')
- with open(out_file, 'wb') as fout:
- pickle.dump(cameras, fout)
- print(f'Create camera file for trainset: {out_file}.')
- # get `mean` and `std` of pose data
- _joints_3d = _joints_3d[..., :3] # remove visibility
- mean_3d, std_3d = get_pose_stats(_joints_3d)
- _joints_2d = _joints_2d[..., :2] # remove visibility
- mean_2d, std_2d = get_pose_stats(_joints_2d)
- # centered around root
- _joints_3d_rel = _joints_3d - _joints_3d[..., root_index:root_index + 1, :]
- mean_3d_rel, std_3d_rel = get_pose_stats(_joints_3d_rel)
- mean_3d_rel[root_index] = mean_3d[root_index]
- std_3d_rel[root_index] = std_3d[root_index]
- _joints_2d_rel = _joints_2d - _joints_2d[..., root_index:root_index + 1, :]
- mean_2d_rel, std_2d_rel = get_pose_stats(_joints_2d_rel)
- mean_2d_rel[root_index] = mean_2d[root_index]
- std_2d_rel[root_index] = std_2d[root_index]
- stats = {
- 'joint3d_stats': {
- 'mean': mean_3d,
- 'std': std_3d
- },
- 'joint2d_stats': {
- 'mean': mean_2d,
- 'std': std_2d
- },
- 'joint3d_rel_stats': {
- 'mean': mean_3d_rel,
- 'std': std_3d_rel
- },
- 'joint2d_rel_stats': {
- 'mean': mean_2d_rel,
- 'std': std_2d_rel
- }
- }
- for name, stat_dict in stats.items():
- out_file = join(annot_dir, f'{name}.pkl')
- with open(out_file, 'wb') as f:
- pickle.dump(stat_dict, f)
- print(f'Create statistic data file: {out_file}')
- def load_testset(data_root, out_dir, valid_only=True):
- """Load testing data, create annotation file and camera file.
- Args:
- data_root: Directory of dataset.
- out_dir: Directory to save annotation file.
- valid_only: Only keep frames with valid_label == 1.
- """
- _imgnames = []
- _centers = []
- _scales = []
- _joints_2d = []
- _joints_3d = []
- cameras = {}
- img_dir = join(out_dir, 'images')
- os.makedirs(img_dir, exist_ok=True)
- annot_dir = join(out_dir, 'annotations')
- os.makedirs(annot_dir, exist_ok=True)
- for subj in test_subjects:
- subj_path = join(data_root, 'test', f'TS{subj}')
- num_frames = test_frame_nums[subj]
- # load annotations
- annot_file = os.path.join(subj_path, 'annot_data.mat')
- with h5py.File(annot_file, 'r') as fin:
- annot2 = np.array(fin['annot2']).reshape((-1, 17, 2))
- annot3 = np.array(fin['annot3']).reshape((-1, 17, 3))
- valid = np.array(fin['valid_frame']).reshape(-1)
- # manually estimate camera intrinsics
- fx, cx = np.linalg.lstsq(
- annot3[:, :, [0, 2]].reshape((-1, 2)),
- (annot2[:, :, 0] * annot3[:, :, 2]).reshape(-1, 1),
- rcond=None)[0].flatten()
- fy, cy = np.linalg.lstsq(
- annot3[:, :, [1, 2]].reshape((-1, 2)),
- (annot2[:, :, 1] * annot3[:, :, 2]).reshape(-1, 1),
- rcond=None)[0].flatten()
- if subj <= 4:
- w, h = 2048, 2048
- else:
- w, h = 1920, 1080
- cameras[f'TS{subj}'] = dict(
- c=np.array([[cx], [cy]]),
- f=np.array([[fx], [fy]]),
- w=w,
- h=h,
- name=f'test_cam_{subj}')
- # get annotations
- if valid_only:
- valid_frames = np.nonzero(valid)[0]
- else:
- valid_frames = np.arange(num_frames)
- joints_2d = annot2[valid_frames, :, :]
- joints_3d = annot3[valid_frames, :, :] * 0.001
- centers, scales, joints_2d, joints_3d = get_annotations(
- joints_2d, joints_3d)
- _centers.append(centers)
- _scales.append(scales)
- _joints_2d.append(joints_2d)
- _joints_3d.append(joints_3d)
- # copy and rename images
- for i in valid_frames:
- imgname = f'TS{subj}_{i+1:06d}.jpg'
- shutil.copyfile(
- join(subj_path, 'imageSequence', f'img_{i+1:06d}.jpg'),
- join(img_dir, imgname))
- _imgnames.append(imgname)
- _imgnames = np.array(_imgnames)
- _centers = np.concatenate(_centers)
- _scales = np.concatenate(_scales)
- _joints_2d = np.concatenate(_joints_2d)
- _joints_3d = np.concatenate(_joints_3d)
- if valid_only:
- out_file = join(annot_dir, 'mpi_inf_3dhp_test_valid.npz')
- else:
- out_file = join(annot_dir, 'mpi_inf_3dhp_test_all.npz')
- np.savez(
- out_file,
- imgname=_imgnames,
- center=_centers,
- scale=_scales,
- part=_joints_2d,
- S=_joints_3d)
- print(f'Create annotation file for testset: {out_file}. '
- f'{len(_imgnames)} samples in total.')
- out_file = join(annot_dir, 'cameras_test.pkl')
- with open(out_file, 'wb') as fout:
- pickle.dump(cameras, fout)
- print(f'Create camera file for testset: {out_file}.')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('data_root', type=str, help='data root')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'out_dir', type=str, help='directory to save annotation files.')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- data_root = args.data_root
- out_dir = args.out_dir
- load_trainset(data_root, out_dir)
- load_testset(data_root, out_dir, valid_only=True)