cpm_jhmdb.md 5.0 KB

CPM (CVPR'2016)
  title={Convolutional pose machines},
  author={Wei, Shih-En and Ramakrishna, Varun and Kanade, Takeo and Sheikh, Yaser},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

  title = {Towards understanding action recognition},
  author = {H. Jhuang and J. Gall and S. Zuffi and C. Schmid and M. J. Black},
  booktitle = {International Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  month = Dec,
  pages = {3192-3199},
  year = {2013}

Results on Sub-JHMDB dataset

The models are pre-trained on MPII dataset only. NO test-time augmentation (multi-scale /rotation testing) is used.

  • Normalized by Person Size
Split Arch Input Size Head Sho Elb Wri Hip Knee Ank Mean ckpt log
Sub1 cpm 368x368 96.1 91.9 81.0 78.9 96.6 90.8 87.3 89.5 ckpt log
Sub2 cpm 368x368 98.1 93.6 77.1 70.9 94.0 89.1 84.7 87.4 ckpt log
Sub3 cpm 368x368 97.9 94.9 87.3 84.0 98.6 94.4 86.2 92.4 ckpt log
Average cpm 368x368 97.4 93.5 81.5 77.9 96.4 91.4 86.1 89.8 - -
  • Normalized by Torso Size
Split Arch Input Size Head Sho Elb Wri Hip Knee Ank Mean ckpt log
Sub1 cpm 368x368 89.0 63.0 54.0 54.9 68.2 63.1 61.2 66.0 ckpt log
Sub2 cpm 368x368 90.3 57.9 46.8 44.3 60.8 58.2 62.4 61.1 ckpt log
Sub3 cpm 368x368 91.0 72.6 59.9 54.0 73.2 68.5 65.8 70.3 ckpt log
Average cpm 368x368 90.1 64.5 53.6 51.1 67.4 63.3 63.1 65.7 - -