CPM (CVPR'2016) ```bibtex @inproceedings{wei2016convolutional, title={Convolutional pose machines}, author={Wei, Shih-En and Ramakrishna, Varun and Kanade, Takeo and Sheikh, Yaser}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={4724--4732}, year={2016} } ```
JHMDB (ICCV'2013) ```bibtex @inproceedings{Jhuang:ICCV:2013, title = {Towards understanding action recognition}, author = {H. Jhuang and J. Gall and S. Zuffi and C. Schmid and M. J. Black}, booktitle = {International Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = Dec, pages = {3192-3199}, year = {2013} } ```
Results on Sub-JHMDB dataset The models are pre-trained on MPII dataset only. NO test-time augmentation (multi-scale /rotation testing) is used. - Normalized by Person Size | Split | Arch | Input Size | Head | Sho | Elb | Wri | Hip | Knee | Ank | Mean | ckpt | log | | :------ | :------------------------------------------------: | :--------: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :-------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------: | | Sub1 | [cpm](/configs/body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/jhmdb/td-hm_cpm_8xb32-40e_jhmdb-sub1-368x368.py) | 368x368 | 96.1 | 91.9 | 81.0 | 78.9 | 96.6 | 90.8 | 87.3 | 89.5 | [ckpt](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub1_368x368-2d2585c9_20201122.pth) | [log](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub1_368x368_20201122.log.json) | | Sub2 | [cpm](/configs/body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/jhmdb/td-hm_cpm_8xb32-40e_jhmdb-sub2-368x368.py) | 368x368 | 98.1 | 93.6 | 77.1 | 70.9 | 94.0 | 89.1 | 84.7 | 87.4 | [ckpt](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub2_368x368-fc742f1f_20201122.pth) | [log](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub2_368x368_20201122.log.json) | | Sub3 | [cpm](/configs/body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/jhmdb/td-hm_cpm_8xb32-40e_jhmdb-sub3-368x368.py) | 368x368 | 97.9 | 94.9 | 87.3 | 84.0 | 98.6 | 94.4 | 86.2 | 92.4 | [ckpt](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub3_368x368-49337155_20201122.pth) | [log](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub3_368x368_20201122.log.json) | | Average | cpm | 368x368 | 97.4 | 93.5 | 81.5 | 77.9 | 96.4 | 91.4 | 86.1 | 89.8 | - | - | - Normalized by Torso Size | Split | Arch | Input Size | Head | Sho | Elb | Wri | Hip | Knee | Ank | Mean | ckpt | log | | :------ | :------------------------------------------------: | :--------: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :-------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------: | | Sub1 | [cpm](/configs/body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/jhmdb/td-hm_cpm_8xb32-40e_jhmdb-sub1-368x368.py) | 368x368 | 89.0 | 63.0 | 54.0 | 54.9 | 68.2 | 63.1 | 61.2 | 66.0 | [ckpt](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub1_368x368-2d2585c9_20201122.pth) | [log](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub1_368x368_20201122.log.json) | | Sub2 | [cpm](/configs/body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/jhmdb/td-hm_cpm_8xb32-40e_jhmdb-sub2-368x368.py) | 368x368 | 90.3 | 57.9 | 46.8 | 44.3 | 60.8 | 58.2 | 62.4 | 61.1 | [ckpt](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub2_368x368-fc742f1f_20201122.pth) | [log](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub2_368x368_20201122.log.json) | | Sub3 | [cpm](/configs/body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/jhmdb/td-hm_cpm_8xb32-40e_jhmdb-sub3-368x368.py) | 368x368 | 91.0 | 72.6 | 59.9 | 54.0 | 73.2 | 68.5 | 65.8 | 70.3 | [ckpt](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub3_368x368-49337155_20201122.pth) | [log](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/cpm/cpm_jhmdb_sub3_368x368_20201122.log.json) | | Average | cpm | 368x368 | 90.1 | 64.5 | 53.6 | 51.1 | 67.4 | 63.3 | 63.1 | 65.7 | - | - |