PVT (ICCV'2021) ```bibtex @inproceedings{wang2021pyramid, title={Pyramid vision transformer: A versatile backbone for dense prediction without convolutions}, author={Wang, Wenhai and Xie, Enze and Li, Xiang and Fan, Deng-Ping and Song, Kaitao and Liang, Ding and Lu, Tong and Luo, Ping and Shao, Ling}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision}, pages={568--578}, year={2021} } ```
PVTV2 (CVMJ'2022) ```bibtex @article{wang2022pvt, title={PVT v2: Improved baselines with Pyramid Vision Transformer}, author={Wang, Wenhai and Xie, Enze and Li, Xiang and Fan, Deng-Ping and Song, Kaitao and Liang, Ding and Lu, Tong and Luo, Ping and Shao, Ling}, journal={Computational Visual Media}, pages={1--10}, year={2022}, publisher={Springer} } ```
COCO (ECCV'2014) ```bibtex @inproceedings{lin2014microsoft, title={Microsoft coco: Common objects in context}, author={Lin, Tsung-Yi and Maire, Michael and Belongie, Serge and Hays, James and Perona, Pietro and Ramanan, Deva and Doll{\'a}r, Piotr and Zitnick, C Lawrence}, booktitle={European conference on computer vision}, pages={740--755}, year={2014}, organization={Springer} } ```
Results on COCO val2017 with detector having human AP of 56.4 on COCO val2017 dataset | Arch | Input Size | AP | AP50 | AP75 | AR | AR50 | ckpt | log | | :-------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :---: | :-------------: | :-------------: | :---: | :-------------: | :-------------------------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------: | | [pose_pvt-s](/configs/body_2d_keypoint/topdown_heatmap/coco/td-hm_pvt-s_8xb64-210e_coco-256x192.py) | 256x192 | 0.714 | 0.896 | 0.794 | 0.773 | 0.936 | [ckpt](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/pvt/pvt_small_coco_256x192-4324a49d_20220501.pth) | [log](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/pvt/pvt_small_coco_256x192_20220501.log.json) | | [pose_pvtv2-b2](/configs/body_2d_keypoint/topdown_heatmap/coco/td-hm_pvtv2-b2_8xb64-210e_coco-256x192.py) | 256x192 | 0.737 | 0.905 | 0.812 | 0.791 | 0.942 | [ckpt](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/pvt/pvtv2_b2_coco_256x192-b4212737_20220501.pth) | [log](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/pvt/pvtv2_b2_coco_256x192_20220501.log.json) |