# Visualization - [Single Image](#single-image) - [Browse Dataset](#browse-dataset) - [Visualizer Hook](#visualizer-hook) ## Single Image `demo/image_demo.py` helps the user to visualize the prediction result of a single image, including the skeleton and heatmaps. ```shell python demo/image_demo.py ${IMG} ${CONFIG} ${CHECKPOINT} [-h] [--out-file OUT_FILE] [--device DEVICE] [--draw-heatmap] ``` | ARGS | Description | | --------------------- | -------------------------------- | | `IMG` | The path to the test image. | | `CONFIG` | The path to the config file. | | `CHECKPOINT` | The path to the checkpoint file. | | `--out-file OUT_FILE` | Path to output file. | | `--device DEVICE` | Device used for inference. | | `--draw-heatmap` | Visualize the predicted heatmap. | Here is an example of Heatmap visualization: ![000000196141](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13503330/222373580-88d93603-e00e-45e9-abdd-f504a62b4ca5.jpg) ## Browse Dataset `tools/analysis_tools/browse_dataset.py` helps the user to browse a pose dataset visually, or save the image to a designated directory. ```shell python tools/misc/browse_dataset.py ${CONFIG} [-h] [--output-dir ${OUTPUT_DIR}] [--not-show] [--phase ${PHASE}] [--mode ${MODE}] [--show-interval ${SHOW_INTERVAL}] ``` | ARGS | Description | | -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `CONFIG` | The path to the config file. | | `--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR` | The target folder to save visualization results. If not specified, the visualization results will not be saved. | | `--not-show` | Do not show the visualization results in an external window. | | `--phase {train, val, test}` | Options for dataset. | | `--mode {original, transformed}` | Specify the type of visualized images. `original` means to show images without pre-processing; `transformed` means to show images are pre-processed. | | `--show-interval SHOW_INTERVAL` | Time interval between visualizing two images. | For instance, users who want to visualize images and annotations in COCO dataset use: ```shell python tools/misc/browse_dataset.py configs/body_2d_keypoint/topdown_heatmap/coco/td-hm_hrnet-w32_8xb64-e210_coco-256x192.py --mode original ``` The bounding boxes and keypoints will be plotted on the original image. Following is an example: ![original_coco](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26127467/187383698-7e518f21-b4cc-4712-9e97-99ddd8f0e437.jpg) The original images need to be processed before being fed into models. To visualize pre-processed images and annotations, users need to modify the argument `mode` to `transformed`. For example: ```shell python tools/misc/browse_dataset.py configs/body_2d_keypoint/topdown_heatmap/coco/td-hm_hrnet-w32_8xb64-e210_coco-256x192.py --mode transformed ``` Here is a processed sample ![transformed_coco](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26127467/187386652-bd47335d-797c-4e8c-b823-2a4915f9812f.jpg) The heatmap target will be visualized together if it is generated in the pipeline. ## Visualizer Hook During validation and testing, users can specify certain arguments to visualize the output of trained models. To visualize in external window during testing: ```shell python tools/test.py ${CONFIG} ${CHECKPOINT} --show ``` During validation: ```shell python tools/train.py ${CONFIG} --work-dir ${WORK_DIR} --show --interval ${INTERVAL} ``` It is suggested to use large `INTERVAL` (e.g., 50) if users want to visualize during validation, since the wait time for each visualized instance will make the validation process very slow. To save visualization results in `SHOW_DIR` during testing: ```shell python tools/test.py ${CONFIG} ${CHECKPOINT} --show-dir=${SHOW_DIR} ``` During validation: ```shell python tools/train.py ${CONFIG} --work-dir ${WORK_DIR} --show-dir=${SHOW_DIR} ``` More details about visualization arguments can be found in [train_and_test](./train_and_test.md). If you use a heatmap-based method and want to visualize predicted heatmaps, you can manually specify `output_heatmaps=True` for `model.test_cfg` in config file. Another way is to add `--cfg-options='model.test_cfg.output_heatmaps=True'` at the end of your command. Visualization example (top: decoded keypoints; bottom: predicted heatmap): ![vis_pred](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26127467/187578902-30ef7bb0-9a93-4e03-bae0-02aeccf7f689.jpg) For top-down models, each sample only contains one instance. So there will be multiple visualization results for each image.