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WFLW (CVPR'2018) ```bibtex @inproceedings{wu2018look, title={Look at boundary: A boundary-aware face alignment algorithm}, author={Wu, Wayne and Qian, Chen and Yang, Shuo and Wang, Quan and Cai, Yici and Zhou, Qiang}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition}, pages={2129--2138}, year={2018} } ```
Results on WFLW dataset The model is trained on WFLW train set. | Model | Input Size | NME | ckpt | log | | :-------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------: | :--: | :------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------: | | [ResNet-50](/configs/face_2d_keypoint/topdown_regression/wflw/ | 256x256 | 4.88 | [ckpt]( | [log]( |