tests.txt 377 B

  1. asynctest
  2. cityscapesscripts
  3. codecov
  4. flake8
  5. imagecorruptions
  6. instaboostfast
  7. interrogate
  8. isort==4.3.21
  9. # Note: used for kwarray.group_items, this may be ported to mmcv in the future.
  10. kwarray
  11. memory_profiler
  12. -e git+https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmtracking@dev-1.x#egg=mmtrack
  13. onnx==1.7.0
  14. onnxruntime>=1.8.0
  15. parameterized
  16. protobuf<=3.20.1
  17. psutil
  18. pytest
  19. ubelt
  20. xdoctest>=0.10.0
  21. yapf