123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366 |
- # Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
- from typing import Optional, Tuple
- import torch
- from mmengine.structures import InstanceData
- from torch import Tensor
- from mmdet.registry import TASK_UTILS
- from mmdet.utils import ConfigType
- from .assign_result import AssignResult
- from .base_assigner import BaseAssigner
- def scale_boxes(bboxes: Tensor, scale: float) -> Tensor:
- """Expand an array of boxes by a given scale.
- Args:
- bboxes (Tensor): Shape (m, 4)
- scale (float): The scale factor of bboxes
- Returns:
- Tensor: Shape (m, 4). Scaled bboxes
- """
- assert bboxes.size(1) == 4
- w_half = (bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 0]) * .5
- h_half = (bboxes[:, 3] - bboxes[:, 1]) * .5
- x_c = (bboxes[:, 2] + bboxes[:, 0]) * .5
- y_c = (bboxes[:, 3] + bboxes[:, 1]) * .5
- w_half *= scale
- h_half *= scale
- boxes_scaled = torch.zeros_like(bboxes)
- boxes_scaled[:, 0] = x_c - w_half
- boxes_scaled[:, 2] = x_c + w_half
- boxes_scaled[:, 1] = y_c - h_half
- boxes_scaled[:, 3] = y_c + h_half
- return boxes_scaled
- def is_located_in(points: Tensor, bboxes: Tensor) -> Tensor:
- """Are points located in bboxes.
- Args:
- points (Tensor): Points, shape: (m, 2).
- bboxes (Tensor): Bounding boxes, shape: (n, 4).
- Return:
- Tensor: Flags indicating if points are located in bboxes,
- shape: (m, n).
- """
- assert points.size(1) == 2
- assert bboxes.size(1) == 4
- return (points[:, 0].unsqueeze(1) > bboxes[:, 0].unsqueeze(0)) & \
- (points[:, 0].unsqueeze(1) < bboxes[:, 2].unsqueeze(0)) & \
- (points[:, 1].unsqueeze(1) > bboxes[:, 1].unsqueeze(0)) & \
- (points[:, 1].unsqueeze(1) < bboxes[:, 3].unsqueeze(0))
- def bboxes_area(bboxes: Tensor) -> Tensor:
- """Compute the area of an array of bboxes.
- Args:
- bboxes (Tensor): The coordinates ox bboxes. Shape: (m, 4)
- Returns:
- Tensor: Area of the bboxes. Shape: (m, )
- """
- assert bboxes.size(1) == 4
- w = (bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 0])
- h = (bboxes[:, 3] - bboxes[:, 1])
- areas = w * h
- return areas
- @TASK_UTILS.register_module()
- class CenterRegionAssigner(BaseAssigner):
- """Assign pixels at the center region of a bbox as positive.
- Each proposals will be assigned with `-1`, `0`, or a positive integer
- indicating the ground truth index.
- - -1: negative samples
- - semi-positive numbers: positive sample, index (0-based) of assigned gt
- Args:
- pos_scale (float): Threshold within which pixels are
- labelled as positive.
- neg_scale (float): Threshold above which pixels are
- labelled as positive.
- min_pos_iof (float): Minimum iof of a pixel with a gt to be
- labelled as positive. Default: 1e-2
- ignore_gt_scale (float): Threshold within which the pixels
- are ignored when the gt is labelled as shadowed. Default: 0.5
- foreground_dominate (bool): If True, the bbox will be assigned as
- positive when a gt's kernel region overlaps with another's shadowed
- (ignored) region, otherwise it is set as ignored. Default to False.
- iou_calculator (:obj:`ConfigDict` or dict): Config of overlaps
- Calculator.
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- pos_scale: float,
- neg_scale: float,
- min_pos_iof: float = 1e-2,
- ignore_gt_scale: float = 0.5,
- foreground_dominate: bool = False,
- iou_calculator: ConfigType = dict(type='BboxOverlaps2D')
- ) -> None:
- self.pos_scale = pos_scale
- self.neg_scale = neg_scale
- self.min_pos_iof = min_pos_iof
- self.ignore_gt_scale = ignore_gt_scale
- self.foreground_dominate = foreground_dominate
- self.iou_calculator = TASK_UTILS.build(iou_calculator)
- def get_gt_priorities(self, gt_bboxes: Tensor) -> Tensor:
- """Get gt priorities according to their areas.
- Smaller gt has higher priority.
- Args:
- gt_bboxes (Tensor): Ground truth boxes, shape (k, 4).
- Returns:
- Tensor: The priority of gts so that gts with larger priority is
- more likely to be assigned. Shape (k, )
- """
- gt_areas = bboxes_area(gt_bboxes)
- # Rank all gt bbox areas. Smaller objects has larger priority
- _, sort_idx = gt_areas.sort(descending=True)
- sort_idx = sort_idx.argsort()
- return sort_idx
- def assign(self,
- pred_instances: InstanceData,
- gt_instances: InstanceData,
- gt_instances_ignore: Optional[InstanceData] = None,
- **kwargs) -> AssignResult:
- """Assign gt to bboxes.
- This method assigns gts to every prior (proposal/anchor), each prior
- will be assigned with -1, or a semi-positive number. -1 means
- negative sample, semi-positive number is the index (0-based) of
- assigned gt.
- Args:
- pred_instances (:obj:`InstanceData`): Instances of model
- predictions. It includes ``priors``, and the priors can
- be anchors or points, or the bboxes predicted by the
- previous stage, has shape (n, 4). The bboxes predicted by
- the current model or stage will be named ``bboxes``,
- ``labels``, and ``scores``, the same as the ``InstanceData``
- in other places.
- gt_instances (:obj:`InstanceData`): Ground truth of instance
- annotations. It usually includes ``bboxes``, with shape (k, 4),
- and ``labels``, with shape (k, ).
- gt_instances_ignore (:obj:`InstanceData`, optional): Instances
- to be ignored during training. It includes ``bboxes``
- attribute data that is ignored during training and testing.
- Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- :obj:`AssignResult`: The assigned result. Note that shadowed_labels
- of shape (N, 2) is also added as an `assign_result` attribute.
- `shadowed_labels` is a tensor composed of N pairs of anchor_ind,
- class_label], where N is the number of anchors that lie in the
- outer region of a gt, anchor_ind is the shadowed anchor index
- and class_label is the shadowed class label.
- Example:
- >>> from mmengine.structures import InstanceData
- >>> self = CenterRegionAssigner(0.2, 0.2)
- >>> pred_instances.priors = torch.Tensor([[0, 0, 10, 10],
- ... [10, 10, 20, 20]])
- >>> gt_instances = InstanceData()
- >>> gt_instances.bboxes = torch.Tensor([[0, 0, 10, 10]])
- >>> gt_instances.labels = torch.Tensor([0])
- >>> assign_result = self.assign(pred_instances, gt_instances)
- >>> expected_gt_inds = torch.LongTensor([1, 0])
- >>> assert torch.all(assign_result.gt_inds == expected_gt_inds)
- """
- # There are in total 5 steps in the pixel assignment
- # 1. Find core (the center region, say inner 0.2)
- # and shadow (the relatively ourter part, say inner 0.2-0.5)
- # regions of every gt.
- # 2. Find all prior bboxes that lie in gt_core and gt_shadow regions
- # 3. Assign prior bboxes in gt_core with a one-hot id of the gt in
- # the image.
- # 3.1. For overlapping objects, the prior bboxes in gt_core is
- # assigned with the object with smallest area
- # 4. Assign prior bboxes with class label according to its gt id.
- # 4.1. Assign -1 to prior bboxes lying in shadowed gts
- # 4.2. Assign positive prior boxes with the corresponding label
- # 5. Find pixels lying in the shadow of an object and assign them with
- # background label, but set the loss weight of its corresponding
- # gt to zero.
- # TODO not extract bboxes in assign.
- gt_bboxes = gt_instances.bboxes
- priors = pred_instances.priors
- gt_labels = gt_instances.labels
- assert priors.size(1) == 4, 'priors must have size of 4'
- # 1. Find core positive and shadow region of every gt
- gt_core = scale_boxes(gt_bboxes, self.pos_scale)
- gt_shadow = scale_boxes(gt_bboxes, self.neg_scale)
- # 2. Find prior bboxes that lie in gt_core and gt_shadow regions
- prior_centers = (priors[:, 2:4] + priors[:, 0:2]) / 2
- # The center points lie within the gt boxes
- is_prior_in_gt = is_located_in(prior_centers, gt_bboxes)
- # Only calculate prior and gt_core IoF. This enables small prior bboxes
- # to match large gts
- prior_and_gt_core_overlaps = self.iou_calculator(
- priors, gt_core, mode='iof')
- # The center point of effective priors should be within the gt box
- is_prior_in_gt_core = is_prior_in_gt & (
- prior_and_gt_core_overlaps > self.min_pos_iof) # shape (n, k)
- is_prior_in_gt_shadow = (
- self.iou_calculator(priors, gt_shadow, mode='iof') >
- self.min_pos_iof)
- # Rule out center effective positive pixels
- is_prior_in_gt_shadow &= (~is_prior_in_gt_core)
- num_gts, num_priors = gt_bboxes.size(0), priors.size(0)
- if num_gts == 0 or num_priors == 0:
- # If no gts exist, assign all pixels to negative
- assigned_gt_ids = \
- is_prior_in_gt_core.new_zeros((num_priors,),
- dtype=torch.long)
- pixels_in_gt_shadow = assigned_gt_ids.new_empty((0, 2))
- else:
- # Step 3: assign a one-hot gt id to each pixel, and smaller objects
- # have high priority to assign the pixel.
- sort_idx = self.get_gt_priorities(gt_bboxes)
- assigned_gt_ids, pixels_in_gt_shadow = \
- self.assign_one_hot_gt_indices(is_prior_in_gt_core,
- is_prior_in_gt_shadow,
- gt_priority=sort_idx)
- if (gt_instances_ignore is not None
- and gt_instances_ignore.bboxes.numel() > 0):
- # No ground truth or boxes, return empty assignment
- gt_bboxes_ignore = gt_instances_ignore.bboxes
- gt_bboxes_ignore = scale_boxes(
- gt_bboxes_ignore, scale=self.ignore_gt_scale)
- is_prior_in_ignored_gts = is_located_in(prior_centers,
- gt_bboxes_ignore)
- is_prior_in_ignored_gts = is_prior_in_ignored_gts.any(dim=1)
- assigned_gt_ids[is_prior_in_ignored_gts] = -1
- # 4. Assign prior bboxes with class label according to its gt id.
- # Default assigned label is the background (-1)
- assigned_labels = assigned_gt_ids.new_full((num_priors, ), -1)
- pos_inds = torch.nonzero(assigned_gt_ids > 0, as_tuple=False).squeeze()
- if pos_inds.numel() > 0:
- assigned_labels[pos_inds] = gt_labels[assigned_gt_ids[pos_inds] -
- 1]
- # 5. Find pixels lying in the shadow of an object
- shadowed_pixel_labels = pixels_in_gt_shadow.clone()
- if pixels_in_gt_shadow.numel() > 0:
- pixel_idx, gt_idx =\
- pixels_in_gt_shadow[:, 0], pixels_in_gt_shadow[:, 1]
- assert (assigned_gt_ids[pixel_idx] != gt_idx).all(), \
- 'Some pixels are dually assigned to ignore and gt!'
- shadowed_pixel_labels[:, 1] = gt_labels[gt_idx - 1]
- override = (
- assigned_labels[pixel_idx] == shadowed_pixel_labels[:, 1])
- if self.foreground_dominate:
- # When a pixel is both positive and shadowed, set it as pos
- shadowed_pixel_labels = shadowed_pixel_labels[~override]
- else:
- # When a pixel is both pos and shadowed, set it as shadowed
- assigned_labels[pixel_idx[override]] = -1
- assigned_gt_ids[pixel_idx[override]] = 0
- assign_result = AssignResult(
- num_gts, assigned_gt_ids, None, labels=assigned_labels)
- # Add shadowed_labels as assign_result property. Shape: (num_shadow, 2)
- assign_result.set_extra_property('shadowed_labels',
- shadowed_pixel_labels)
- return assign_result
- def assign_one_hot_gt_indices(
- self,
- is_prior_in_gt_core: Tensor,
- is_prior_in_gt_shadow: Tensor,
- gt_priority: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
- """Assign only one gt index to each prior box.
- Gts with large gt_priority are more likely to be assigned.
- Args:
- is_prior_in_gt_core (Tensor): Bool tensor indicating the prior
- center is in the core area of a gt (e.g. 0-0.2).
- Shape: (num_prior, num_gt).
- is_prior_in_gt_shadow (Tensor): Bool tensor indicating the prior
- center is in the shadowed area of a gt (e.g. 0.2-0.5).
- Shape: (num_prior, num_gt).
- gt_priority (Tensor): Priorities of gts. The gt with a higher
- priority is more likely to be assigned to the bbox when the
- bbox match with multiple gts. Shape: (num_gt, ).
- Returns:
- tuple: Returns (assigned_gt_inds, shadowed_gt_inds).
- - assigned_gt_inds: The assigned gt index of each prior bbox \
- (i.e. index from 1 to num_gts). Shape: (num_prior, ).
- - shadowed_gt_inds: shadowed gt indices. It is a tensor of \
- shape (num_ignore, 2) with first column being the shadowed prior \
- bbox indices and the second column the shadowed gt \
- indices (1-based).
- """
- num_bboxes, num_gts = is_prior_in_gt_core.shape
- if gt_priority is None:
- gt_priority = torch.arange(
- num_gts, device=is_prior_in_gt_core.device)
- assert gt_priority.size(0) == num_gts
- # The bigger gt_priority, the more preferable to be assigned
- # The assigned inds are by default 0 (background)
- assigned_gt_inds = is_prior_in_gt_core.new_zeros((num_bboxes, ),
- dtype=torch.long)
- # Shadowed bboxes are assigned to be background. But the corresponding
- # label is ignored during loss calculation, which is done through
- # shadowed_gt_inds
- shadowed_gt_inds = torch.nonzero(is_prior_in_gt_shadow, as_tuple=False)
- if is_prior_in_gt_core.sum() == 0: # No gt match
- shadowed_gt_inds[:, 1] += 1 # 1-based. For consistency issue
- return assigned_gt_inds, shadowed_gt_inds
- # The priority of each prior box and gt pair. If one prior box is
- # matched bo multiple gts. Only the pair with the highest priority
- # is saved
- pair_priority = is_prior_in_gt_core.new_full((num_bboxes, num_gts),
- -1,
- dtype=torch.long)
- # Each bbox could match with multiple gts.
- # The following codes deal with this situation
- # Matched bboxes (to any gt). Shape: (num_pos_anchor, )
- inds_of_match = torch.any(is_prior_in_gt_core, dim=1)
- # The matched gt index of each positive bbox. Length >= num_pos_anchor
- # , since one bbox could match multiple gts
- matched_bbox_gt_inds = torch.nonzero(
- is_prior_in_gt_core, as_tuple=False)[:, 1]
- # Assign priority to each bbox-gt pair.
- pair_priority[is_prior_in_gt_core] = gt_priority[matched_bbox_gt_inds]
- _, argmax_priority = pair_priority[inds_of_match].max(dim=1)
- assigned_gt_inds[inds_of_match] = argmax_priority + 1 # 1-based
- # Zero-out the assigned anchor box to filter the shadowed gt indices
- is_prior_in_gt_core[inds_of_match, argmax_priority] = 0
- # Concat the shadowed indices due to overlapping with that out side of
- # effective scale. shape: (total_num_ignore, 2)
- shadowed_gt_inds = torch.cat(
- (shadowed_gt_inds,
- torch.nonzero(is_prior_in_gt_core, as_tuple=False)),
- dim=0)
- # Change `is_prior_in_gt_core` back to keep arguments intact.
- is_prior_in_gt_core[inds_of_match, argmax_priority] = 1
- # 1-based shadowed gt indices, to be consistent with `assigned_gt_inds`
- if shadowed_gt_inds.numel() > 0:
- shadowed_gt_inds[:, 1] += 1
- return assigned_gt_inds, shadowed_gt_inds