123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254 |
- # Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
- import warnings
- from typing import List, Optional
- import torch
- from mmengine.structures import InstanceData
- from torch import Tensor
- from mmdet.registry import TASK_UTILS
- from mmdet.utils import ConfigType
- from .assign_result import AssignResult
- from .base_assigner import BaseAssigner
- def bbox_center_distance(bboxes: Tensor, priors: Tensor) -> Tensor:
- """Compute the center distance between bboxes and priors.
- Args:
- bboxes (Tensor): Shape (n, 4) for , "xyxy" format.
- priors (Tensor): Shape (n, 4) for priors, "xyxy" format.
- Returns:
- Tensor: Center distances between bboxes and priors.
- """
- bbox_cx = (bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]) / 2.0
- bbox_cy = (bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]) / 2.0
- bbox_points = torch.stack((bbox_cx, bbox_cy), dim=1)
- priors_cx = (priors[:, 0] + priors[:, 2]) / 2.0
- priors_cy = (priors[:, 1] + priors[:, 3]) / 2.0
- priors_points = torch.stack((priors_cx, priors_cy), dim=1)
- distances = (priors_points[:, None, :] -
- bbox_points[None, :, :]).pow(2).sum(-1).sqrt()
- return distances
- @TASK_UTILS.register_module()
- class ATSSAssigner(BaseAssigner):
- """Assign a corresponding gt bbox or background to each prior.
- Each proposals will be assigned with `0` or a positive integer
- indicating the ground truth index.
- - 0: negative sample, no assigned gt
- - positive integer: positive sample, index (1-based) of assigned gt
- If ``alpha`` is not None, it means that the dynamic cost
- ATSSAssigner is adopted, which is currently only used in the DDOD.
- Args:
- topk (int): number of priors selected in each level
- alpha (float, optional): param of cost rate for each proposal only
- in DDOD. Defaults to None.
- iou_calculator (:obj:`ConfigDict` or dict): Config dict for iou
- calculator. Defaults to ``dict(type='BboxOverlaps2D')``
- ignore_iof_thr (float): IoF threshold for ignoring bboxes (if
- `gt_bboxes_ignore` is specified). Negative values mean not
- ignoring any bboxes. Defaults to -1.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- topk: int,
- alpha: Optional[float] = None,
- iou_calculator: ConfigType = dict(type='BboxOverlaps2D'),
- ignore_iof_thr: float = -1) -> None:
- self.topk = topk
- self.alpha = alpha
- self.iou_calculator = TASK_UTILS.build(iou_calculator)
- self.ignore_iof_thr = ignore_iof_thr
- # https://github.com/sfzhang15/ATSS/blob/master/atss_core/modeling/rpn/atss/loss.py
- def assign(
- self,
- pred_instances: InstanceData,
- num_level_priors: List[int],
- gt_instances: InstanceData,
- gt_instances_ignore: Optional[InstanceData] = None
- ) -> AssignResult:
- """Assign gt to priors.
- The assignment is done in following steps
- 1. compute iou between all prior (prior of all pyramid levels) and gt
- 2. compute center distance between all prior and gt
- 3. on each pyramid level, for each gt, select k prior whose center
- are closest to the gt center, so we total select k*l prior as
- candidates for each gt
- 4. get corresponding iou for the these candidates, and compute the
- mean and std, set mean + std as the iou threshold
- 5. select these candidates whose iou are greater than or equal to
- the threshold as positive
- 6. limit the positive sample's center in gt
- If ``alpha`` is not None, and ``cls_scores`` and `bbox_preds`
- are not None, the overlaps calculation in the first step
- will also include dynamic cost, which is currently only used in
- the DDOD.
- Args:
- pred_instances (:obj:`InstaceData`): Instances of model
- predictions. It includes ``priors``, and the priors can
- be anchors, points, or bboxes predicted by the model,
- shape(n, 4).
- num_level_priors (List): Number of bboxes in each level
- gt_instances (:obj:`InstaceData`): Ground truth of instance
- annotations. It usually includes ``bboxes`` and ``labels``
- attributes.
- gt_instances_ignore (:obj:`InstaceData`, optional): Instances
- to be ignored during training. It includes ``bboxes``
- attribute data that is ignored during training and testing.
- Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- :obj:`AssignResult`: The assign result.
- """
- gt_bboxes = gt_instances.bboxes
- priors = pred_instances.priors
- gt_labels = gt_instances.labels
- if gt_instances_ignore is not None:
- gt_bboxes_ignore = gt_instances_ignore.bboxes
- else:
- gt_bboxes_ignore = None
- INF = 100000000
- priors = priors[:, :4]
- num_gt, num_priors = gt_bboxes.size(0), priors.size(0)
- message = 'Invalid alpha parameter because cls_scores or ' \
- 'bbox_preds are None. If you want to use the ' \
- 'cost-based ATSSAssigner, please set cls_scores, ' \
- 'bbox_preds and self.alpha at the same time. '
- # compute iou between all bbox and gt
- if self.alpha is None:
- # ATSSAssigner
- overlaps = self.iou_calculator(priors, gt_bboxes)
- if ('scores' in pred_instances or 'bboxes' in pred_instances):
- warnings.warn(message)
- else:
- # Dynamic cost ATSSAssigner in DDOD
- assert ('scores' in pred_instances
- and 'bboxes' in pred_instances), message
- cls_scores = pred_instances.scores
- bbox_preds = pred_instances.bboxes
- # compute cls cost for bbox and GT
- cls_cost = torch.sigmoid(cls_scores[:, gt_labels])
- # compute iou between all bbox and gt
- overlaps = self.iou_calculator(bbox_preds, gt_bboxes)
- # make sure that we are in element-wise multiplication
- assert cls_cost.shape == overlaps.shape
- # overlaps is actually a cost matrix
- overlaps = cls_cost**(1 - self.alpha) * overlaps**self.alpha
- # assign 0 by default
- assigned_gt_inds = overlaps.new_full((num_priors, ),
- 0,
- dtype=torch.long)
- if num_gt == 0 or num_priors == 0:
- # No ground truth or boxes, return empty assignment
- max_overlaps = overlaps.new_zeros((num_priors, ))
- if num_gt == 0:
- # No truth, assign everything to background
- assigned_gt_inds[:] = 0
- assigned_labels = overlaps.new_full((num_priors, ),
- -1,
- dtype=torch.long)
- return AssignResult(
- num_gt, assigned_gt_inds, max_overlaps, labels=assigned_labels)
- # compute center distance between all bbox and gt
- distances = bbox_center_distance(gt_bboxes, priors)
- if (self.ignore_iof_thr > 0 and gt_bboxes_ignore is not None
- and gt_bboxes_ignore.numel() > 0 and priors.numel() > 0):
- ignore_overlaps = self.iou_calculator(
- priors, gt_bboxes_ignore, mode='iof')
- ignore_max_overlaps, _ = ignore_overlaps.max(dim=1)
- ignore_idxs = ignore_max_overlaps > self.ignore_iof_thr
- distances[ignore_idxs, :] = INF
- assigned_gt_inds[ignore_idxs] = -1
- # Selecting candidates based on the center distance
- candidate_idxs = []
- start_idx = 0
- for level, priors_per_level in enumerate(num_level_priors):
- # on each pyramid level, for each gt,
- # select k bbox whose center are closest to the gt center
- end_idx = start_idx + priors_per_level
- distances_per_level = distances[start_idx:end_idx, :]
- selectable_k = min(self.topk, priors_per_level)
- _, topk_idxs_per_level = distances_per_level.topk(
- selectable_k, dim=0, largest=False)
- candidate_idxs.append(topk_idxs_per_level + start_idx)
- start_idx = end_idx
- candidate_idxs = torch.cat(candidate_idxs, dim=0)
- # get corresponding iou for the these candidates, and compute the
- # mean and std, set mean + std as the iou threshold
- candidate_overlaps = overlaps[candidate_idxs, torch.arange(num_gt)]
- overlaps_mean_per_gt = candidate_overlaps.mean(0)
- overlaps_std_per_gt = candidate_overlaps.std(0)
- overlaps_thr_per_gt = overlaps_mean_per_gt + overlaps_std_per_gt
- is_pos = candidate_overlaps >= overlaps_thr_per_gt[None, :]
- # limit the positive sample's center in gt
- for gt_idx in range(num_gt):
- candidate_idxs[:, gt_idx] += gt_idx * num_priors
- priors_cx = (priors[:, 0] + priors[:, 2]) / 2.0
- priors_cy = (priors[:, 1] + priors[:, 3]) / 2.0
- ep_priors_cx = priors_cx.view(1, -1).expand(
- num_gt, num_priors).contiguous().view(-1)
- ep_priors_cy = priors_cy.view(1, -1).expand(
- num_gt, num_priors).contiguous().view(-1)
- candidate_idxs = candidate_idxs.view(-1)
- # calculate the left, top, right, bottom distance between positive
- # prior center and gt side
- l_ = ep_priors_cx[candidate_idxs].view(-1, num_gt) - gt_bboxes[:, 0]
- t_ = ep_priors_cy[candidate_idxs].view(-1, num_gt) - gt_bboxes[:, 1]
- r_ = gt_bboxes[:, 2] - ep_priors_cx[candidate_idxs].view(-1, num_gt)
- b_ = gt_bboxes[:, 3] - ep_priors_cy[candidate_idxs].view(-1, num_gt)
- is_in_gts = torch.stack([l_, t_, r_, b_], dim=1).min(dim=1)[0] > 0.01
- is_pos = is_pos & is_in_gts
- # if an anchor box is assigned to multiple gts,
- # the one with the highest IoU will be selected.
- overlaps_inf = torch.full_like(overlaps,
- -INF).t().contiguous().view(-1)
- index = candidate_idxs.view(-1)[is_pos.view(-1)]
- overlaps_inf[index] = overlaps.t().contiguous().view(-1)[index]
- overlaps_inf = overlaps_inf.view(num_gt, -1).t()
- max_overlaps, argmax_overlaps = overlaps_inf.max(dim=1)
- assigned_gt_inds[
- max_overlaps != -INF] = argmax_overlaps[max_overlaps != -INF] + 1
- assigned_labels = assigned_gt_inds.new_full((num_priors, ), -1)
- pos_inds = torch.nonzero(
- assigned_gt_inds > 0, as_tuple=False).squeeze()
- if pos_inds.numel() > 0:
- assigned_labels[pos_inds] = gt_labels[assigned_gt_inds[pos_inds] -
- 1]
- return AssignResult(
- num_gt, assigned_gt_inds, max_overlaps, labels=assigned_labels)