DJW c16313bb6a 第一次提交 1 year ago
configs c16313bb6a 第一次提交 1 year ago
diffusiondet c16313bb6a 第一次提交 1 year ago
model_converters c16313bb6a 第一次提交 1 year ago c16313bb6a 第一次提交 1 year ago


This is an implementation of DiffusionDet based on MMDetection, MMCV, and MMEngine.


Comparison of results

  1. Download the DiffusionDet released model.

  2. Convert model from DiffusionDet version to MMDetection version. We give a sample script to convert DiffusionDet-resnet50 model. Users can download the corresponding models from here.

   python projects/DiffusionDet/model_converters/ ${DiffusionDet ckpt path} ${MMDetectron ckpt path}
  1. Testing the model in MMDetection.
   python tools/ projects/DiffusionDet/configs/ ${CHECKPOINT_PATH}

Note: During inference time, DiffusionDet will randomly generate noisy boxes, which may affect the AP results. If users want to get the same result every inference time, setting seed is a good way. We give a table to compare the inference results on ResNet50-500-proposals between DiffusionDet and MMDetection.

Config Step AP
DiffusionDet (released results) 1 45.5
DiffusionDet (seed=0) 1 45.66
MMDetection (seed=0) 1 45.7
MMDetection (random seed) 1 45.6~45.8
DiffusionDet (released results) 4 46.1
DiffusionDet (seed=0) 4 46.38
MMDetection (seed=0) 4 46.4
MMDetection (random seed) 4 46.2~46.4
  • seed=0 means hard set seed before generating random boxes.

    # hard set seed=0 before generating random boxes
    seed = 0
    # torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed)
    noise_bboxes_raw = torch.randn(
      (self.num_proposals, 4),
    • random seed means do not hard set seed before generating random boxes.

    Training commands

    In MMDetection's root directory, run the following command to train the model:

    python tools/ projects/DiffusionDet/configs/

For multi-gpu training, run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes=1 --node_rank=0 --nproc_per_node=${NUM_GPUS} --master_port=29506 --master_addr="" tools/ projects/DiffusionDet/configs/

Testing commands

In MMDetection's root directory, run the following command to test the model:

# for 1 step inference
# test command
python tools/ projects/DiffusionDet/configs/ ${CHECKPOINT_PATH}

# for 4 steps inference

# test command
python tools/ projects/DiffusionDet/configs/ ${CHECKPOINT_PATH} --cfg-options model.bbox_head.sampling_timesteps=4

Note: There is no difference between 1 step or 4 steps (or other multi-step) during training. Users can set different steps during inference through --cfg-options model.bbox_head.sampling_timesteps=${STEPS}, but larger sampling_timesteps will affect the inference time.


Here we provide the baseline version of DiffusionDet with ResNet50 backbone.

To find more variants, please visit the official model zoo.

Backbone Style Lr schd AP (Step=1) AP (Step=4) Config Download
R-50 PyTorch 450k 44.5 46.2 config model | log


DiffusionDet is under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. Users should be careful about adopting these features in any commercial matters.


If you find DiffusionDet is useful in your research or applications, please consider giving a star 🌟 to the official repository and citing DiffusionDet by the following BibTeX entry.

      title={DiffusionDet: Diffusion Model for Object Detection},
      author={Chen, Shoufa and Sun, Peize and Song, Yibing and Luo, Ping},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.09788},


  • [x] Milestone 1: PR-ready, and acceptable to be one of the projects/.

    • Finish the code
    • Basic docstrings & proper citation
    • Test-time correctness
    • A full README
  • [x] Milestone 2: Indicates a successful model implementation.

    • Training-time correctness
  • [ ] Milestone 3: Good to be a part of our core package!

    • Type hints and docstrings
    • Unit tests
    • Code polishing
    • Metafile.yml
  • [ ] Move your modules into the core package following the codebase's file hierarchy structure.

  • Refactor your modules into the core package following the codebase's file hierarchy structure.