123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344 |
- # Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
- import argparse
- import glob
- import json
- import os.path as osp
- import shutil
- import subprocess
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import torch
- import yaml
- from mmengine.config import Config
- from mmengine.fileio import dump
- from mmengine.utils import mkdir_or_exist, scandir
- def ordered_yaml_dump(data, stream=None, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper, **kwds):
- class OrderedDumper(Dumper):
- pass
- def _dict_representer(dumper, data):
- return dumper.represent_mapping(
- yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, data.items())
- OrderedDumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, _dict_representer)
- return yaml.dump(data, stream, OrderedDumper, **kwds)
- def process_checkpoint(in_file, out_file):
- checkpoint = torch.load(in_file, map_location='cpu')
- # remove optimizer for smaller file size
- if 'optimizer' in checkpoint:
- del checkpoint['optimizer']
- # remove ema state_dict
- for key in list(checkpoint['state_dict']):
- if key.startswith('ema_'):
- checkpoint['state_dict'].pop(key)
- # if it is necessary to remove some sensitive data in checkpoint['meta'],
- # add the code here.
- if torch.__version__ >= '1.6':
- torch.save(checkpoint, out_file, _use_new_zipfile_serialization=False)
- else:
- torch.save(checkpoint, out_file)
- sha = subprocess.check_output(['sha256sum', out_file]).decode()
- final_file = out_file.rstrip('.pth') + '-{}.pth'.format(sha[:8])
- subprocess.Popen(['mv', out_file, final_file])
- return final_file
- def is_by_epoch(config):
- cfg = Config.fromfile('./configs/' + config)
- return cfg.runner.type == 'EpochBasedRunner'
- def get_final_epoch_or_iter(config):
- cfg = Config.fromfile('./configs/' + config)
- if cfg.runner.type == 'EpochBasedRunner':
- return cfg.runner.max_epochs
- else:
- return cfg.runner.max_iters
- def get_best_epoch_or_iter(exp_dir):
- best_epoch_iter_full_path = list(
- sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(exp_dir, 'best_*.pth'))))[-1]
- best_epoch_or_iter_model_path = best_epoch_iter_full_path.split('/')[-1]
- best_epoch_or_iter = best_epoch_or_iter_model_path.\
- split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]
- return best_epoch_or_iter_model_path, int(best_epoch_or_iter)
- def get_real_epoch_or_iter(config):
- cfg = Config.fromfile('./configs/' + config)
- if cfg.runner.type == 'EpochBasedRunner':
- epoch = cfg.runner.max_epochs
- if cfg.data.train.type == 'RepeatDataset':
- epoch *= cfg.data.train.times
- return epoch
- else:
- return cfg.runner.max_iters
- def get_final_results(log_json_path,
- epoch_or_iter,
- results_lut,
- by_epoch=True):
- result_dict = dict()
- last_val_line = None
- last_train_line = None
- last_val_line_idx = -1
- last_train_line_idx = -1
- with open(log_json_path, 'r') as f:
- for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
- log_line = json.loads(line)
- if 'mode' not in log_line.keys():
- continue
- if by_epoch:
- if (log_line['mode'] == 'train'
- and log_line['epoch'] == epoch_or_iter):
- result_dict['memory'] = log_line['memory']
- if (log_line['mode'] == 'val'
- and log_line['epoch'] == epoch_or_iter):
- result_dict.update({
- key: log_line[key]
- for key in results_lut if key in log_line
- })
- return result_dict
- else:
- if log_line['mode'] == 'train':
- last_train_line_idx = i
- last_train_line = log_line
- if log_line and log_line['mode'] == 'val':
- last_val_line_idx = i
- last_val_line = log_line
- # bug: max_iters = 768, last_train_line['iter'] = 750
- assert last_val_line_idx == last_train_line_idx + 1, \
- 'Log file is incomplete'
- result_dict['memory'] = last_train_line['memory']
- result_dict.update({
- key: last_val_line[key]
- for key in results_lut if key in last_val_line
- })
- return result_dict
- def get_dataset_name(config):
- # If there are more dataset, add here.
- name_map = dict(
- CityscapesDataset='Cityscapes',
- CocoDataset='COCO',
- CocoPanopticDataset='COCO',
- DeepFashionDataset='Deep Fashion',
- LVISV05Dataset='LVIS v0.5',
- LVISV1Dataset='LVIS v1',
- VOCDataset='Pascal VOC',
- WIDERFaceDataset='WIDER Face',
- OpenImagesDataset='OpenImagesDataset',
- OpenImagesChallengeDataset='OpenImagesChallengeDataset',
- Objects365V1Dataset='Objects365 v1',
- Objects365V2Dataset='Objects365 v2')
- cfg = Config.fromfile('./configs/' + config)
- return name_map[cfg.dataset_type]
- def convert_model_info_to_pwc(model_infos):
- pwc_files = {}
- for model in model_infos:
- cfg_folder_name = osp.split(model['config'])[-2]
- pwc_model_info = OrderedDict()
- pwc_model_info['Name'] = osp.split(model['config'])[-1].split('.')[0]
- pwc_model_info['In Collection'] = 'Please fill in Collection name'
- pwc_model_info['Config'] = osp.join('configs', model['config'])
- # get metadata
- memory = round(model['results']['memory'] / 1024, 1)
- meta_data = OrderedDict()
- meta_data['Training Memory (GB)'] = memory
- if 'epochs' in model:
- meta_data['Epochs'] = get_real_epoch_or_iter(model['config'])
- else:
- meta_data['Iterations'] = get_real_epoch_or_iter(model['config'])
- pwc_model_info['Metadata'] = meta_data
- # get dataset name
- dataset_name = get_dataset_name(model['config'])
- # get results
- results = []
- # if there are more metrics, add here.
- if 'bbox_mAP' in model['results']:
- metric = round(model['results']['bbox_mAP'] * 100, 1)
- results.append(
- OrderedDict(
- Task='Object Detection',
- Dataset=dataset_name,
- Metrics={'box AP': metric}))
- if 'segm_mAP' in model['results']:
- metric = round(model['results']['segm_mAP'] * 100, 1)
- results.append(
- OrderedDict(
- Task='Instance Segmentation',
- Dataset=dataset_name,
- Metrics={'mask AP': metric}))
- if 'PQ' in model['results']:
- metric = round(model['results']['PQ'], 1)
- results.append(
- OrderedDict(
- Task='Panoptic Segmentation',
- Dataset=dataset_name,
- Metrics={'PQ': metric}))
- pwc_model_info['Results'] = results
- link_string = 'https://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/'
- link_string += '{}/{}'.format(model['config'].rstrip('.py'),
- osp.split(model['model_path'])[-1])
- pwc_model_info['Weights'] = link_string
- if cfg_folder_name in pwc_files:
- pwc_files[cfg_folder_name].append(pwc_model_info)
- else:
- pwc_files[cfg_folder_name] = [pwc_model_info]
- return pwc_files
- def parse_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Gather benchmarked models')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'root',
- type=str,
- help='root path of benchmarked models to be gathered')
- parser.add_argument(
- 'out', type=str, help='output path of gathered models to be stored')
- parser.add_argument(
- '--best',
- action='store_true',
- help='whether to gather the best model.')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- return args
- def main():
- args = parse_args()
- models_root = args.root
- models_out = args.out
- mkdir_or_exist(models_out)
- # find all models in the root directory to be gathered
- raw_configs = list(scandir('./configs', '.py', recursive=True))
- # filter configs that is not trained in the experiments dir
- used_configs = []
- for raw_config in raw_configs:
- if osp.exists(osp.join(models_root, raw_config)):
- used_configs.append(raw_config)
- print(f'Find {len(used_configs)} models to be gathered')
- # find final_ckpt and log file for trained each config
- # and parse the best performance
- model_infos = []
- for used_config in used_configs:
- exp_dir = osp.join(models_root, used_config)
- by_epoch = is_by_epoch(used_config)
- # check whether the exps is finished
- if args.best is True:
- final_model, final_epoch_or_iter = get_best_epoch_or_iter(exp_dir)
- else:
- final_epoch_or_iter = get_final_epoch_or_iter(used_config)
- final_model = '{}_{}.pth'.format('epoch' if by_epoch else 'iter',
- final_epoch_or_iter)
- model_path = osp.join(exp_dir, final_model)
- # skip if the model is still training
- if not osp.exists(model_path):
- continue
- # get the latest logs
- log_json_path = list(
- sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(exp_dir, '*.log.json'))))[-1]
- log_txt_path = list(sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(exp_dir, '*.log'))))[-1]
- cfg = Config.fromfile('./configs/' + used_config)
- results_lut = cfg.evaluation.metric
- if not isinstance(results_lut, list):
- results_lut = [results_lut]
- # case when using VOC, the evaluation key is only 'mAP'
- # when using Panoptic Dataset, the evaluation key is 'PQ'.
- for i, key in enumerate(results_lut):
- if 'mAP' not in key and 'PQ' not in key:
- results_lut[i] = key + '_mAP'
- model_performance = get_final_results(log_json_path,
- final_epoch_or_iter, results_lut,
- by_epoch)
- if model_performance is None:
- continue
- model_time = osp.split(log_txt_path)[-1].split('.')[0]
- model_info = dict(
- config=used_config,
- results=model_performance,
- model_time=model_time,
- final_model=final_model,
- log_json_path=osp.split(log_json_path)[-1])
- model_info['epochs' if by_epoch else 'iterations'] =\
- final_epoch_or_iter
- model_infos.append(model_info)
- # publish model for each checkpoint
- publish_model_infos = []
- for model in model_infos:
- model_publish_dir = osp.join(models_out, model['config'].rstrip('.py'))
- mkdir_or_exist(model_publish_dir)
- model_name = osp.split(model['config'])[-1].split('.')[0]
- model_name += '_' + model['model_time']
- publish_model_path = osp.join(model_publish_dir, model_name)
- trained_model_path = osp.join(models_root, model['config'],
- model['final_model'])
- # convert model
- final_model_path = process_checkpoint(trained_model_path,
- publish_model_path)
- # copy log
- shutil.copy(
- osp.join(models_root, model['config'], model['log_json_path']),
- osp.join(model_publish_dir, f'{model_name}.log.json'))
- shutil.copy(
- osp.join(models_root, model['config'],
- model['log_json_path'].rstrip('.json')),
- osp.join(model_publish_dir, f'{model_name}.log'))
- # copy config to guarantee reproducibility
- config_path = model['config']
- config_path = osp.join(
- 'configs',
- config_path) if 'configs' not in config_path else config_path
- target_config_path = osp.split(config_path)[-1]
- shutil.copy(config_path, osp.join(model_publish_dir,
- target_config_path))
- model['model_path'] = final_model_path
- publish_model_infos.append(model)
- models = dict(models=publish_model_infos)
- print(f'Totally gathered {len(publish_model_infos)} models')
- dump(models, osp.join(models_out, 'model_info.json'))
- pwc_files = convert_model_info_to_pwc(publish_model_infos)
- for name in pwc_files:
- with open(osp.join(models_out, name + '_metafile.yml'), 'w') as f:
- ordered_yaml_dump(pwc_files[name], f, encoding='utf-8')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()