Tianheng Cheng, Xinggang Wang, Shaoyu Chen, Wenqiang Zhang, Qian Zhang, Chang Huang, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Wenyu Liu
(: corresponding author)
[arXiv paper] [CVPR paper] [slides]
## Description This is an implementation of [SparseInst](https://github.com/hustvl/SparseInst) based on [MMDetection](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/tree/main), [MMCV](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv), and [MMEngine](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmengine). **SparseInst** is a conceptually novel, efficient, and fully convolutional framework for real-time instance segmentation. In contrast to region boxes or anchors (centers), SparseInst adopts a sparse set of **instance activation maps** as object representation, to highlight informative regions for each foreground objects. Then it obtains the instance-level features by aggregating features according to the highlighted regions for recognition and segmentation. The bipartite matching compels the instance activation maps to predict objects in a one-to-one style, thus avoiding non-maximum suppression (NMS) in post-processing. Owing to the simple yet effective designs with instance activation maps, SparseInst has extremely fast inference speed and achieves **40 FPS** and **37.9 AP** on COCO (NVIDIA 2080Ti), significantly outperforms the counter parts in terms of speed and accuracy.
## Usage ### Training commands In MMDetection's root directory, run the following command to train the model: ```bash python tools/train.py projects/SparseInst/configs/sparseinst_r50_iam_8xb8-ms-270k_coco.py ``` For multi-gpu training, run: ```bash python -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes=1 --node_rank=0 --nproc_per_node=${NUM_GPUS} --master_port=29506 --master_addr="" tools/train.py projects/SparseInst/configs/sparseinst_r50_iam_8xb8-ms-270k_coco.py ``` ### Testing commands In MMDetection's root directory, run the following command to test the model: ```bash python tools/test.py projects/SparseInst/configs/sparseinst_r50_iam_8xb8-ms-270k_coco.py ${CHECKPOINT_PATH} ``` ## Results Here we provide the baseline version of SparseInst with ResNet50 backbone. To find more variants, please visit the [official model zoo](https://github.com/hustvl/SparseInst#models). | Backbone | Style | Lr schd | Mem (GB) | FPS | mask AP val2017 | Config | Download | | :------: | :-----: | :-----: | :------: | :--: | :-------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | R-50 | PyTorch | 270k | 8.7 | 44.3 | 32.9 | [config](./configs/sparseinst_r50_iam_8xb8-ms-270k_coco.py) | [model](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v3.0/sparseinst/sparseinst_r50_iam_8xb8-ms-270k_coco/sparseinst_r50_iam_8xb8-ms-270k_coco_20221111_181051-72c711cd.pth) \| [log](https://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v3.0/sparseinst/sparseinst_r50_iam_8xb8-ms-270k_coco/sparseinst_r50_iam_8xb8-ms-270k_coco_20221111_181051.json) | ## Citation If you find SparseInst is useful in your research or applications, please consider giving a star 🌟 to the [official repository](https://github.com/hustvl/SparseInst) and citing SparseInst by the following BibTeX entry. ```BibTeX @inproceedings{Cheng2022SparseInst, title = {Sparse Instance Activation for Real-Time Instance Segmentation}, author = {Cheng, Tianheng and Wang, Xinggang and Chen, Shaoyu and Zhang, Wenqiang and Zhang, Qian and Huang, Chang and Zhang, Zhaoxiang and Liu, Wenyu}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year = {2022} } ``` ## Checklist - [x] Milestone 1: PR-ready, and acceptable to be one of the `projects/`. - [x] Finish the code - [x] Basic docstrings & proper citation - [x] Test-time correctness - [x] A full README - [x] Milestone 2: Indicates a successful model implementation. - [x] Training-time correctness - [ ] Milestone 3: Good to be a part of our core package! - [ ] Type hints and docstrings - [ ] Unit tests - [ ] Code polishing - [ ] Metafile.yml - [ ] Move your modules into the core package following the codebase's file hierarchy structure. - [ ] Refactor your modules into the core package following the codebase's file hierarchy structure.