import json import threading import queue import time from modbus_tk import modbus_rtu_over_tcp from connector import Connector from event_storage import EventStorage from logging_config import logger class ModbusRtuOverTcpConnector(Connector, threading.Thread): def __init__(self, name, config, converter): super().__init__() self._master = None self.__stopped = False self._connected = False self._ip = config['ip'] # ip self._port = config['port'] # 端口 self._save_frequency = config['save_frequency'] # 数据存储时间间隔 self.setDaemon(True) self.setName(name) self.__converter = converter self.__storager = EventStorage() self.__command_queue = queue.Queue(500) self.__last_save_time = 0 self.__data_point_config = self.__storager.get_station_info(name) self._command = self.__storager.get_command_info(name) def open(self): self.__stopped = False self.start() def run(self): self._connect() self._connected = True while True: if isinstance(self._command, list): for i in self._command: command_list = json.loads(i['command']) self.command_polling(command_list, resend_times=5) time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) if self.__stopped: break def _connect(self): try: self._master = modbus_rtu_over_tcp.RtuOverTcpMaster(host=self._ip, port=self._port)"{self._ip}:{self._port} connect success!") except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Error in modbus_tcp_connector.__connect: {e}') self._connected = False self._reconnect() def _reconnect(self): while True: try: self._master = modbus_rtu_over_tcp.RtuOverTcpMaster(host=self._ip, port=self._port) logger.error('client start connect to host/port:{}'.format(self._port)) break except ConnectionRefusedError: logger.error('modbus server refused or not started, reconnect to server in 5s .... host/port:{}'.format(self._port)) time.sleep(5) except Exception as e: logger.error('do connect error:{}'.format(str(e))) time.sleep(5) def close(self): pass def get_name(self): return def is_connected(self): return self._connected def send_command(self, command): # command = {'device_id': 1, 'start_addr': 0, 'output_value': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'function_code': 15} # print(f"[send_command] {command}") try: if isinstance(command, dict): result = self.exec_command(command) elif isinstance(command, list): for each in command: result = self.exec_command(each) except Exception as e: print(f"[ModbusTcpConnector][send_command] error: {e}") result = False # print(f"[send_command][result] {result}") return result def exec_command(self, command): if isinstance(command, str): command = json.loads(command) device_id = int(command['device_id']) function_code = int(command['function_code']) start_addr = int(command['start_addr']) if function_code in (1, 2, 3, 4): # 读寄存器 length = int(command['length']) try: self._master.set_timeout(2.0) # modbus读取数据超时时间设置 self._master.set_verbose(True) # print(device_id, ' ', function_code, " ", start_addr, " ", length) receive_data = self._master.execute(device_id, function_code, start_addr, length) datadict = {} for i in range(len(receive_data)): addr = start_addr + i datadict[addr] = receive_data[i] result = [device_id, datadict] return result except Exception as e: logger.error(f'An error occurred while executing the read register command:{e}') elif function_code in (5, 6, 15, 16): # 写寄存器 output_value = command['output_value'] try: self._master.set_timeout(10.0) self._master.set_verbose(True) data = self._master.execute(device_id, function_code, start_addr, output_value=output_value) # print("data = ", data) # data = (0, 65280) or (0, 0) result = False if function_code == 5 and "res" in command.keys(): res = command["res"] if start_addr == data[0] and res == data[1]: result = True return result except Exception as e: logger.error(f'An error occurred while executing the write register command:{e}') else: logger.error(f'Unsupported function code.') def command_polling(self, command_list, resend_times=None): # msg = str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) for i in range(len(command_list)): command_item = command_list[i] if not self.__command_queue.empty(): write_command = self.__command_queue.get() # 写命令来自数组 try: res = self.exec_command(command=write_command) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"modbus_rtu,write:{e}") else: result = self.exec_command(command=command_item) format_data = None if result: format_data = self.__converter.convert(self.__data_point_config, result) if format_data: if format_data != "error" and format_data != 'pass': # 往redis存储数据 self.__storager.real_time_data_storage(format_data)